Board Agenda and Minutes

2024 Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda

_______________Thursday, October 3th, at 4:15 pm____________

Call to order:  Approval of the August 8th, 2024 meeting minutes.

Sharing of library correspondence and public comment

  • Donation thank you
  • Congratulatory letter from SDSL for achieving accreditation

Review and approval of the previous Monthly Bills/ Petty Cash Report

Previous Months Librarian’s Report

Previous Months Deletes Report

Executive Session if needed

Presentation of Non-board action items

  • Gift Report
  • Program Updates from Library Report
  • Children’s Zone Project Update
  • Book Sale Report
  • Additional items of interest

Unfinished Business:  

New Business:

  • Review of Patron Accounts Policy
  • Review of Collection Development Policy
  • Any Good for the Good of the Organization

Calendar attached for upcoming Library Events/Programs

Next Meeting date and time:  Thursday, Nov. 7th, 2024 at 4:15 p.m. 


2024 Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes

_______________Thursday, August 8th, 2024 at 4:15 pm____________

Vice President Darcille Mueller called the meeting to order.  Others present:  Janis Yeager, Jeannie Tietjen, Cheryl Conrad and Karen Layher.

A motion was made by Janis Yeager to accept the minutes of the July 11th meeting with a second given by Cheryl Conrad.    The motion carried being approved by all.   

Financial reports for July were reviewed and a motion to accept was made by Jeannie Tietjen with the 2nd given by Janis Yeager.  Motion carried approved by all.

Tammy Wollschlager gave the Librarian’s report for July.   There were 2760 items circulated and 1026 EBook checkouts.   Computer usage was 558 blocks.   Website visits were 1437.   The library added 11 new patrons in July.    A total of 12 deliveries were made in the month of July.  

A summary report supporting the 419 July deletes on the librarian report was shared.  A motion to accept the report was made by Cheryl Conrad with the 2nd given by Janis Yeager.  Motion carried approved by all. 

Non-action general information presented to the board by Tammy Wollschlager, Library Director:  

  • It was reported the library received 36 gifted items added to the library collection in July.    
  • An update on programs held in July showed 25 in-person programs with 1171 in attendance and 12 self-directed programs with 1397 participants. 
  • The annual book sale will start on Monday, August 12th and run through the 30th.  

Unfinished Business 

  • No unfinished business was discussed.    

New Business:  

  • A motion was made by Cheryl Conrad for Tammy Wollschlager and Joanne Urban to attend the South Dakota Library Association annual conference in Aberdeen on Sept. 24-26th.   Karen Layher gave the motion a second.  With all in favor the motion passed. 
  • No other new business was discussed.      

Next Meeting date and time will be September 5th, 2024 at 4:15 p.m.    A motion was made by Jeannie Tietjen to adjourn the meeting.  The 2nd was made by Janis Yeager and carried.   

2024 Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda

_______________Thursday, July 11th, at 4:15 pm____________

Call to order:  Approval of the 6/6/2024 meeting minutes.

Sharing of library correspondence and public comment

Review and approval of the previous Monthly Bills/ Petty Cash Report

Previous Months Librarian’s Report

Previous Months Deletes Report

Executive Session

Presentation of Non-board action items

  • Gift Report
  • Program Updates from Library Report
  • Summer Reading Program Review
  • Sodak Library Programs Donation
  •  Granite Sign fixed
  • Additional items of interest

Unfinished Business:  

  • Other Unfinished Business

New Business:

  • Review of Policy Book by sections
  • Any Good for the Good of the Organization

Calendar attached for upcoming Library Events/Programs

  • Book Sale:  August 12-31

Next Meeting date and time:  Thursday, August 8, 2024 at 4:15 p.m. 


2024 Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes

_______________Thursday, July 11th, 2024 at 4:15 pm____________

Vice President Darcille Mueller called the meeting to order.  Others present:  Janis Yeager, Jeannie Tietjen, Cheryl Conrad and Karen Layher.   Diane Pillatzke was not present.

 A motion was made by Janis Yeager to accept the minutes with a second given by Cheryl Conrad.    The motion carried being approved by all.   

Tammy Wollschlager, Library Director shared public comment and correspondence.  Thirty-two surveys were filled out all with positive feedback following the Trent Preszler author visit event on June 27th.  A donation to the Friends of the Library was reported having been directed by Austin Asche from the Valley Queen Charitable Foundation.  A letter from patrons of the Big Stone City Branch of the Grant County Public library was shared withdrawing their request to start a Friends of the Library Group.  

Financial reports for June were reviewed and a motion to accept was made by Cheryl Conrad with the 2nd given by Janis Yeager.  Motion carried approved by all.

The Librarian’s report for June was given.   There were 5755 items circulated and 944 EBook checkouts.   Computer usage was 388 blocks.   Website visits were 1578.   The library added 16 new patrons in June.    A total of 9 deliveries were made in the month of June.  

A summary report supporting the 195 June deletes on the librarian report was shared.  A motion to accept the report was made by Karen Layher with the 2nd given by Jeannie Tietjen.  Motion carried approved by all. 

Non-action general information presented to the board by Tammy Wollschlager, Library Director:  

  • It was reported the library received 20 gifted items added to the library collection in June.    
  • An update on programs held in June showed 28 in-person programs with 938 in attendance and 12 self-directed programs with 300 participants.  There were three one to one programs held. 
  • A donation of $665 from Shady Beach was reported and will be used for upcoming programs.
  • Renewal of the Library accreditation and staff certifications was discussed. 
  • Tammy reported the completion of the repair to the granite sign. 

A motion to enter executive session was made by Karen Layher and a second given by Cheryl Conrad to discuss a personnel issue.  The session was entered at 4:40 and ended at 5:05.  

Unfinished Business. 

  • No other unfinished business was discussed.    

New Business:  

  • Upcoming SDLA was discussed and will be further discussed at the August meeting.
  • The need to review the policy handbook and make updates one section at the time was discussed.
  • No other new business was discussed.      

Next Meeting date and time will be August 8th, 2024 at 4:15 p.m.    A motion was made by Cheryl Conrad to adjourn the meeting.  The 2nd was made by Janis Yeager and carried.   

2024 Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda

_______________Thursday, July 11th, at 4:15 pm____________

Call to order:  Approval of the 6/6/2024 meeting minutes.

Sharing of library correspondence and public comment

Review and approval of the previous Monthly Bills/ Petty Cash Report

Previous Months Librarian’s Report

Previous Months Deletes Report

Executive Session

Presentation of Non-board action items

  • Gift Report
  • Program Updates from Library Report
  • Summer Reading Program Review
  • Shady Beach Library Programs Donation
  •  Granite Sign fixed
  • Additional items of interest

Unfinished Business:  

  • Other Unfinished Business

New Business:

  • Review of Policy Book by sections
  • Any Good for the Good of the Organization

Calendar attached for upcoming Library Events/Programs

  • Book Sale:  August 12-31

Next Meeting date and time:  Thursday, August 8, 2024 at 4:15 p.m. 


2024 Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes

_______________Thursday, June 6th, 2024 at 4:15 pm____________

Vice President Darcille Mueller called the meeting to order.  Others present:  Janice Yeager, Jeannie Tietjen, and Cheryl Conrad.

A motion was made by Cheryl Conrad to accept the minutes with a second given by Jeanne Tietjen.    The motion carried being approved by all.   

Tammy Wollschlager, Library Director shared public comment and correspondence.  She shared an email received from kick off performer, Phil Baker.  He was very complimentary regarding the 5/29 event stating he liked the community event and that it should be a “model for every library in the state.”   Many others have shared enjoying the event as well.   

Financial reports for May were reviewed and a motion to accept was made by Jeannie Tietjen with the 2nd given by Janice Yeager.  Motion carried approved by all.

The Librarian’s report for May was given.   There were 4146 items circulated and 966 EBook checkouts.   Computer usage was 382blocks.   Website visits were 1057.   The library added 15 new patrons in May.    A total of 12 deliveries were made in May.     

A summary report supporting the 438 May deletes on the librarian report was shared.  A motion to accept the report was made by Cheryl Conrad with the 2nd given by Janice Yeager.  Motion carried approved by all. 

Non-action general information presented to the board by Tammy Wollschlager, Library Director:  

  • It was reported the library received 21 gifted items added to the library collection in May.    
  • An update on programs held in May showed 20 in-person programs with 273 in attendance and 5 self-directed programs with 216 participants.  The Revillo branch had 4 in person events and the Big Stone Branch had 2. 
  • It was reported that Joanne Urban is attending her third year of Library Institute to receive certification. 
  • An update of the Summer Reading Program was given.   248 are enrolled in the program with the first two program attendance of 216 and 224. 

Unfinished Business. 

  • No unfinished business was discussed.    

New Business:  

  • No new business was discussed.      

Next Meeting date and time will be July 11th, 2024 at 4:15 p.m.    A motion was made by Jeannie Tietjen to adjourn the meeting.  The 2nd was made by Cheryl Conrad and carried.   

2024 Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda

_______________Thursday, June 6th, at 4:15 pm____________

Call to order:  Approval of the 5/2/2024 meeting minutes.

Sharing of library correspondence and public comment

Review and approval of the previous Monthly Bills/ Petty Cash Report

Previous Months Librarian’s Report

Previous Months Deletes Report

Executive Session (if needed)

Presentation of Non-board action items

  • Gift Report
  • Program Updates from Library Report
  • Joanne Urban attending 3rd year of Library Institute
  • Summer Reading Program Review (# enrolled)
    • Kick off with estimated 216 attending
    • Weekly events scheduled June 12th, 19th and 26th
    • Jeff Quinn performances July 3rd at 10:30, 1:00 and 3:00
    • Finale:  July 10th for K-5 and July 17th for 6-9
  • Additional items of interest

Unfinished Business:  

  • Other Unfinished Business

New Business:

  • Any Good for the Good of the Organization

Calendar attached for upcoming Library Events/Programs

  • Pizza Hut Fundraiser on Wed. June 12th
  • Library closed on Wednesday, June 19th for Juneteenth
  • One Book SD Author Talk on Thursday, June 27th at 11:30 a.m.   

Next Meeting date and time:  Thursday, July 11th, 2024 at 4:15 p.m. 


2024 Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes

_______________Thursday, May 2nd, 2024 at 4:15 pm____________

President Diane Pillatzke called the meeting to order.  Others present:  Janice Yeager, Jeannie Tietjen, Darcille Mueller and Cheryl Conrad.

A motion was made by Janice Yeager to accept the minutes with a second given by Darcille Mueller.    The motion carried being approved by all.   

Tammy Wollschlager, Library Director shared public comment and correspondence.   A thank you note from the library to Lucy Armitage was shared thanking her for generously donating her craft supplies.   

Financial reports for April were reviewed and a motion to accept was made by Jeannie Tietjen with the 2nd given by Janice Yeager.  Motion carried approved by all.

The Librarian’s report for April was given.   There were 4339 items circulated and 1121 EBook checkouts.   Computer usage was 359 blocks.   Website visits were 426.   The library added 9 new patrons in April.    A total of 11 deliveries were made in the month of April.  

A summary report supporting the 197 deletes on the librarian report was shared.  A motion to accept the report was made by Cheryl Conrad with the 2nd given by Jeannie Tietjen.  Motion carried approved by all. 

Non-action general information presented to the board by Tammy Wollschlager, Library Director:  

  • It was reported the library received 16 gifted items added to the library collection in April.      
  • An update on programs held in April showed 57 in-person programs with 908 in attendance and 32 passive programs with 1250 participants.  14 one-to-one sessions were recorded.
  • An update on the upcoming Summer Reading Program plans was given.  
  • It was reported that the library will be the recipient of the proceeds from the May meat raffles held at Shady Beach Supper Club each Sunday in May. 

Unfinished Business. 

  • A motion was made by Jeannie Tietjen that when a holiday closing lands on a Friday and Monday, the library will also be closed on Saturday.   Cheryl Conrad gave the second with all in favor.   
  • No other unfinished business was discussed.    

New Business:  

  • No new business was discussed.      

A calendar was shared showing the upcoming library events.

Next Meeting date and time will be June 6th, 2024 at 4:15 p.m.    A motion was made by Jeannie Tietjen to adjourn the meeting.  The 2nd was made by Janice Yeager and carried.   

2024 Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda

_______________Thursday, May 2nd, at 4:15 am____________

Call to order:  Approval of the 4/4/2024 meeting minutes.

Sharing of library correspondence and public comment

Review and approval of the previous Monthly Bills/ Petty Cash Report

Previous Months Librarian’s Report

Previous Months Deletes Report

Executive Session (if needed)

Presentation of Non-board action items

  • Gift Report
  • Program Updates from Library Report
  • Donations:  Supplies and SRP donations. 
  • Additional items of interest

Unfinished Business:  

  • Other unfinished business
  • Summer Reading Program Review
    • Info out on May 1/sign-ups beginning
    • Kick off set for May 29th
    • Jeff Quinn performances July 3rd at 10, 1:00 and 3:00
    • Finale:  July 10th 

New Business:

  • Any Good for the Good of the Organization

Calendar attached for upcoming Library Events/Programs

Next Meeting date and time:  Thursday, June 6th, 2024 at 4:15 p.m. 


2024 Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes

_______________Thursday, April 4th, 2024 at 4:15 pm____________

Vice President, Darcille Mueller called the meeting to order.  Others present:  Janis Yeager, Jeannie Tietjen, Cheryl Conrad and Karen Layher.

A motion was made by Jeannie Tietjen to accept the minutes with a second given by Cheryl Conrad.    The motion carried being approved by all.   

Tammy Wollschlager, Library Director shared public comment and correspondence.  A thank you card received from Kathie Lantis, a prize recipient from the “Blind Date with a Book” program was shared.  A thank you card from the Milbank Chamber received after the library hosted the Chamber Coffee in April was shared.  Tammy also reported sending a thank you to the South Dakota Charitable Foundation for the $1500 Summer Reading Program Grant received by the library. 

Financial reports for March were reviewed and a motion to accept was made by Janis Yeager with the 2nd given by Jeannie Tietjen.  Motion carried approved by all.

The Librarian’s report for March was given.   There were 4035 items circulated and 1091 EBook checkouts. A total of 12 book deliveries were made in the month of March.  Computer usage was 369 blocks.   Website visits were 489.   The library added 9 new patrons in March.    

A summary report supporting the 480 deletes on the librarian report was shared.  A motion to accept the report was made by Jeannie Tietjen with the 2nd given by Karen Layher.  Motion carried approved by all. 

Non-action general information presented to the board by Tammy Wollschlager, Library Director:  

  • It was reported the library received 11 gifted items added to the library collection in March.    
  • An update on programs held in March showed 43 in-person programs with 366 in attendance and 20 passive programs with 927 participants.  An additional 38 one-to-one programs were reported.
  • A Staff and Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast is planned for Tuesday, April 16th at 9:00 a.m. in conjunction with the annual National Library week and National Volunteer Week.  
  • It was reported that eleven classes are scheduled for school tours in April and May. 
  • Six Grant County Public Library staff are scheduled for a CPR class at the Court House on Monday, April 8th.   

Unfinished Business. 

  • A proposal for “Rules and Guidelines for a Support Committee for the Big Stone City Branch of the Grant County Library was reviewed.   A motion was made by Karen Layher to allow the Big Stone City Branch of GCPL to form an official Friends group under the recommended guidelines adopted from the State Library.   The motion was given a second by Jeanne Tietjen and all were in favor.   
  • An overview of the plans for the upcoming Summer Reading Program were shared.   
  • No other unfinished business was discussed.    

New Business:  

  • Tammy Wollschlager shared a need for motion light to be added to the back storage room to more illuminate the room for a safer entrance. 
  • Possible library improvements were shared including a need for inside painting and furnishings.   
  • Other new business was shared with a brochure of the 2023 Annual Report.         

Next Meeting date and time will be May 2nd, 2024 at 4:15 p.m.    A motion was made by Karen Layher to adjourn the meeting.  The 2nd was made by Cheryl Conrad and carried.   

2024 Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda

_______________Thursday, April 4th, at 4:15 am____________

Call to order:  Approval of the March 7th meeting minutes.

Sharing of library correspondence and public comment

Review and approval of the previous Monthly Bills/ Petty Cash Report

Previous Months Librarian’s Report

Previous Months Deletes Report

Executive Session (if needed)

Presentation of Non-board action items

  • Gift Report
  • Staff/Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast on Tuesday, April 16th at 9:00
  • Program Updates from Library Report

Unfinished Business:  

  • Other unfinished business
  • Big Stone City Branch support group and fundraising Guideline Review
  • Summer Reading Program Review

New Business:

  • Any Good for the Good of the Organization

Calendar attached for upcoming Library Events/Programs

Next Meeting date and time:  Thursday, May 2nd, 2024 at 4:15 p.m. 


2024 Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes

_______________Thursday, March 7th, 2024 at 4:15 pm____________

President Diane Pillatzke called the meeting to order.  Others present:  Janice Yeager, Jeannie Tietjen, Darcille Mueller, and Cheryl Conrad.

A motion was made by Jeanne Tietjen to accept the minutes with a second given by Cheryl Conrad. The motion carried being approved by all.   

Tammy Wollschlager, Library Director, when sharing public comment and correspondence, shared a thank you sent for a recent donation given with positive feedback from a thankful library patron.   

Financial reports for February were reviewed and a motion to accept was made by Janice Yeager with the 2nd given by Jeannie Tietjen.  Motion carried approved by all.

The Librarian’s report for February was given.   There were 3749 reference and circulated items and 1096 EBook checkouts.   Computer usage was 430 blocks.   Website visits were 504.   The library added 7 new patrons in February.    A total of 13 deliveries were made in the month of February.  

A summary report supporting the 343 deletes in the month of February was shared.  A motion to accept the report was made by Darcille Mueller with the 2nd given by Cheryl Conrad.  Motion carried approved by all. 

Non-action general information presented to the board by Tammy Wollschlager, Library Director:  

  • It was reported the library received 9 gifted items added to the library collection in February.     
  • An update on programs held in February showed 40 in-person programs with 353 in attendance and 13 self-directed programs with 436 participants.  There were 9 one-to-one sessions held. 
  • The staff has a team building event on 3/8, library cleaning on 3/13 and SRP training on 3/12.
  • The library will be hosting the Chamber Coffee on March 21st 7:30-9.  
  • It was reported the library was awarded a $2500 donation from the Valley Queen Charitable Foundation. 
  • It was reported the library was received notification they would be awarded a $1500 Grant through the Stephanie Miller-Davis grant program.     

Unfinished Business. 

  • No other unfinished business was discussed.    

New Business:  

  • Kim McCrea started as a library assistant on March 1st.  
  • The proposal the for Big Stone City Branch Library to start a “Supporters of the library” group as opposed to a “Friends of the Library” group was discussed.  A request to have written guidelines for such a group in place was requested before approval.  
  • Tuesday, April 16th at 9:00 a.m. the library will host an Appreciation Breakfast for all staff and volunteers. 
  • No other new business was discussed.      

Next Meeting date and time will be April 4th, 2024 at 4:15 p.m.    A motion was made by Jeannie Tietjen to adjourn the meeting.  The 2nd was made by Janice Yeager and carried.   

2024 Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda

_______________Thursday, March 7th, at 4:15 am____________

Call to order:  Approval of the Feb 8th, 2024 meeting minutes.

Sharing of library correspondence and public comment

Review and approval of the previous Monthly Bills/ Petty Cash Report

Previous Months Librarian’s Report

Previous Months Deletes Report

Executive Session (if needed)

Presentation of Non-board action items

  • Gift Report
  • Program Updates from Library Report
  • Staff Event:  Friday, March 8th at 5:00 Egg Painting
  • Jump Start SRP Training Class on Tuesday, March 12th 5-7:00
  • Library Cleaning Day on Wednesday, March 13th 8:30-12:30
  • Chamber Coffee on March 21 7:30-9
  • Received $2500 donation from Valley Queen Charitable Foundation
  • Awarded $1500 for Summer Reading Program through Stephanie Miller-Davis Grant Program

Unfinished Business:  

  • Other unfinished business

New Business:

  • New Hire:  Kim McCrea started March 1st
  • Big Stone City Branch support group and fundraising
  • Staff/Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast on Tuesday, April 16th at 9:00
  • Library interior painting
  • Any Good for the Good of the Organization

Calendar attached for upcoming Library Events/Programs

Next Meeting date and time:  Thursday, April 4th, 2024 at 4:15 p.m. 


2024 Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes

_______________Thursday, February 8th, 2024 at 4:15 pm____________

President Diane Pillatzke called the meeting to order.  Others present:  Jeannie Tietjen, Darcille Mueller, and Cheryl Conrad.

A motion was made by Jeannie Tietjen to accept the minutes with a second given by Cheryl Conrad.    The motion carried being approved by all.   

Tammy Wollschlager, Library Director shared that three thank you notes had been sent to patrons making donations to the library and Friends of the Library group. 

Financial reports for January were reviewed and a motion to accept was made by Cheryl Conrad with the 2nd given by Darcille Mueller.  Motion carried approved by all.

The Librarian’s report for January was given.   There were 3863 items circulated and 1265 EBook checkouts.   Computer usage was 481 blocks.   Website visits were 436.   The library added 7 new patrons during the month of January.    Library staff made 10 deliveries in the month of January.  

A summary report supporting the 40 deletes on the librarian report was shared.  A motion to accept the report was made by Jeannie Tietjen with the 2nd given by Darcille Mueller.  Motion carried approved by all. 

Non-action general information presented to the board by Tammy Wollschlager, Library Director:  

  • It was reported the library received 23 gifted items added to the library collection in January.      
  • An update on programs held in January showed 30 in-person programs with 298 in attendance and 8 self-directed programs with 137 patrons participating.    There were also 9 one-to-one program sessions held and 18 participating.
  • Tammy Wollschlager, director, reported the library will be hosting a Chamber of Commerce morning coffee on March 21st.
  • Library staff will be participating on a Summer Reading Program Training course put on by the SD State Library on March 12th from 5-7.    

Unfinished Business. 

  • No unfinished business was discussed.    

New Business:  

  • A motion was made by Cheryl Conrad for the library to be closed until 1:00 on Wednesday, March 13th to allow staff to clean.   The needed 2nd was given by Jeannie Tietjen.  
  • A motion was made by Jeannie Tietjen for the library to be closed for Holiday from noon on Friday, March 29th through Saturday, March 30th.  Darcille Mueller gave the second with all in favor. 
  • No other new business was discussed.      

Next Meeting date and time will be March 7th, 2024 at 4:15 p.m.    A motion was made by Darcille Mueller to adjourn the meeting.  The 2nd was made by Cheryl Conrad and carried.   

2024 Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda

_______________Thursday, February 8th, at 4:15 am____________

Call to order:  Approval of the January 4th, 2024 meeting minutes.

Sharing of library correspondence and public comment

Review and approval of the previous Monthly Bills/ Petty Cash Report

Previous Months Librarian’s Report

Previous Months Deletes Report

Executive Session (if needed)

Presentation of Non-board action items

  • Gift Report
  • Program Updates from Library Report

Unfinished Business:  

  • Chamber Breakfast on March 21
  • Jump Start SRP Training Class on Tuesday, March 12th.
  • Other unfinished business

New Business:

  • Library Cleaning Day possibly on Wednesday, March 13th
  • Possibly closing on Saturday, March 30th following an early closing on Friday March 29th
  • Any Good for the Good of the Organization

Calendar attached for upcoming Library Events/Programs

  • Staff Meeting:  Friday, January 19th at 8:30 a.m.
  • Friends of the Library meeting:  Monday, January 22nd at 5:00 p.m.  

Next Meeting date and time:  Thursday, March 7th, 2024 at 4:15 p.m. 


2023 Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes

_______________Thursday, January 4th, 2023 at 4:15 pm____________

President Diane Pillatzke called the meeting to order.  Others present:  Janis Yeager, Darcille Mueller, and Cheryl Conrad.   Jeannie Tietjen and Karen Layher were absent.

A motion was made by Cheryl Conrad to accept the minutes with a second given by Darcille Mueller.    The motion carried being approved by all.   

No public comment or correspondence items were shared.

Financial reports for December were reviewed and a motion to accept was made by Janis Yeager with the 2nd given by Cheryl Conrad.  Motion carried approved by all.

The Librarian’s report for December was given.   There were 2891 items circulated and 1112 EBook checkouts.   Computer usage was 434 hours.   Website sessions was recorded at 390.   No new patrons were added to the library system in December.  A total of 13 deliveries were made in the month of December.  

A summary report supporting the 181 deleted items on the librarian report was shared.  A motion to accept the report was made by Cheryl Conrad with the 2nd given by Janis Yeager.  Motion carried approved by all. 

Non-action general information presented to the board by Tammy Wollschlager, Library Director:  

  • It was reported no items gifted in the month of December were processed.      
  • An update on programs held in December showed 20 in-person programs with 232 in attendance and 17 self-directed programs with 496 participating. 

Unfinished Business. 

  • The term for Board of Trustee Member, Diane Pillatzke was renewed through January of 2027 with the motion to do so made by Janis Yeager and the needed 2nd given by Darcille Mueller.
  • The term for Board of Trustee Member, Darcille Mueller was renewed through January of 2027 with the motion to do so made by Janis Yeager and the needed 2nd given by Darcille Mueller.     
  • No other unfinished business was discussed.    

New Business:  

  • No other new business was discussed.      

Next Meeting date and time will be February 8th, 2023 at 4:15 p.m.   

A motion was made by Cheryl Conrad to adjourn the meeting.  The 2nd was made by Darcille Mueller and carried.   

2024 Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda

_______________Thursday, January 4th, at 10:00 am____________

Call to order:  Approval of the December 7th, 2023 meeting minutes.  Note time change for the January 4th meeting to 10 a.m. from 4:15 p.m.

Sharing of library correspondence and public comment

Review and approval of the previous Monthly Bills/ Petty Cash Report

Previous Months Librarian’s Report

Previous Months Deletes Report

Executive Session (if needed)

Presentation of Non-board action items

  • Gift Report
  • Program Updates from Library Report

Unfinished Business:  

  • Term renewals for Board of Trustee Members, Diane Pillatzke and Darcille Mueller.
  • Other unfinished business

New Business:

  • Any Good for the Good of the Organization

Calendar attached for upcoming Library Events/Programs

  • Staff Meeting:  Friday, January 19th at 8:30 a.m.
  • Friends of the Library meeting:  Monday, January 22nd at 5:00 p.m.  

Next Meeting date and time:  Thursday, February 8th, 2023 at 4:15 p.m. 


2023 Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes

_______________Thursday, December 7th, 2023 at 4:15 pm____________

President Diane Pillatzke called the meeting to order.  Others present:  Janice Yeager, Jeannie Tietjen, Darcille Mueller, Cheryl Conrad and Karen Layher.

A motion was made by Cheryl Conrad to accept the minutes with a second given by Darcille Mueller.    The motion carried being approved by all.   

No public comments or correspondence was shared.

Financial reports for November were reviewed and a motion to accept was made by Janice Yeager with the 2nd given by Jeannie Tietjen.  Motion carried approved by all.

The Librarian’s report for November was given.   There were 3355 items circulated and 1110 eBook checkouts.   Computer usage was 190 blocks.   Website visits were 562.   The library added 10 new patrons in November.    A total of 15 deliveries were made in the month of November.    

A summary report supporting the 147 November deletes on the librarian report were shared.  A motion to accept the report was made by Karen Layher with the 2nd given by Cheryl Conrad.  Motion carried approved by all. 

Non-action general information presented to the board by Tammy Wollschlager, Library Director:  

  • It was reported the library received 19 gifted items added to the library collection in November.    
  • An update on programs held in November showed 23 in-person programs with 304 in attendance and 13 passive programs with 224 participants, reflecting a large increase than the previous year. 

Unfinished Business. 

  • No other unfinished business was discussed.    

New Business:  

  • No new business was on the agenda to be discussed.         
  • Other new business for the good of the organization discussed as follows:        
  • The library was given notice the commissioners voted to have December 26th a holiday for county workers.   Therefore, the library will be closed the additional day for the holidays. 
  • The terms for Board of Trustee Members, Diane Pillatzke, Dusty Mueller and Karen Layer are set to expire in January of 2024.   All agreed to serving another term and will be on the January agenda.

Next Meeting date and time will be January 4th, 2024 at 4:15 p.m.    A motion was made by Darcille Mueller to adjourn the meeting.  The 2nd was made by Karen Layher and carried.   

2023 Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda

_______________Thursday, December 7th, at 4:15 pm____________

Call to order:  Approval of the November 2nd, 2023 meeting minutes

Sharing of library correspondence and public comment

Review and approval of the previous Monthly Bills/ Petty Cash Report

Previous Months Librarian’s Report

Previous Months Deletes Report

Executive Session (if needed)

Presentation of Non-board action items

  • Gift Report
  • Program Updates from Library Report

Unfinished Business:  

  • Old Business 

New Business:

  • Any Good for the Good of the Organization

Calendar attached for upcoming Library Events/Programs

  • Staff Meeting:  Friday, December 15th at 8:30
  • Friends of the Library meeting:  Monday, January 15th at 5:00 

Next Meeting date and time:  Thursday, January 4th, 2023 at 4:15 


2023 Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes

_______________Thursday, November 2nd, 2023 at 4:15 pm____________

President Diane Pillatzke called the meeting to order.  Others present:  Janice Yeager, Darcille Mueller, Cheryl Conrad and Karen Layher.  Jeannie Tietjen was absent. 

A motion was made by Cheryl Conrad to accept the minutes with a second given by Darcille Mueller.    The motion carried being approved by all.   

Tammy Wollschlager, Library Director shared positive public comment and a thank you poster from the Milbank Elementary first grade class in appreciation of the Read for the Record off site program held on Thursday, Oct. 26th.   She also noted positive public comment for the Halloween Party and shared a thank you sent to the Horizons group for a laptop donated to the GCPL system. 

Financial reports for October were reviewed and a motion to accept was made by Darcille Mueller, with the 2nd given by Janice Yeager.  Motion carried approved by all.

The Librarian’s report for October was given.   There were 3604 items circulated and 1171 EBook checkouts.   Computer usage was 215 blocks.   Website visits were estimated at 492.   The library added 5 new patrons in October.    A total of 13 deliveries were made in the month of October.  

A summary report supporting the 118 October deletes on the librarian report were shared.  A motion to accept the report was made by Janice Yeager with the 2nd by Karen Layher.  Motion carried approved by all. 

Non-action general information presented to the board by Tammy Wollschlager, Library Director:  

  • It was reported the library received 41 gifted items added to the library collection in October.    
  • An update on programs held in October showed 59 in-person programs with 991 in attendance and 14 passive programs with 150 participants. 
  • It was reported that new furnishings were delivered on Oct. 24th and two more chairs are still coming. 

Unfinished Business. 

  • Tammy reported a step to enter the back storage area is completed.  Handicap rails will be added soon.
  • The Library Collection Development Policy was reviewed.  A motion was made by Cheryl Conrad to accept minor revisions and update the GCPL Policy Manual accordingly.   Janice Yeager gave the second with all in favor. 
  • No other unfinished business was discussed.    

New Business:  

  • No other new business was discussed.      

Next Meeting date and time will be December 7th, 2023 at 4:15 p.m.    A motion was made by Karen Layher to adjourn the meeting.  The 2nd was made by Cheryl Conrad and carried.   

2023 Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda

_______________Thursday, November 2nd, at 4:15 pm____________

Call to order:  Approval of the October 5th, 2023 meeting minutes

Sharing of library correspondence and public comment

Review and approval of the previous Monthly Bills/ Petty Cash Report

Previous Months Librarian’s Report

Previous Months Deletes Report

Executive Session (if needed)

Presentation of Non-board action items

  • Gift Report
  • Program Updates from Library Report
  • Periodical Furnishings (2 more chairs coming)

Unfinished Business:  

  • Step to back storage room is completed.  Waiting for safety rails.
  • Review of Library Collection Development Policy
  • Other old Business 

New Business:

  • Any other Good for the Good of the Organization

Calendar attached for upcoming Library Events/Programs

  • Staff Meeting:  Friday, November 17th at 8:30
  • Friends of the Library meeting:  Monday, November 20th at 5:00 

Next Meeting date and time:  Thursday, December 7th, 2023 at 4:15 


2023 Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes

_______________Thursday, October 5th, 2023 at 4:15 pm____________

President Diane Pillatzke called the meeting to order.  Others present:  Janice Yeager, Darcille Mueller, Jeannie Tietjen, and Karen Layher. 

A motion was made by Jeannie Tietjen to accept the minutes with a second given by Darcille Mueller.    The motion carried being approved by all.   

Tammy Wollschlager, Library Director shared correspondence from the current Grant County Review showing the Grant County Public Library being recognized as the library in a service area over 5000 with the largest growth in the summer reading program.

Financial reports for September were reviewed and a motion to accept was made by Janice Yeager, with the 2nd given by Karen Layher.  Motion carried approved by all.

The Librarian’s report for September was given.   There were 3413 items circulated and 1087 EBook checkouts.   Computer usage was 409 blocks.   Wi-Fi sessions/Website stats were not available.  The library added 69 new patrons in September.    A total of 8 deliveries were made in the month of September.  

A summary report supporting the September deletes on the librarian report were shared.  A motion to accept the report was made by Karen Layher with the 2nd by Jeannie Tietjen.  Motion carried approved by all. 

Non-action general information presented to the board by Tammy Wollschlager, Library Director:  

  • It was reported the library received 2 gifted items added to the library collection in September. 
  • An update on programs held in September showed 23 in-person programs with 458 in attendance and 7 passive programs with 58 participants. 
  • Staff member, Cheryl Schweer is doing a program every other Monday at Koch Senior Living focused on “Reminisce” magazine articles and memories of past years.   

Unfinished Business. 

  • Tammy reported building a step to enter the back storage area is underway.  Handicap rails will be added. 
  • The purchase of new furnishings for the Periodical area was discussed and will be pursued. 
  • No other unfinished business was discussed.    

New Business:  

  • Tammy Wollschlager and Joanne Urban gave an overview report of the SDLA Conference held in Rapid City Sept. 26-29th.   Both reported a positive experience and thankfulness for the opportunity to attend. 
  • It was decided to review the Grant County Public Library’s Request for Reconsideration policies and to further discuss any changes next meeting.   
  • No other new business was discussed.      

Next Meeting date and time will be November 2nd, 2023 at 4:15 p.m.    A motion was made by Janice Yeager to adjourn the meeting.  The 2nd was made by Darcille Mueller and carried.   

2023 Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda

_______________Thursday, October 5th, at 4:15 pm____________

Call to order:  Approval of the September 7th, 2023 meeting minutes

Sharing of library correspondence and public comment

Review and approval of the previous Monthly Bills/ Petty Cash Report

Previous Months Librarian’s Report

Previous Months Deletes Report

Executive Session (if needed)

Presentation of Non-board action items

  • Gift Report
  • Program Updates from Library Report
  • Cheryl Schweer: “Reminisce” program at Koch Senior Living

Unfinished Business:  

  • Step to back storage room
  • Other old Business 

New Business:

  • SDLA Update
  • Any other Good for the Good of the Organization

Calendar attached for upcoming Library Events/Programs

  • Staff Meeting:  Friday, October 20th at 8:30
  • Friends of the Library meeting:  October 16th at 5:00 

Next Meeting date and time:  November 2nd, 2023 at 4:15 


2023 Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes

_______________Thursday, September 7th, 2023 at 4:15 pm____________

President Diane Pillatzke called the meeting to order.  Others present:  Janice Yeager, Darcille Mueller, Jeannie Tietjen, and Cheryl Conrad.   Karen Layher was absent. 

A motion was made by Jeannie Tietjen to accept the minutes with a second given by Cheryl Conrad.    The motion carried being approved by all.    

Tammy Wollschlager, Library Director shared correspondence from the 5 staff attending the SDLA Branch Out in Madison on August 18th.   All reported a positive experience and thankfulness for the opportunity to attend. 

Financial reports for August were reviewed and a motion to accept was made by Janice Yeager, with the 2nd given by Darcille Mueller.  Motion carried approved by all.

The Librarian’s report for August was given.   There were 3902 items circulated and 1067 EBook checkouts.   Computer usage was 552 blocks.   Wi-Fi sessions/Website stats were not available.  The library added 12 new patrons in August.    A total of 15 deliveries were made in the month of August.  

Summary reports supporting the August deletes on the librarian report were shared.  A motion to accept the report was made by Cheryl Conrad with the 2nd by Jeannie Tietjen.  Motion carried approved by all. 

Non-action general information presented to the board by Tammy Wollschlager, Library Director:  

  • It was reported the library received 41 gifted items added to the library collection in August. 
  • An update on programs held in August showed 2 in-person programs with 29 in attendance and 4 passive programs with 22 participants.   
  • It was reported the book sale took in $1419.60 in donations, slightly under the 2022 book sale. 
  • It was reported the carpets were cleaned in August.  
  • It was reported the landscaping was cleaned up.  
  • It was reported the shelving removed from the previous periodical area was used to make backs to the shelving in the adult paperback section.  Thank you to Bob Olson for volunteering and completing the project. 

Unfinished Business. 

  • Tammy reported building a step to enter the back storage area is needed and plans are underway. 
  • Regional Library Training information was shared with the board with no interest in attending this year.
  • No other unfinished business was discussed.     

New Business:  

  • Winter Hours were discussed.   A motion was made by Jeannie Tietjen to close the library on the following Holiday weekend Saturdays; November 11th, November 25th, December 23rd and December 30th.   The needed 2nd was given by Janice Yeager.  The motion carried being approved by all. 
  • No other new business was discussed.      

Next Meeting date and time will be October 5th, 2023 at 4:15 p.m.    A motion was made by Cheryl Conrad to adjourn the meeting.  The 2nd was made by Darcille Mueller and carried.   

2023 Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda

_______________Thursday, September 7th, at 4:15 pm____________

Call to order:  Approval of the August 10, 2023 meeting minutes

Sharing of library correspondence and public comment

Review and approval of the previous Monthly Bills/ Petty Cash Report

Previous Months Librarian’s Report

Previous Months Deletes Report

Executive Session (if needed)

Presentation of Non-board action items

  • Gift Report
  • Program Updates from Library Report
  • Report of Book Sale:  Aug 14th to Sept 1st 
  • Carpet cleaned.  
  • Landscaping cleaned up
  • Backdrops on Paperback Books

Unfinished Business:  

  • Step to back storage room
  • Regional Library Training 
  • Other old Business 

New Business:

  • Upcoming closed dates for holidays. 
  • Any other Good for the Good of the Organization

Calendar attached for upcoming Library Events/Programs

  • Staff Meeting:  8:30 Friday, September 15th
  • Friends of the Library meeting:  September 18th 

Next Meeting date and time:  October 5th, 2023 at 4:15 


2023 Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes

_______________Thursday, August 10th, 2023 at 4:15 pm____________

President Diane Pillatzke called the meeting to order.  Others present:  Janice Yeager, Karen Layher, Jeannie Tietjen, and Cheryl Conrad.   Darcille Mueller was absent. 

A motion was made by Cheryl Conrad to accept the minutes with a second given by Janice Yeager.    The motion carried being approved by all.    

Financial reports for July were reviewed and a motion to accept was made by Jeannie Tietjen, with the 2nd given by Karen Layher.  Motion carried approved by all.

The Librarian’s report for July was given by Tammy Wollschlager.   There were 3791 items circulated and 979 EBook checkouts.   Computer usage was 454 blocks and 369 Wi-Fi sessions and 998 hours recorded.   The library added 12 new patrons in July.    Web site visits stats were not available.    The library had a total of 13 deliveries in the month of July.  

Summary reports supporting the July deletes on the librarian report were shared.  A motion to accept the report was made by Janice Yeager with the 2nd by Cheryl Conrad.  Motion carried approved by all. 

Non-action general information presented to the board by Tammy Wollschlager, Library Director:  

  • It was reported the library received 29 gifted items added to the library collection in July. 
  • An update on programs held in July showed 8 in-person programs with 382 in attendance and 2 passive program with 524 participants.   
  • An update on the Summer Reading Program was given.   
  • It was reported the library made layout changes to make better use of existing space and create a space for Juveniles. 
  • It was reported the library conducted a magazine survey.   It was decided to drop a few of the unpopular periodicals.  
  • Five circulation desk staff will travel to Madison, SD on Friday, August 18th to attend “Branch Out,” South Dakota Library Association conference for support staff.   The library will be closed to the public and have the carpets cleaned that day. 
  • Tammy and Joanne are enrolled in SDLA conference held in Rapid City on Sept 27-29.  They will also attend SEAL (solar eclipse activities for libraries) training. 
  • The library received a $500 grant from First Interstate Bank for “Unite to Ignite Bulldog Homecoming” which will be held on Sep 13th .  This is a combined program with Unity Health and Fitness, the library and First Interstate Bank.  

No Unfinished Business. 

New Business:  

  • Discussed a need for a step into the storage room for safety. 

Next Meeting date and time will be Sep 7th, 2023 at 4:15 p.m.    A motion was made by Jeanne Tietjen to adjourn the meeting.  The 2nd was made by Cheryl Conrad and carried.   

2023 Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda

_______________Thursday, August 10th, at 4:15 pm____________

Call to order:  Approval of the July 6th, 2023 meeting minutes

Sharing of library correspondence and public comment

Review and approval of the previous Monthly Bills/ Petty Cash Report

Previous Months Librarian’s Report

Previous Months Deletes Report

Executive Session (if needed)

Presentation of Non-board action items

  • Gift Report
  • Program Updates from Library Report
  • Summer Reading Program Update
  • Library Layout changes are underway
  • Report of patron’s survey of periodicals
  • 5 staff enrolled in Branch Out on August 18th
  • SDLA in Rapid City Sept. 27 to 29 (Seal Grant-Program Training)
  • Received $500 Grant from First Interstate Bank for event September 13th with Unity Square   

Unfinished Business:  

  • Other old Business 

New Business:

  • Step to back storage room
  • Any other Good for the Good of the Organization

Calendar attached for upcoming Library Events/Programs

  • Staff Meeting:  August 11th 8:30 a.m.
  • Library Closed August 18 & 19th for carpet cleaning
  • Book Sale:  Aug 14th to Sept 1st 
  • Friends of the Library meeting:  August 21st 

Next Meeting date and time:  September 7th, 2023 at 4:15 


2023 Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes

_______________Thursday, July 06, 2023 at 4:15 pm____________

President Diane Pillatzke called the meeting to order.  Others present: Darcille Mueller, Jeannie Tietjen, and Cheryl Conrad.   Janice Yeager and Karen Layher were absent. 

A motion was made by Jeannie Tietjen to accept the minutes with a second given by Cheryl Conrad.    The motion carried being approved by all.    

Financial reports for June were reviewed and a motion to accept was made by Cheryl Conrad, with the 2nd given by Jeannie Tietjen.  Motion carried approved by all.

The Librarian’s report for June was given by Tammy Wollschlager.   There were 5515 items circulated and 942 EBook checkouts.   Computer usage was 500 blocks and 441 Wi-Fi sessions and 1342 hours recorded.   The library added 20 new patrons in June.    Web site visits stats were not available.    The library had a total of 5 deliveries in the month of June.  

Summary reports supporting the June deletes on the librarian report were shared.  A motion to accept the report was made by Darcille Mueller with the 2nd by Jeannie Tietjen.  Motion carried approved by all. 

Non-action general information presented to the board by Tammy Wollschlager, Library Director:  

  • It was reported the library received 7 gifted items added to the library collection in June. 
  • An update on programs held in June showed 17 in-person programs with 863 in attendance and 1 passive program with 57 participants.   
  • An update on the Summer Reading Program was given.   
  • The library is currently a drop-off point for the Food and School Supply Drive put on by First Interstate Bank. 
  • It was reported the library will be making a few layout changes this fall to make better use of existing space and create a space for Juveniles. 
  • The library is currently conducting a survey for periodicals to determine what should be continued and discontinued.    
  • Tammy Wollschlager will be the guest speaker at the Christian Women’s Meeting on July 18th

Old Business

  • Cheryl Conrad made a motion to send the circulation desk staff to Madison, SD on Friday, August 18th to “Branch Out,” South Dakota Library Association conference for support staff.   The library will be closed to the public and have the carpets cleaned that day. 

New Business

  • The library will have a Float in the Farley Fest Parade held the last weekend in July. 
  • A Motion was made by Darcille Mueller to send Tammy Wollschlager and Joanne Urban to the South Dakota Library Association Conference held Sept 27 to 29th in Rapid City, SD.  The motion received a second by Jeannie Tietjen.   Motion Carried and was approved by all.  

Upcoming Events were shared on the August Calendar.

  • The dates have been set for the annual book sale for August 14th through September 1st.  

Next Meeting date and time will be August 10th, 2023 at 4:15 p.m.    A motion was made by Cheryl Conrad to adjourn the meeting.  The 2nd was made by Darcille Mueller and carried.   

2023 Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda

_______________Thursday, July 6th, at 4:15 pm____________

Call to order:  Approval of the June 8th, 2023 meeting minutes

Sharing of library correspondence and public comment

Review and approval of the previous Monthly Bills/ Petty Cash Report

Previous Months Librarian’s Report

Previous Months Deletes Report

Executive Session (if needed)

Presentation of Non-board action items

  • Gift Report
  • Program Updates from Library Report
  • Summer Reading Program Update
  • Library is a drop off point for the FIB Food & School Supply Drive
  • Layout changes to library arrangement to better use existing space
  • Tammy Speaking at Christian Women’s:  Tuesday, July 18th
  • Current Periodicals patron survey

Unfinished Business:  

  • Branch Out for library support staff:  August 18th
  • Other old Business 

New Business:

  • Library Float in the Farley Fest Parade
  • Library Carpet Cleaning
  • SDLA in Rapid City Sept. 27 to 29
  • Any other Good for the Good of the Organization

Calendar attached for upcoming Library Events/Programs

  • Book Sale:  Aug 14th to Sept 1st 
  • Friends of the Library meeting:  July 17th

Next Meeting date and time:  August 3rd, 2023 at 4:15 


2023 Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes

_______________Thursday, June 08, 2023 at 4:15 pm____________

President Diane Pillatzke called the meeting to order.  Others present:  Karen Layher, Darcille Mueller, Janice Yeager, and Cheryl Conrad.   Jeannie Tietjen was absent. 

A motion was made by Janice Yeager to accept the amended minutes with a second by Darcille Mueller.  The motion carried being approved by all.    

Tammy Wollschlager, Director, reported receiving positive feedback through Facebook.   The library has recently added 73 new Facebook followers and recently had a post reach 8189 with 3901 engaging.

The financial reports for May were reviewed and a motion to accept was made by Cheryl Conrad, with a 2nd given by Karen Layher.  Motion carried and was approved by all.

The Librarian’s report for the previous month was shared.   There were 3840 total items circulated and 967 EBook checkouts.   Computer usage was 391 hour/blocks and 430 Wi-Fi sessions with 1326 hours recorded.   The library added 18 new patrons in May.    Web site visits for the last 30 days were 430 and the library had a total of 8 curbsides/deliveries in the month of May.  

Summary reports supporting the May deletes shown on the librarian report were shared.  A motion to accept the deleted materials report was made by Karen Layer with the 2nd provided by Cheryl Conrad.  Motion carried being approved by all. 

Non-action general information presented to the board by Tammy Wollschlager, Library Director:  

  • It was reported the library received 35 gifted items added to the library collection in May. 
  • An update on programs held in May was shared showing 37 in person programs with 567 in attendance and 3 passive programs with 41 participants.   
  • An update on the first two weeks of the Summer Reading Program was given.
  • A report was given that the library is set to be a drop-off point in July for the Food and School Supply Drive put on by First Interstate Bank. 
  • Tammy Wollschlager will be the guest speaker at the Christian Women’s Meeting on July 18th
  • Tammy shared receiving a call from Whetstone Valley Electric offering a donation for the English Language Learning classes planned to begin again in the fall. 

No Unfinished Business was discussed. 

New Business

  • Tammy requested the board consider supporting sending two support staff to the Branch Out Training day set for August.  More details will be shared next meeting. 
  • The dates have been set for the annual book sale for August 14th through September 1st.   

A July calendar of upcoming Library events and programs was distributed to the Board of Trustees with the June calendar.   

Next Meeting date and time is July 6th, 2023 at 4:15 p.m.    A motion was made by Janice Yeager to adjourn the meeting.  The 2nd was made by Darcille Mueller and carried.   

2023 Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes

______________Thursday, May 11th at 4:15 pm____________

President Diane Pillatzke called the meeting to order. 

A motion was made by Karen Layher to amend the April meeting minutes to include the names of those in attendance at the meeting.   A Second was given by Darcille Mueller.   After discussing it hadn’t been the practice to include a role call in the minutes for a long amount of time, it was agreed it would be the practice moving forward. 

The amendment to the April 6th, 2023 minutes reflects Karen Layher absent and Jeannie Tietjen, Diane Pillatzki, Darcille Mueller, Janice Yeager, Cheryl Conrad, present.   A motion was made by Jeannie Tietjen to accept the amended minutes with a second by Cheryl Conrad.  The motion carried being approved by all.    

Tammy Wollschlager, Director, reported many positive feedbacks from those donating to the Summer Reading program.    

The financial reports for April were reviewed and a motion to accept was made by Janet Yeager, with a 2nd given by Jeanie Tietjen.  Motion carried and was approved by all.

The Librarian’s report for the previous month was shared.   There were 3220 total items circulated and 1090 EBook checkouts.   Computer usage was 395 hour/blocks and 338 Wi-Fi sessions with 1176 hours recorded.   The library added 7 new patrons in April.   Web site visits for the last 30 days was 474 and the library had a total of 11 curbsides/deliveries in April.     

Summary reports supporting the April gifts and deletes shown on the librarian report were also shared.  A motion to accept the deleted materials report was made by Karen Layer with the 2nd provided by Cheryl Conrad.  Motion carried being approved by all. 

Non-action general information presented to the board by Tammy Wollschlager, Library Director:  

  • A progress report for the plans being made for the upcoming Summer Reading Program.
  • Class tours scheduled for the month of May. 
  • A Partnership with First Interstate Bank and Unity Square with an event scheduled on September 13th.  
  • A partnered event, Author Visit with S. K. Sandvig on Tuesday, May 30th from 2-4:00 at The Bank has been scheduled.       

No Unfinished Business was discussed. 

New Business

  • Information was given to board members for an upcoming, Virtual Training for Trustees, Friends and Foundations to be held on August 1-3rd.   
  • Board was advised of a no-reply list for trustees and directors to receive information from the State Library.   Board was asked to let Tammy know if they wished to be added to the list. 

Calendar of upcoming Library events and programs was distributed to the Board of Trustees.  

Next Meeting date and time June 8th, 2023 at 4:15.    A motion was made by Jeannie Tietjen to adjourn the meeting.  The 2nd was made by Darcille Mueller and carried.   

2023 Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda

_______________Thursday, May 11th, at 4:15 pm____________

Call to order and approval of the April 6, 2023 meeting minutes

Sharing of library correspondence and public comment

Review and approval of the previous Monthly Bills/ Petty Cash Report

Previous Months Librarian’s Report

Previous Months Deletes Report

Executive Session (if needed)

Presentation of Non-board action items

  • Gift Report
  • Program Updates from Library report
  • Update on Summer Reading Program
  • Class Tours
  • 5/5 Tammy met with First Interstate Bank and Unity Square to plan a partnered event on 9/13
  • We have joined Wimsey to co-sponsor a Sandvig Author Visit on Tuesday, 5/30 from 2-4:00 at the Bank. 
  • Other old Business 

Unfinished Business:  

  • Other old Business 

New Business: 

  • United for Libraries:  Virtual Training for Trustees, Friends, and Foundations.  August 1-3rd 
  • Adding board members to no-reply list for trustees and directors with State Library. 
  • Any other Good for the Good of the Organization

Calendar attached for upcoming Library Events/Programs

Next Meeting date and time:  June 8th, 2023 at 4:15 


2023 Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes

_______________Thursday, April 6th at 4:15 pm____________

President Diane Pillatzke called the meeting to order. 

A motion was made by Cheryl Conrad, with a 2nd by Jeanne Tietjen, to accept the meeting minutes from the previous month as read.   Motion was carried being approved by all.

Tammy Wollschlager, Director, reported many positive public comments being shared regarding the Vietnam Program which was highly attended and appreciated.

The financial reports for March were reviewed and a motion to accept was made by Darcille Mueller, with a 2nd given by Cheryl Conrad.  Motion carried and was approved by all.

The Librarian’s report for the previous month was shared.   There were 3896 total items circulated and 1155 EBook checkouts.   Computer usage was 342 hour/blocks and 718 Wi-Fi sessions with 8032 hours recorded.   The library added 22 new patrons in March.   Web site visits for the last 30 days was 425 and the library had a total of 14 curbsides/deliveries in March. 

Summary reports supporting the gifts and deletes shown on the librarian report were also shared.  A motion to accept the deleted materials report was made by Jeannie Tietjen with the 2nd provided by Darcille Mueller.  Motion carried and approved by all. 

Non-action general information presented to the board by Tammy Wollschlager, Library Director:  

  • A progress report for the plans being made for the upcoming Summer Reading Program was given.
  • English Language Classes underway with four classes a week averaging a weekly attendance of 49 per week.
  • A Staff and Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon is planned for Saturday, April 22nd
  • Friends of the Library Silent Auction Fundraiser ended April 3rd with a profit of $975.00.
  • Three classroom tours are planned for late April with more expected.     

New Business

  • Tammy Wollschlager reported the completion of the 2022 Annual Report recorded to the State library and a brochure summarizing the numbers was included in the board packets. 
  • A motion was made by Darcille Mueller for the Library to join the Milbank Chamber of Commerce.   The motion was given a second by Cheryl Conrad.  The motion carried being approved by all. 
  • Changes to the existing Seed Library Program were discussed.   Cheryl Schweer, will now be working with the program, but the library will no longer promoting collecting seeds each fall.  
  • A motion was made to approve Joanne Urban attending Library Institute June 4th to 11th by Jeannie Tietjen.   A second was given by Darcille Mueller.  
  • A motion was made by Janice Yeager to approve the Big Stone Branch Library changing their hours on Wednesday’s from 12-6.  The second was given by Cheryl Conrad and carried with the approval of all. 

Calendar of upcoming Library events and programs was distributed to the Board of Trustees.  

Next Meeting date and time:  May 11th, 2023, at 4:15.    A motion was made by Jeannie Tietjen to adjourn the meeting.  The 2nd was made by Darcille Mueller and carried.   

2023 Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda

_______________Thursday, April 6th, at 4:15 pm____________

Call to order and approval of the March 2, 2023 meeting minutes

Sharing of any library correspondence and public comment

Review and approval of the previous Monthly Bills/ Petty Cash Report

Previous Months Librarian’s Report

Previous Months Deletes and Gift Reports

Executive Session (if needed)

Unfinished Business:  

  • Summer Reading Program Update
  • ELL-English Language Learning Classes
  • Staff/Volunteer Appreciation-April 22nd
  • FOL:  Silent Auction Fundraiser
  • Other old Business 

New Business:

  • Annual Report
  • Chamber Membership
  • Seed Library
  • Joanne Urban to Library Institute June 4th-9th
  • Big Stone Library hour change request
  • School Tours
  • Any other Good for the Good of the Organization

Calendar attached for upcoming Library Events/Programs

Next Meeting date and time:  May 11th, 2023 at 4:15 


2023 Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes

_______________Thursday, March 2nd at 4:15 pm____________

A motion was made by Cheryl Conrad, with a 2nd by Darcille Mueller, to accept the meeting minutes from the previous month as read.   Motion was carried being approved by all.

President Diane Pillatzke called the meeting to order. 

Tammy Wollschlager, Director, reported many positive public comments being shared on Facebook.   A “thank you” card from the Community Bible Study was shared.  

The financial reports for February were reviewed and a motion to accept was made by Jeanne Tietjen, with a 2nd given by Janice Yeager.  Motion carried and was approved by all.

The Librarian’s report for January was reported at 2041 total circulation.  That number was found to be in error and corrected to 3527.  February circulation/In-house/Reference number was recorded at 3899 and patron count of 2090.   EBook checkout was up at 1022, computer usage was 259  hour blocks, Wi-Fi sessions were 385 with 1713 hours and 5 new patrons were added in February.   Web site visits for the last 30 days was 496 and the library had a total of 11 curbsides/deliveries in February.  Summary reports supporting the gifts and deletes shown on the librarian report were also shared.  A motion to accept the reported deleted materials was made by Karen Layher with the 2nd provided by Cheryl Conrad.  Motion carried and approved by all. 

Unfinished Business:  

  • Tammy gave an update on programs held in February.   There were 19 programs with 259 in attendance. 
  • Cheryl Conrad and Jeanne Tietjen will have their Board of Trustees 3 year terms renewed for another term ending January 2026, having been approved by the County Commissioners. 
  • It was reported by Tammy Wollschlager, director, the new library hours are well received by patrons.  
  • Tammy reported a new program in cooperation with libraries and the South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks.   The library has been issued 2 state park passes to check out for up to a three-day check out.  The Grant County Public Library policy for the procedure, overdue fees and replacement fees was discussed and approved with Jeanie Tietjen making the motion and Karen Layher giving the 2nd
  • A motion was made by Janice Yeager to round book values up to the nearest dollar with the 2nd given by Darcille Mueller. 
  • A wheelchair was donated to the library by the Knights of Columbus and will be available as a check out or in library usage.

New Business

  • Tammy Wollschlager reported that Joanne Urban moved into the Library Services Paraprofessional position, Cheryl Schweer was hired as the Senior Library Associate, and Julie Anderson was hired for the Library Assistant positon. 
  • A motion to approve changes in job titles and the hours of those positions in the Grant County Public Library Manual was made by Cheryl Conrad with the 2nd given by Jeannie Tietjen.   The motion carried and the corrected pages were approved. 
  • Tammy reported currently looking into a program from Whofi which monitors the wifi usage in the library, also has a program to track library programs, allowing online sign ups and participation statistics with end of the year reports. 
  • It was reported that the library will remain closed until 11:00 on Thursday, March 30 for a staff training which will include the Summer Reading Program Jumpstart put on by the State Library.   
  • Tammy reported plans for the summer reading program are progressing.   Two performers have been booked with the first on Wednesday Evening, May 31st following an “All Together Now: Community Unity Event” highlighting “Touch a Truck-Meet a Hero” where various entities will be invited to bring a truck for children to see and touch.  The evening will focus on bringing the Summer Reading Program together with the community and those who sponsor the program.  To encourage book check outs, staff is working on a “book box” program in conjunction with the summer reading program.
  • Tammy reported two new teachers, Ann Tucherer and Colleen Natalie have been hired for a new 12-week session of English Language Learning Classes, set to start March 14.  The teachers will teach 2 levels and are being sponsored by United Hardware and Valley Queen. 
  • Tammy is set to take vacation March 8th to 16th.  

Calendar of upcoming Library events and programs was distributed to the Board of Trustees.  

Next Meeting date and time:  April 6th, 2023 at 4:15. 

A motion was made by Karen Layher to adjourn the meeting.  The 2nd was made by Cheryl Conrad and carried.   

2023 Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda

_______________Thursday, March 2nd, at 4:15 pm____________

Call to order and approval of the February 2, 2023 meeting minutes

Sharing of any library correspondence and public comment

Review and approval of the previous Monthly Bills/ Petty Cash Report

Previous Months Librarian’s Report

Previous Months Deletes and Gift Reports

Executive Session (if needed)

Unfinished Business:  

  • Library Hours
  • Renewal of Terms for Cheryl Conrad and Jeanne Tietjen
  • Establishing policy for State Park Passes program
  • Rounding Book Values
  • Wheelchair
  • Other old Business 

New Business:

  • Report of new staff hired
  • Approval of changes to staff job description manual pages
  • Whofi community calendar
  • Staff Training-Thursday, March 30th
  • Summer Reading Program Update
  • ELL-English Language Learning Classes
  • Staff and Volunteer Appreciation Brunch
  • Any other Good for the Good of the Organization

Calendar attached for upcoming Library Events/Programs

  • Try Your Luck with a Book Feb 28th-March 17
  • FOL Basket Auction-through April 3rd at 5:00  

Next Meeting date and time:  April 6, 2023 at 4:15 


Board Meeting Agenda

_______________Thursday, February 2nd, at 4:15 pm____________

Call to order and approval of the January 5th meeting minutes.

Sharing of any library correspondence and public comment.

Review and approval of the previous Monthly Bills/ Petty Cash Report

Review and approval of the Previous Months Librarian’s Report

Review and approval of the Deletes and Gift reports

Executive Session (if needed)

Unfinished Business:  

  • Microfilm Reader 
  • Previous Programs update
  • Puzzle Update 
  • Other old Business 

New Business:

  • FOL Basket Auction Fundraiser
  • Resignations of Shawna Przybycien and Keri Schliesman
  • Job Ads for new hires
  • Reviewing Library Hours
  • Rounding Book Values
  • Checking out state park entrance licenses
  • Jumpstart, Saturday March 11th 10:00
  • SRP Performers
  • Tammy Upcoming Vacation 
  • Any other Good for the Good of the Organization

Calendar attached for upcoming Library Events/Programs

Next Meeting date and time:  March 2nd, 2023 at 4:15 


2022 Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes

_______________Thursday, January 5th at 4:15 pm____________

President Diane Pillatzke called the meeting to order. 

A motion was made by Cheryl Conrad, with a 2nd by Jeanie Tietjen, to accept the November meeting minutes as read.   Motion was carried being approved by all.

The “End of Session One Survey for English Language Learning Classes,” held Oct 19th to Dec. 21st of 2022 was shared which included the questions asked with a list of responses from participants.   Tammy Wollschlager, Library Director reported the positive outcome and need to continue with the program, despite the depletion of the grant money which supported it.  

The financial reports for December were reviewed and a motion to accept was made by Jeanne Tietjen, with a 2nd given by Darcille Mueller.  Motion carried and was approved by all.

The Librarian’s report for December was 1523 total circulation and patron count of 1414.   EBook checkout was 892, computer usage was 224 hours, Wi-Fi sessions were 349 with 891 hours and 4 new patrons were added in December.   Web site visits for the last 30 days was 389 and the library had a total of 3 curbsides/deliveries in December.  Summary reports supporting the gifts and deletes shown on the librarian report were also shared.   A motion to accept was made by Karen Layher, 2nd given by Cheryl Conrad and was approved by all.

Unfinished Business:  

  • New Library Board of Trustee member, Janis Yeager was welcomed.   Janis is finishing the term of Clarice Robertson who resigned. 

New Business

  • “Vietnam:  A local Soldier’s Story” with Bob Frink is set for March 23rd.   Mr. Frink is volunteering and coordinating the program. 
  • Friends of the Library is set to host a local book illustrator, Ashley Plummer on February 23rd.   Ms. Plummer is a teacher in the Milbank School system and her newest illustrated book recently released. 
  • A clerical error was noted from the September Librarian’s report.  The actual number of books deleted was 1880.  Karen Layer made a motion to accept the revision and Janice Yeager gave the needed 2nd as the motion passed with approval of all. 
  • Tammy Wollschlager, Director, reported George Seaman, State Librarian from the South Dakota State Library visited the library on Friday, December 9, 2022 to tour and advise.  Discussions included weeding outdated Non-fiction materials to make room for Large Print materials, shrinking the periodicals section to a smaller area allowing that space to be used to expand the children’s area or create a space for a Juvenile section and to house Young Adult fiction with Adult fiction to stay consistent.  Mr. Seaman was complimentary as to the programs the library currently has scheduled to benefit the community including the ELL classes held.     
  • The possibility of the library accepting puzzles on donation for check out was discussed.                           

Next Meeting date and time:  February 2nd, 2022 at 4:15.   

A motion was made by Jeannie Tietjen to adjourn the meeting.  The 2nd was made by Cheryl Conrad and carried.   

_______________Agenda Thursday, January 5th 2022, at 4:15 pm____________

Call to order and approval of the December 8th meeting minutes.

Sharing of any library correspondence and public comment

Review and approval of the previous Monthly Bills/ Petty Cash Reports

Review and approval of the Previous Months Librarian’s Report

Review and approval of the Deleted Materials

Executive Session (if needed)

Unfinished Business:  

  • Welcome of new Board of Trustees member, Janis Yeager to finish term of Clarice Robertson
  • Other old Business? 

New Business:

  • New Program for March 23rd “Vietnam:  A local Soldier’s Story” 
  • Feb. 23rd: Book Illustrator Talk by local artist, Ashley Plummer.
  • Error in the September meeting’s library report.  The number of materials deleted should have been 1880.  
  • George Seamon, State Librarian visit to Grant County Public Library on December 9th
  • Microfilm reader 
  • Any other Good for the Good of the Organization?

See attached Calendar for upcoming Library Events/Programs

Next Meeting date and time:  February 2nd, 2023 at 4:15 


2022 Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda

_______________Thursday, December 8th, at 4:15 pm____________

Call to order and approval of the November 3rd meeting minutes

Sharing of any library correspondence and public comment

Review and approval of the previous Monthly Bills/ Petty Cash Reports

Review and approval of the Previous Months Librarian’s Report

Review and approval of the Deleted Materials

Executive Session (if needed)

Unfinished Business:  

  • Welcome of new Board of Trustees member, Janis Yeager to finish term of Clarice Robertson
  • AT & T Grant Award and English Language Learning project
  • Acceptance of FIB Grant
  • Verify Hours for Library on December 31st
  • Other old Business? 

New Business:

  • FOL:  Update
  • New Program starting in January:   Calling All Artists with Judy Frink
  • New Policy for Volunteers
  • Deletion of outdated electronic devices
  • Christmas Cards to Summer Reading Program Sponsors
  • Any other Good for the Good of the Organization?

See attached Calendar for upcoming Library Events/Programs

Next Meeting date and time:  January 5th 2023 at 4:15 


_______________Minutes: Thursday, November 3rd at 4:15 pm____________

President Diane Pillatzke called the meeting to order with Karen Layher absent. 

A motion was made by Cheryl Conrad, with a 2nd by Jeanie Tietjen, to accept the October meeting minutes as read.   Motion was carried being approved by all.

Tammy Wollschlager, Interim Library Director reported positive feedback she has received about the increased presence on Facebook and the many programs that have been highlighted on Facebook and that Keri Schliesman has received great reviews from those taking the ELL Classes.   

The financial reports/Deleted Materials for October were reviewed and a motion to accept was made by Darcille Mueller, 2nd given by Cheryl Conrad and was approved by all.

The Librarian’s report for October was 3353 total circulation and patron count of 2332.   EBook checkout was 871, computer usage was 306 hours, Wi-Fi sessions were 464 with 634 hours and 74 new patrons were added in October.   Web site visits for the last 30 days was 339 and the library had a total of 8 curbsides/deliveries in October.   A motion to accept was made by Jeanie Tietjen, 2nd given by Darcille Mueller and was approved by all.

Unfinished Business:  

  • Toy-Lending Library:  Tammy reported the three new toy totes had been added to the children’s corner. 
  • AT & T Grant and English Language Learning Project:   Tammy reported that over 50 are involved in the ELL Classes with this session completing in December with a Holiday Bingo. 
  • A motion was made by Darcille Mueller to accept Janice Yeager to the Board of Trustees to finish the term of Clarice Robertson.   Cheryl Conrad seconded the motion which carries. 
  • Tammy reported that the states attorney advised that Erin Julius would notify the parents of the library accounts opened for students in her class and that those letters have been sent.  

New Business

  • TACOS:  Teen Advisory Council of Stacks is a new group being formed and led by Tammy and Erin Julius.  The group will meet the last Tuesday each month with a plan to create a list of books for purchase by school library and the Grant County Public Library.  
  • Art Club merging with the 6-8 Funquest in hopes of increasing the attendance.  This will be a joint effort between Sandy Christensen and Erin Julius. 
  • Tammy reported meeting with First Interstate Bank staff and they no longer wish to sponsor the 1000 books before Kindergarten program.   They advised to apply for a Grant.  Tammy did and was awarded $3000 to be used in the next year.   The intention is to put towards Summer Reading program as well as other programs including 1000 books B4K.

Next Meeting date and time:  December 8th, 2022 at 4:15

A motion was made by Jeannie Tietjen to adjourn the meeting.  The 2nd was made by Darcille Mueller. 

_______________Minutes: Thursday, October 06th at 4:15 pm____________

President Diane Pillatzke called the meeting to order with Clarice Robertson absent. 

A motion was made by Jeanie Tietjen, with a 2nd by Cheryl Conrad, to accept the September meeting minutes as read.   Motion was carried being approved by all.

Tammy Wollschlager, Interim Library Director reported positive feedback she has received in person and via Facebook for library presence in the Homecoming Parade and other recent library programs such as Glo Bingo and Storytimes. 

The financial reports/Deleted Materials for September were reviewed and a motion to accept was made by Cheryl Conrad, 2nd given by Darcille Mueller and was approved by all.

The Librarian’s report for September was 1830 total circulation and patron count of 2172.   EBook checkout was 821, computer usage was 291 hours, Wi-Fi sessions were 249 with 694 hours and 12 new patrons were added in September.   Web site visits for the last 30 days was 344 and the library had a total of 3 curbside deliveries in September.   A motion was made by Karen Layher to accept with Jeanne Tietjen giving the second. 

Unfinished Business:  

  • Toy-Lending Library.  A motion was made by Cheryl Conrad to move forward with building a Toy-tote library.  The toys will be available to children for in-house usage and not checked out at this time.   It will be funded by donations and sponsorships.   The motion was given the needed 2nd by Darcille Mueller will all in support.    

New Business

  • A motion was made by Darcille Mueller to accept the resignation of Clarice Robertson from the Grant County Public Library Board of Trustees.   Karen Layher gave the 2nd with regret.  
  • A discussion of the replacement Board of Trustees member was discussed and a plan to move forward was established.  
  • It was reported that the AT & T grant award is moving forward with English Learners Classes taught by Keri Schliesmen, assisted by Joan Sacrison.  Classes are scheduled for 6 weeks with a decision for after the first of the year coming in December based on interest and support.  
  •  It was reported that the library received a donation of $2000.00 and used the money to purchase 4 new table and 40 new chairs for community room use.    
  • Tammy Wollschlager reported having attended the SDLA Conference in Brookings on sept 28, 29 and 30th and having received gifts for being an accredited library as well as the South Dakota library with the most overall program attendance increase.  
  • A motion was made by Cheryl Conrad, with a 2nd by Karen Layher for the library to remain closed on the Saturdays surrounding the holidays of Thanksgiving and Christmas. (November 26 and December 24th)
  • A motion was made by Karen Layher with a 2nd given by Cheryl Conrad to add an eAccount type of patron account to the library system.   This would allow a user to check out eBooks and audio books while allowing no hard copy library materials to check out.  

Upcoming October Events:

  • Week of 16 to 22                    National Friends of the Library Week 
  • As Scheduled                         Tech Tuesday Tech Assistance Appointments
  • 7th at 11:00                              Author Talk Luncheon with WKK
  • 10th                                          Closed
  • 17th at 5:00                              Friends of the Library Meeting                  
  • 18th  at 3:30                             FunQuest with Keri  k-5th grade
  • 19th at 10:00                            Reading Adventures Story-time with Barb
  • 19th       1:30-3:00                     FOL Bingo with Bob
  • 19th  2:00  & 6:00                    English Learners ESL Class Week 1- Keri
  • 20th at 3:30                             FunQuest with Sandy  6th-8th grade
  • 19th  2:00  & 6:00                    English Learners ESL Class Week 2- Keri
  • 27th                                          Read for the Record (FOL and Staff)
  • 27th at 2:00                             “Preserving Family History: with Virginia Hanson
  • 29th  11:00-1:00                       FOL Halloween Party

Upcoming November Events             

  • 7th  – 18th                                 WWII Display honoring Grant County Servicemen
  • As Scheduled                         Tech Tuesday Tech Assistance Appointments
  • 1st                                             Beginning of Reading Challenges/Hot Reads
  • 2nd  at 10:00 a.m.                    Mrs. Junger’s Jamboree Story-time
  • 2nd  2:00  & 6:00                   English Learners ESL Class Week 3- Keri/assistant Joan
  • 3rd  5:30                                   Fall Storytime Week 1-Shawna
  • 7th at 11:00                              Author Talk Luncheon with WKK
  • 9th  2:00  & 6:00                     English Learners ESL Class Week 4- Keri/assistant Joan
  • 10th  5:30                                Fall Storytime Week 2-Shawna
  • 15th at 3:30                              FunQuest with Keri  k-5th grade
  • 16th at 10:00                            Reading Adventures Story-time with Barb
  • 16th   2:00  & 6:00                   English Learners ESL Class Week 5- Keri/assistant Joan
  • 17thth at 3:30                           FunQuest with Sandy  6th-8th grade
  • 17th  5:30                                Fall Storytime Week 3-Shawna
  • 24th & 26th                              Closed
  • 30th  2:00  & 6:00                   English Learners ESL Class Week 6- Keri/assistant Joan                       

Next Meeting date and time:  November 3rd, 2022 at 4:15

A motion was made by Darcille Mueller to adjourn the meeting.  The 2nd was made by Karen Layer.  

_______________ Agenda: Thursday, October 06th at 4:15 pm____________

Call to order and approval of the September 8th meeting minutes

Sharing of any library correspondence and public comment

Review and approval of the Monthly Bills/August Petty Cash Reports

Review and approval of the September Librarian’s Report/Deleted Materials

Executive Session (if needed)

Unfinished Business:  

  • Toy-Lending Library
  • AT & T Grant Award and ESL project
  • Other old Business? 

New Business:

  • Resignation of Clarice Robertson from Board of Trustees
  • Discussion of replacement Board of Trustees member
  • AT & T Grant Award and project ESL
  • Donation used to purchase 4 Table/and 40 Chairs for Community Room
  • Report of SDLA Conference Sept 28, 29 and 30
  • Closed dates for Thanksgiving and Christmas
  • Jr. High Student accounts for eReading/Addition of eAccounts to Verso system
  • Any other Good for the Good of the Organization?

Upcoming October Events:

  • Week of 16 to 22                    National Friends of the Library Week 
  • As Scheduled                         Tech Tuesday Tech Assistance Appointments
  • 7th at 11:00                              Author Talk Luncheon with WKK
  • 10th                                          Closed
  • 17th at 5:00                              Friends of the Library Meeting                  
  • 18th  at 3:30                             FunQuest with Keri  k-5th grade
  • 19th at 10:00                            Reading Adventures Story-time with Barb
  • 19th       1:30-3:00                     FOL Bingo with Bob
  • 19th  2:00  & 6:00                    English Learners ESL Class Week 1- Keri
  • 20th at 3:30                             FunQuest with Sandy  6th-8th grade
  • 19th  2:00  & 6:00                    English Learners ESL Class Week 2- Keri
  • 27th                                          Read for the Record (FOL and Staff)
  • 27th at 2:00                             “Preserving Family History: with Virginia Hanson
  • 29th  11:00-1:00                       FOL Halloween Party

Upcoming November Events             

  • 7th  – 18th                                 WWII Display honoring Grant County Servicemen
  • As Scheduled                         Tech Tuesday Tech Assistance Appointments
  • 1st                                             Beginning of Reading Challenges/Hot Reads
  • 2nd  at 10:00 a.m.                    Mrs. Junger’s Jamboree Story-time
  • 2nd  2:00  & 6:00                   English Learners ESL Class Week 3- Keri/assistant Joan
  • 3rd  5:30                                   Fall Storytime Week 1-Shawna
  • 7th at 11:00                              Author Talk Luncheon with WKK
  • 9th  2:00  & 6:00                     English Learners ESL Class Week 4- Keri/assistant Joan
  • 10th  5:30                                Fall Storytime Week 2-Shawna
  • 15th at 3:30                              FunQuest with Keri  k-5th grade
  • 16th at 10:00                            Reading Adventures Story-time with Barb
  • 16th   2:00  & 6:00                   English Learners ESL Class Week 5- Keri/assistant Joan
  • 17thth at 3:30                           FunQuest with Sandy  6th-8th grade
  • 17th  5:30                                Fall Storytime Week 3-Shawna
  • 24th & 26th                              Closed
  • 30th  2:00  & 6:00                   English Learners ESL Class Week 6- Keri/assistant Joan                       

Next Meeting date and time:  November 3rd, 2022 at 4:15 


update:  next Board of Trustee meeting has been moved to July 14, 2022 at 4:15 pm

Minutes for the Grant County Public Library Board of Trustees

Thursday, May 5, 2022 4:15 pm

President Diane Pillatzke called the meeting to order with Cheryl and Clarice absent.  A motion was made by Jeanne, 2nd by Dusty to accept the April meeting minutes as read and approved by all.

The financial reports for April were reviewed and a motion to accept was made by Dusty, 2nd by Jeanne and approved by all.

The Librarian’s report for April was 3412 total circulation and patron count of 2403.  EBook checkout was 857, computer usage was 225 hours, Wi-Fi sessions were 332 with 853 hours and 6 new patrons added in April.   Web site visits for the last 30 days was 438 and we had 3 curbside deliveries in April. 

Unfinished business:

-Retirement Date for Library Director, Jody Carlson, is set for June 30, 2022.  She will be available to assist with the transition on a part-time basis through July and August, depending upon the situation.  The position has been advertised with an open hire date.

– With no other unfinished business to attend to the Board moved on.

 New business:

-A list of April deletion materials was presented with a motion by Jeanne to delete and 2nd by Karen and approved by all. 

-A discussion was held about incoming applications and interview dates will begin May 23rd and held in the library community room.

-We currently do have a Library Conduct Policy in our library policy manual.  It has suspensions for violators and letters sent if appropriate.  A discussion was held as to the possibility of issuing actual no trespass citations.  A motion was made by Karen, 2nd by Dusty and approved by all that should the situation arise and violators receive suspension letters, the letters should be delivered by a law enforcement officer.  The change will immediately be put into our Library Conduct Policy.

-Jody had prepared an updated “Request for Reconsideration of Library Material” form.  After a discussion a motion was made by Karen, 2nd by Jeanne and approved by all to accept the updated form.

-Summer Reading Program registration is open and the first week of activity is May 31st .  Programs are for ages PreK through 8th grade.

-Jody then reported that our circulation was down while our patron count was up during April, due to the fact that we had so many adult programs in April that were very well attended.  The Big Stone Branch Library also turned in some program evaluation forms for the Board to read.

-We discussed the peeling paint on the bottom boards on the Library sides.  Karen says it is on a to do list for this year.  **Thank you.**

– No other new business was presented.

  • Upcoming events: May
  • 16thMilbank Elementary grade 2 tours and SRP promotion
  • 18th:  Friends of the Library are hosting a Zoom author talk with Alka Joshi at 1:00 pm
  • 23rd – 27th:  Girls that Code program and partnering with Girl Scouts
  • 30th:  Closed
  • June 1st:  SRP bubble program 1:00 pm
  • June 8th:  SRP Nasa-Science & water experiments at 1:00 for elementary with a 3:00 teen program

Next meeting:  June 9th, 2022 at 4:15 pm

 Dusty made a motion to adjourn, 2nd by Jeanne and approved by all.


Minutes for the Grant County Public Library Board of Trustees

Thursday, April 7, 2022 4:15 pm

President Diane Pillatzke called the meeting to order with Karen absent.  A motion was made by Jeanne, 2nd by Clarice to accept the March meeting minutes as read and approved by all. Jody mentioned that the spring Adult Reading Program is going great and the ladies loved the coloring session and are coming back on their own – we even received a thank you note from one. 

The financial reports for March were reviewed and a motion to accept was made by Cheryl, 2nd by Dusty and approved by All.

The Librarian’s report for March was 4018 total circulation and patron count of 2186.  EBook checkout was 906, computer usage was 165 hours, Wi-Fi sessions were 593 with 6101 hours and 7 new patrons added in March.   Web site visits for the last 30 days was 395 and we had 2 curbside deliveries in March.  Jody then presented the stats from the 2021 annual survey for SD public libraries. 

Unfinished business:

– With no unfinished business to attend to the Board moved on.

 New business:

-A list of March deletion materials was presented with a motion by Clarice to delete and 2nd by Jeanne and approved by all. 

-Jody went over all the programs planned for April and that May will be finalizing Summer Reading Program plans.  The Reading Programs (Hot Reads for Adults, YARP for middle school and teens and SD children’s Book awards for elementary) all ended March 31st.  Winning books were voted on and all those that voted in each category we eligible for a drawing for a Visa gift card.  Eight gift cards in the amount of $630 we distributed to the winners.

-The upcoming personnel change is the announcement that Jody plans on retiring as Library Director hopefully after July 4th or the close of the summer reading program which is July 13th.

– No other new business was presented.

  • Upcoming events: April
  • April 3-9 NATIONAL LIBRARY WEEK – Stop in a see what we are all about
  • 5th: Books, Birds & Blooms painting at 6:30 pm – preregistration required
  • 7th: Board of Trustee meeting 4:15 pm
  • 9th: Bunny Program 10:30 – preregistration required
  • April 9-16 SMART MONEY WEEK – stop in for special giveaway financial information
  • 11th: Friends of Library meeting 5:00 pm
  • 12th: Tech Tuesday from 10-2
  • 12th: Books, Birds & Blooms seed planting 2:00 pm
  • 15th: Library closes at noon
  • 16th: Library closed
  • April 17-23 NATIONAL VOLUNTEER WEEK – Thank you to our volunteers.
  • 18th: Family Bingo 1:00 pm – Hosted by Friends of the Library
  • 19th: Books, Birds & Blooms birdwatching talk 2:00 pm
  • 20th: Reading Adventures 10:00 am, for ages up to 6
  • 21st: FunQuest – afterschool crafting fun 3:30 pm
  • 26th: Books, Birds & Blooms birdwatching talk 2:00 pm
  • 26th: Tech Tuesday 4-6 pm
  • 28th: Jerry Barlow, Celtic Guitarist 6:30 pm – hosted by Friends of the Library

 Next meeting:  May 5, 2022 at 4:15 pm

 Cheryl made a motion to adjourn, 2nd by Clarice and approved by all.


Minutes for the Grant County Public Library Board of Trustees

Thursday, March 3, 2022 4:15 pm

President Diane Pillatzke called the meeting to order with only Diane and Cheryl present. A motion was made by Cheryl, 2nd by Diane to accept the February meeting minutes as read.

The financial reports for February were reviewed and a motion to accept was made by Cheryl, 2nd by Diane.

The Librarian’s report for February was 3753 total circulation and patron count of 1803.  EBook checkout was 854, computer usage was 83 hours, Wi-Fi sessions were 195 with 382 hours and 6 new patrons added in February.   Web site visits for the last 30 days was 469 and we had 3 curbside deliveries in February.

Unfinished business:

– With no unfinished business to attend to the Board moved on.

 New business:

-A list of February deletion materials was presented with a motion by Cheryl to delete and 2nd by Diane. 

-The County offices will close at noon on Friday April 15th.  A motion was made by Diane and 2nd by Cheryl to close the Library on Saturday April 16th

– No other new business was presented.

Upcoming events


  • GOOD LUCK WITH A BOOK FOR CHILDREN – – drawing March 19th
  • 2nd: Genealogy workshop from 1:00 -3:00 pm
  • 3rd: Board of Trustees meeting 4:15 pm
  • 8th: Tech Tuesday 10- noon, call for appointment 432-6543
  • 9th: Genealogy workshop from 1:00 -3:00 pm
  • 15th: Seed library: seedling starter planting 2:00 pm
  • 16th: Reading Adventures 10:00 am for children up to age 6
  • 16th: Genealogy workshop from 1:00 -3:00 pm
  • 17th: Family Bingo at 1:00 pm, as no school – hosted by Friends of the Library
  • March 20th – April 30th will be a “Spring Adult Reading Program” – Books, Birds & Blooms.  2 session of seed planting, 2 bird watching sessions, one color book session and one painting session TBA.
  • 22nd: Tech Tuesday 1:00 – 3:00 pm, call for appointment 432-6543
  • 24th: Fun Quest/NASA@yourlibrary program 3:30 pm
  • 29th: Seed library: seedling starter planting 5:30 pm
  • MARCH IS – WOMEN’S HISTORY MONTH, Stop in and check out our informative posters

Next meeting:  April 7, 2022 at 4:15 pm

 Cheryl made a motion to adjourn, 2nd by Diane.

As only two members were physically present – Jody send out emails to Karen, Dusty, Jeanne and Clarice asking for approval of the motions – so we could have a majority.  As of 3-4-2022 1: 15 pm, Karen and Dusty have replied with approvals for all the motions – and their email replies are attached.  Therefore, we now have majority approval of all the above motions.  3-7-22 email from Jeanne also arrived with motion approvals.


Minutes for the Grant County Public Library Board of Trustees

Thursday, February 3, 2022 4:15 pm

President Diane Pillatzke called the meeting to order with all present. A motion was made by Cheryl, 2nd by Clarice and approved by all to accept the January meeting minutes as read.

The January Farm and Home Show was cancelled and Jody had all these January newsletters she did not want to just throw out.  She placed them around town at various places with permission.  The other day a lady called in to say how nice it was to read our newsletter at “The Bank”.  So Jody is going to ask permission to leave 5-6 copies each month at “The Bank”.

The financial reports for January and year end 2021 were reviewed and a motion to accept was made by Jeanne, 2nd by Dusty and approved by all.

The Librarian’s report for January was 3502 total circulation and patron count of 1810.  EBook checkout was 905, computer usage was 112 hours, Wi-Fi sessions were 182 with 301 hours and 6 new patrons added in January.   Web site visits for the last 30 days was 482 and we had 3 curbside deliveries in January.

Unfinished business:

-A reading of the revised meeting room policy was done and Jody has now heard back with approval from the States Attorney.  A motion was made by Clarice to accept the new policy, 2nd by Karen and approved by all.

-Karen reported that the Commissioners approved the renewal of Clarice and Karen on the Library Board of Trustees. 

– With no other unfinished business to attend to the Board moved on.

 New business:

-The list of January deletion materials was presented and Dusty made a motion to approve deletion, 2nd by Cheryl and approved by all.

-Jody gave an update on the seed library and NASA@yourlibrary grants.  The seed library funding is almost all spent and must all be spent by February 28, 2022.  Programming will continue for the community utilizing the seed library.  NASA@yourlibrary programming has begun with a January 20th rocket building Fun Quest after school that was well attended with assistance given by Bill Steinlicht and Bryton Blauert.  More NASA and steam programming will take place from March through probably August. 

– No other new business was presented.

Upcoming events

  • February
  • -Library Lovers’ Month:  book giveaway
  • 2nd: Genealogy workshop from 1:00 – 3:00 pm
  • 3rd: Library Board of Trustees meeting 4:15 pm
  • 7th: Family Bingo 2:00 pm – hosted by Friends of the Library
  • 7th: Friends of the Library meeting 5:00 pm
  • 8th: Tech Tuesday 10:00 am – noon, call for appointment 432-6543
  • 8th: Seed Library: Herb planting for indoor garden 5:30 pm
  • 9th: Genealogy workshop from 1:00 – 3:00 pm
  • 10th: Zoom with Author Cindy Wilson at 7:00 pm – Friends of Library sponsor
  • 16th: Reading Adventures at 10:00 am for ages up to 6
  • 16th: Genealogy workshop from 1:00 – 3:00 pm
  • 17th: Read to Me party for participants 5:30 pm
  • 22nd: Tech Tuesday 4-6 pm, call for appointment 432-6543
  • 23rd: Genealogy workshop from 1:00 – 3:00 pm
  • 24th: Fun Quest 3:30 pm, after school craft fun

Next meeting:  March 3, 2022 at 4:15 pm 

Jeanne made a motion to adjourn, 2nd by Clarice and approved by all.

Minutes for the Grant County Public Library Board of Trustees

Thursday, January 6, 2022 4:15 pm

President Diane Pillatzke called the meeting to order with all present. A motion was made by Cheryl, 2nd by Clarice and approved by all to accept the December meeting minutes as read.

The financial reports for December were reviewed and a motion to accept was made by Jeanne, 2nd by Dusty and approved by all.

The Librarian’s report for December was 2852 total circulation and patron count of 1709.  EBook checkout was 870, computer usage was 120 hours, Wi-Fi sessions were 153 with 526 hours and 4 new patrons added in December.   Web site visits for the last 30 days was 337 and we had 2 curbside deliveries in December.

Unfinished business:

-Jody gave an update on the digitization project with Advantage Archives.  There is now a link to the online resources from the Library website.  Not all the information has yet been uploaded from Advantage unto our online site.

-Jody gave the Board an updated 3-page version of the meeting room policy, one of which was an agreement to sign.  Karen suggested that it becomes a 1 page 2 sided document, one of which is the agreement.   Jody will redo and present to the States Attorney and then the Board for approval.

– With no other unfinished business to attend to the Board moved on.

 New business:

-The December list of library materials for deletion was presented and Dusty made a motion to delete, 2nd by Clarice and approved by all.

-The Renewal of Board members Clarice Robertson and Karen Layher was approved to send to the Commissioners.  Clarice’s term is for 3 years and Karen, the commissioner rep, is renewed annually.

-The Library has a legislative day in Pierre on February 15th at which time the Library Accreditation ceremony will take place.  As Grant County Public Library has again been accredited, Jody asked permission to attend the ceremony on Feb 15th in Pierre. A motion was made by Karen to have Jody attend, 2nd by Cheryl and approved by all.

– No other new business was presented.

Upcoming events

  • 1st – Closed
  • 3rd: Friends of Library meeting 5:00 pm
  • 6th: Board of Trustee meeting 4:15 pm
  • 10th:  Read to Me program begins – thru February 17th
  • 11th: Tech Tuesday make an appointment with Joan between 10-12
  • 11th: Speaker Jerry Nelson at 6:30 pm – sponsored by Friends of the Library
  • 12th: Genealogy workshop from 1:00 – 3:00 pm
  • 14th & 15th: See you at the Farm & Home Show
  • 17th – Closed
  • 19th:  Reading Adventures 10:00 am
  • 19th:  Genealogy workshop 1-3
  • 20th:  Fun Quest/Nasa 3:30
  • 25th:  Tech Tuesday make an appointment with Joan between 5:30 -7
  • 26th:  Genealogy workshop 1-3
  • 28th:  Seed Library – planting seeds for indoor herb garden 2:00 pm

Next meeting:  February 3, 2022 at 4:15 pm

 Clarice made a motion to adjourn, 2nd by Jeanne and approved by all.

Minutes for the Grant County Public Library Board of Trustees

Thursday, December 9, 2021 4:15 pm

President Diane Pillatzke called the meeting to order with Jeanne, Clarice and Karen absent. A motion was made by Cheryl, 2nd by Dusty and approved by all to accept the November meeting minutes as read.

The financial reports for November were reviewed and a motion to accept was made by Dusty, 2nd by Cheryl and approved by all.  It was noted that the first payment to Advantage Archives was made in November on the digitization project using the ARPA grant.  Jody also mentioned that the reimbursement for the same amount has now arrived from the SD DOE and will be put back into our 2021 budget year. 

The Librarian’s report for November was 3242 total circulation and patron count of 1945.  EBook checkout was 764, computer usage was 144 hours, Wi-Fi sessions were 233 with 339 hours and 10 new patrons added in November.   Web site visits for the last 30 days was 356 and we had 3 curbside deliveries in November.

Unfinished business:-No unfinished business was brought forth.

 New business:

-There we no November library materials for deletion

-After a discussion on library fines/fees for 2022, a motion was made by Cheryl to approve the same system and amounts as used in 2021, 2nd by Dusty and approved by all.

-With the digitization of our newspapers and other archival materials a discussion was held on the insurance on from Active Data Systems for our reader print.  A motion was made by Cheryl, 2nd by Dusty and approved by all to no longer carry insurance on our reader print, as the material is now available in digitized format on the internet.

-A discussion was held on the library meeting room policy.  Jody will update the policy and go over the document with our attorney and bring it back to the next meeting.

-No other new business was brought forth.

Upcoming events

  • December
  • 9th: Fun Quest with Stephanie 3:30 pm – Christmas fun
  • 9th: Board of Trustees meeting 4:15 pm
  • 15th: Reading Adventures for up to age 6 10:00 am
  • 16th-17th-20th: Christmas centerpieces – call for time slots 432-6543 and/or special sessions
  • 23rd: closing at 5:00 pm
  • 24th-25th: Closed
  • 31st – Closed
  • January 2022
  • 1st – Closed
  • 3rd: Friends meeting 5:00 pm

Next meeting:  January 6, 2022 at 4:15 pm

 Dusty made a motion to adjourn, 2nd by Cheryl and approved by all.

Minutes for the Grant County Public Library Board of Trustees

Thursday, Nov 4, 2021 4:15 pm

President Diane Pillatzke called the meeting to order with all members present. A motion was made by Clarice, 2nd by Cheryl and approved by all to accept the October meeting minutes as read.

The financial reports for October were reviewed and a motion to accept was made by Jeanne, 2nd by Dusty and approved by all.

The Librarian’s report for October was 3293 total circulation and patron count of 2156.  EBook checkout was 799, computer usage was 191 hours, Wi-Fi sessions were 211 with 313 hours and 6 new patrons added in October.   Web site visits for the last 30 days was 357 and we had 3 curbside deliveries in October.

Unfinished business:

-Karen turned in a list of her continuing education hours.

-Update on Digitization project.  The first and largest bill has been submitted to the auditor’s office as well as to the SD State DOE for reimbursement.

-No other unfinished business was brought forth.

New business:

-The list of October deletion materials was presented and Clarice made a motion to delete, 2nd by Karen and approved by all.

-Jody reported on the Association for Rural and Small Libraries conference she attended.  Some great keynote speakers and sessions to learn from and share ideas along with bringing back some useful information and ideas to utilize at Grant County Public Library.

-In discussing the December schedule and Christmas gatherings, it was a Board decision not to have a special Board gathering.  If the staff has something, they would like to be invited. 

-The session from Short Takes for Trustees on Library policies was viewed.  Then Grant County Public Library collection development policy was reviewed.  Also, part of the service policy was reviewed on – purpose, confidentiality, and obtaining a library card.  A motion was made to approve these policies as they stand, with no changes at this time, by Clarice, 2nd by Cheryl and approved by all.

-A South Dakota Guide for Library Boards edition 2017 from the SD State Library was handed out to all Board members.

-No other new business was brought forth.

Upcoming events

  • 2nd: Seed Library – Gardening meeting 6:30 pm
  • 3rd-10th-17th: Genealogy Workshop 1:00-3:00 pm
  • 4th: Board of Trustees meeting 4:15 pm
  • 9th-16th-23rd: Story time 5:30 – 6:30 for ages 4-7, please register
  • 11th: Closed for Veteran’s Day
  • 15th: Friends of the Library – Family Bingo 3:30 pm
  • 15th: Friends of the Library meeting 5:00 pm
  • 17th: Reading Adventures 10:00 am for ages up to 6
  • 18th: Fun Quest with Stephanie at 3:30 (geared for ages 8-11)
  • 25th-26th-27th: Closed for Thanksgiving

Next meeting:  December 9, 2021 at 4:15 pm

 Cheryl made a motion to adjourn, 2nd by Jeanne and approved by all.

Minutes for the Grant County Public Library Board of Trustees

Thursday, October 7, 2021 4:15 pm

President Diane Pillatzke called the meeting to order with Karen absent. A motion was made by Clarice, 2nd by Jeanne and approved by all to accept the September meeting minutes as read.

Sharing:  Jody, Shawna and Tammy have just been recertified with the SD State Library as of September 30, 2021 and this status is good thru October 1, 2024. 

The financial reports for September were reviewed and a motion to accept was made by Jeanne, 2nd by Dusty and approved by all.

The Librarian’s report for September was 3487 total circulation and patron count of 2158.  EBook checkout was 800, computer usage was 208 hours, Wi-Fi sessions were 211 with 676 hours and 14 new patrons added in September.   Web site visits for the last 30 days was 366 and we had 3 curbside deliveries in September.

Unfinished business:

-As Karen was absent, Jody will contact Karen about continuing education hours.

-Library staff has viewed the newspapers that have been digitized on the Advantage Preservation site.  The project is well under way and most should be completed the end of October and available to the public shortly after that. 

-The grant money has arrived for the Nasa@mylibrary grant that Grant County Public Library was awarded.

-No other unfinished business was brought forth.

New business:

-The small list of September deletion materials was presented and Cheryl made a motion to delete, 2nd by Clarice and approved by all.

-Looking ahead to November.  The county is closed Thursday and Friday, November 25-26.  After a brief discussion a motion was made by Dusty and 2nd by Jeanne and approved by all to have the Library closed that Saturday November 27th.

-Jody reported that the Library is going to try to bring back the after school FunQuest program.  They will start with a once a month program for October, November and December with Stephanie Folk leading the program and then evaluate for January 2022 and beyond. 

-A session from the United for Libraries organization and the Short Takes for Trustees entitled “Library Advocacy” was viewed.  A discussion then followed on how the budget works, our SD electronic resources and the Friends group.

-No other new business was brought forth.

Upcoming events

  • 7th: Board of Trustees meeting 4:15 pm
  • 11th- Closed
  • 11th: Friends of Library meeting 5:00 pm – at Library community room
  • 14th: Purple Martin bird program by Dean Bunkers 6:30 pm
  • 18th: Friends of Library will be doing Family Bingo from 2-3 pm
  • 20th: Reading Adventures 10:00 am for children up to age 6
  • 21st: Fun Quest for ages 8-11 3:30- 4:30 pm
  • 28th: Friends of Library Silent Auction ends at 7:00 pm
  • 28th: Read for the Record
  • -possible Genealogy workshop on the 27th
  • Working on speaker and date for seed library

Next meeting:  November 4, 2021 at 4:15 pm

 Clarice made a motion to adjourn, 2nd by Cheryl and approved by all.


Minutes for the Grant County Public Library Board of Trustees

Thursday, September 9, 2021 4:15 pm

President Diane Pillatzke called the meeting to order with Karen absent. A motion was made by Cheryl, 2nd by Clarice and approved by all to accept the August meeting minutes as read.  

The financial reports for August were reviewed and a motion to accept was made by Dusty, 2nd by Jeanne and approved by all.

The Librarian’s report for August was 3165 total circulation and patron count of 2155.  EBook checkout was 912, computer usage was 161 hours, Wi-Fi sessions were 160 with 367 hours and 12 new patrons added in August.   Web site visits for the last 30 days was 363 and we had 2 curbside deliveries in August.

Unfinished business:

-As the Library is working towards renewing its Accreditation through SD State Library, Jody had asked for continuing education credit certificates or proof of attendance.  Dusty could not find anything for her attendance at:  Framing the Future, Advancing Strategic Planning in Small and Rural Libraries. 

– no other unfinished business was brought forth

New business:

Jody introduced our newest Library Assistant, Joan Sacrison, to the Board. 

– A large list of August deletion materials was presented and Clarice made a motion to delete, 2nd by Cheryl and approved by all to delete.

– A few months back Jody had talked about applying for a NASA @ my library grant.  The Grant County Public Library was one of the libraries approved for this grant available from ALA. 

-no other new business for the good of the library was brought forth.

Upcoming events

  • August 23 to September11th will be our annual book sale.
  • September
  • 6th: Closed – Labor Day
  • 13th:  Friends of Library meeting 5:00 pm
  • 15th: Reading Adventures to ages up to 6 at 10:00 am
  • 16th-23rd-30th – from 4-5pm Prairie Girl program for ages 7-11
  • 27th: One Book SD book discussion at 7:00 pm – The Children’s Blizzard by Melanie Benjamin

 Next meeting:  October 7, 2021 at 4:15 pm

 Jeanne made a motion to adjourn, 2nd by Clarice and approved by all.


Minutes for the Grant County Public Library Board of Trustees

Thursday, August 5, 2021 4:15 pm

President Diane Pillatzke called the meeting to order with Karen absent. A motion was made by Clarice, 2nd by Cheryl and approved by all to accept the July meeting minutes as read.  

The financial reports for July were reviewed and a motion to accept was made by Jeanne, 2nd by Dusty and approved by all.

The Librarian’s report for July was 4052 total circulation and patron count of 2429.  EBook checkout was 927, computer usage was 207 hours, Wi-Fi sessions were 170 with 250 hours and 9 new patrons added in July.   Web site visits for the last 30 days was 323 and we had 3 curbside deliveries in June.

Unfinished business:

Jody discussed the process in place for hiring a new Library Assistant.  Applications closed August 4th and she has set up some interviews for next week.

– no other unfinished business was brought forth

New business:

Clarice made a motion to approve the July deletion list of materials, 2nd by Jeanne and approved by all.

– A discussion of Covid protocols is that it is going to be a wait and see situation and decisions will be made based upon our community.

-As the Accreditation of the Library needs to be renewed before the end of 2021, a United for Libraries – Short Takes for Trustees video entitled “Board Meetings” was watched and discussed.  The Board indicated they are very satisfied with our current agenda procedure, the meeting notifications they receive and what is included in reports.  So no change in procedures will be implemented at this time.

-no other new business for the good of the library was brought forth.

Upcoming events


  • -Book Sale August 23rd thru September 11th
  • Looking at programming at September and beyond:
  • Reading Adventures starts again September 15th
  • Prairie Children will take place after school September 16-23-30
  • One Book SD, Book Discussion September 27th

Working on programming for ages 8-11 and 12-15 as well as more adult programming along with our fall Story time for ages 4-7.

 Next meeting:  September 9, 2021 at 4:15 pm

 Dusty made a motion to adjourn, 2nd by Clarice and approved by all.

Minutes for the Grant County Public Library Board of Trustees

Thursday, July 15, 2021 4:15 pm

President Diane Pillatzke called the meeting to order with Karen absent. A motion was made by Clarice, 2nd by Cheryl and approved by all to accept the June meeting minutes as read.  

The financial reports for June were reviewed and a motion to accept was made by Jeanne, 2nd by Dusty and approved by all.

The Librarian’s report for June was 4976 total circulation and patron count of 3596.  EBook checkout was 926, computer usage was 180 hours, Wi-Fi sessions were 236 with 395 hours and 8 new patrons added in May.   Web site visits for the last 30 days was 305 and we had 8 curbside deliveries in June.

Unfinished business:  – no unfinished business was brought forth

New business:

Cheryl made a motion to approve the June deletion list of materials, 2nd by Clarice and approved by all.

-Summer Reading Program has concluded as a very successful year.  2953 hours were read by PreK – 5th with 95 kids turning in reading logs.  The children will be giving thank you cards to our supporting businesses this year and Board members also took some cards to give out.

-As one of our Library Assistants will be leaving to return to school, we will be placing an ad for a replacement.

-2022 budget process is underway and Jody relayed that the budget will remain pretty much the same as 2021.  There was no need to put in for digitization funding due to the grant received.

-no other new business for the good of the library was brought forth.

Upcoming events

  • July
  • July 7th: SRP 1:00 Woodlands (PreK-5th)
  • July 14th: SRP Finale 1:00 for PreK-5th with Bramble Park Zoo, 7:00 pm afterhours party for teens
  • August
  • -Book Sale August 23rd thru September 11th
  • Looking at programming at September and beyond:
  • Reading Adventures starts again September 15th
  • Prairie Children will take place after school September 16-23-30
  • One Book SD, Book Discussion September 27th
  • Working on programming for ages 8-11 and 12-15 as well as more adult programming along with our fall Story time for ages 4-7.

Next meeting:  August 6, 2021 at 4:15 pm 

Clarice made a motion to adjourn, 2nd by Dusty and approved by all.


Minutes for the Grant County Public Library Board of Trustees

Thursday, June 10, 2021 4:15 pm

President Diane Pillatzke called the meeting to order with all members present.  A motion was made by Clarice, 2nd by Cheryl and approved by all to accept the May meeting minutes as read.  

The financial reports for May were reviewed and a motion to accept was made by Jeanne, 2nd by Dusty and approved by all.

The Librarian’s report for May was 3524 total circulation and patron count of 2108.  EBook checkout was 883, computer usage was 272 hours, Wi-Fi sessions were 282 with 727 hours and 7 new patrons added in May.   Web site visits for the last 30 days was 302.

Unfinished business:

-The Library has been awarded an American Recovery Plan Grant that will be used for digitization with the creation of a linked website to access some digitized items.  As this grant is not an upfront grant, but a reimbursed grant, a motion to accept the grant was made by Clarice, 2nd by Karen and approved by all.

– no other unfinished business was brought forth

New business:

Jeanne made a motion to approve the May deletion list of materials, 2nd by Cheryl and approved by all.

-Our SRP signups are back up there to pre Covid numbers – 147 for ages PreK – 5th grade

-A discussion was held on the county offices being closed on Monday July 5th for the July 4th Independence Day holiday.  A motion was made by Dusty, 2nd by Jeanne and approved by all to close the Library on Saturday July 3rd also. 

-A discussion about the Nasa @ my Library grant took place.  A motion was made by Karen to apply for this grant, 2nd by Cheryl and approved by all.

-Looking ahead to a fall book sale with the possible dates of August 23rd – September 11th.

-no other new business for the good of the library was brought forth.

Upcoming events

  • 2nd: SRP 1:00 Wildside Safari (PreK – 5th): Teen Tenzi activity 2:30 pm
  • 9th: SRP 1:00 Backyard/Farmyard (PreK-5th)
  • 16th: SRP 1:00 Jeff Quinn Safari Reading Magic: Teen Hypnotist activity 2:30 pm
  • 23rd: SRP 1:00 Artic Adventures (PreK-5th)
    30th: SRP 1:00 Tropical Rainforest (PreK-5th): Teen Painting activity 2:30 pm
  • Teens: Also have a weekly challenge item.
  • July
  • July 5th: Closed
  • July 7th: SRP 1:00 Woodlands (PreK-5th)
  • July 14th: SRP Finale 1:00 for PreK-5th with Bramble Park Zoo, 7:00 pm afterhours party for teens

Next meeting:  July 15, 2021 at 4:15 pm

 Clarice made a motion to adjourn, 2nd by Jeanne and approved by all.


Minutes for the Grant County Public Library Board of Trustees

Thursday, May 6, 2021 4:15 pm

President Diane Pillatzke called the meeting to order with Clarice absent.  A motion was made by Jeanne, 2nd by Cheryl and approved by all to accept the April meeting minutes as read.  

The financial reports for April were reviewed and a motion to accept was made by Karen, 2nd by Dusty and approved by all.

The Librarian’s report for April was 3144 total circulation and patron count of 2270.  EBook checkout was 856, computer usage was 195 hours, Wi-Fi sessions were 180 with 609 hours and 12 new patrons added in April.   Web site visits for the last 30 days was 329 and we still had 4 curbside deliveries.

Unfinished business:

-The grant funding has been received from the Libraries Transforming Communities and will be utilized for the seed library.

-A discussion was held on digital format and getting them online.  A motion was made by Cheryl, 2nd by Jeanne and approved by all to apply for American Recovery Plan Grant for funding this project.

New business:

Dusty made a motion to accept the list of April deletion materials, 2nd by Jeanne and approved by all.

-Jody told about the awards and winners from the Book Award Program.

-Summer Reading Program plans are being finalized and the community is again being very generous with donations to the program.

Upcoming events

  • 10th:  Seed Library meeting 5:30 pm
  • 24th:  Reading may begin for SRP
  • 1st Summer Reading Program activity day is June 2nd
  • June 2nd:  Friends of Library meeting at 5:00 pm

Next meeting:  June 10, 2021 at 4:15 pm 

Dusty made a motion to adjourn, 2nd by Cheryl and approved by all.

Minutes for the Grant County Public Library Board of Trustees

Thursday, April 8, 2021 4:15 pm

President Diane Pillatzke called the meeting to order with Jeanne absent.  A motion was made by Clarice, 2nd by Dusty and approved by all to accept the March meeting minutes as read.  

Jody shared that the Bunny Program on April 3rd filled all the allotted spaces with 2 extra.  This was the first in person children’s program since Covid.  A library patron that day even commented on how happy the participants in the program were. 

The financial reports for March were reviewed and a motion to accept was made by Cheryl, 2nd by Karen and approved by all.

The Librarian’s report for March was 3083 total circulation and patron count of 1959.  EBook checkout was 903, computer usage was 167 hours, Wi-Fi sessions were 192 with 515 hours and 4 new patrons added in March.   Web site visits for the last 30 days was 445 and we still had 3 curbside deliveries.

Unfinished business:

-No unfinished business was brought forth.

New business:

Clarice made a motion to accept the list of March deletion materials, 2nd by Dusty and approved by all.

-The new Library Assistant, Dalton Fox, has been hired and approved by the commissioners.

-Next was a discussion on SDLA and ARSL library conferences for 2021.  Jody mentioned that the SDLA conference that was to be held in Pierre, will now be held virtually.  A motion was made my Karen to have Jody, Tammy and Shawna attend the SDLA conference as it is virtual (Sept 29, 30 and Oct. 1) and have Jody attend ARSL conference October 20-23, 2nd by Clarice and approved by all.

-The changing of Covid protocols in the library was talked about and the Board will let the Director and staff decide how to proceed.

-Turning our microfilm into digital format, so that at some point it can be accessed through the library website, was discussed.  This would eliminate the need for a Reader Printer replacement and yearly insurance.  Jody will look into grants that we may apply for and also to put the project into future budget requests.

-Jody informed the Library that a memorial was received in memory of June Comstock.  The family is looking at carrels for our computers, so people have more privacy. 

– Jody also informed the Board that the Library has received a Libraries Transforming Communities grant.  This will be used to get the seed library up and running with the help of the Whetstone Garden Club and other community groups and individuals. 

-Karen brought the Board up to date on the parking lot expansion on the west side of the library as well as the elimination of the driveway into the old garage space.   This is due to the fact that the bus garage will be expanding in the future and we will lose some current parking spaces.

-No other new business was brought forth.

Upcoming events

  • 3rd:  Bunny program at Library 10:30 am for ages 3-7:  Must register to participate
  • 4th – 10th:  National Library Week, stop in and pick up activity sheet, return for reward
  • 8th:  Board of Trustee meeting 4:15 pm
  • 10th – 17th:  National Money Smart Week:  adults have virtual learning sessions and children have an offering of free brochures with paired library books to check out
  • 18th-24th:  National Volunteer Week
  • 21st:  Reading Adventures – on Facebook
  • May 2-8th:  Children’s Book Week

Next meeting:  May 6, 2021 at 4:15 pm

 Cheryl made a motion to adjourn, 2nd by Clarice and approved by all.


Minutes for the Grant County Public Library Board of Trustees

Thursday, March 4, 2021 4:15 pm

President Diane Pillatzke called the meeting to order with Clarice absent.  A motion was made by Cheryl, 2nd by Dusty and approved by all to accept the February meeting minutes as read.  

Jody shared a thank you note received for the book giveaway for Library Lover’s Month.  Owen sent a very cute card with a drawing of his “gorilla”. 

The financial reports for February were reviewed and a motion to accept was made by Dusty, 2nd by Jeanne and approved by all.

The Librarian’s report for February was 3245 total circulation and patron count of 1688.  EBook checkout was 984, computer usage was 229 hours, Wi-Fi sessions were 141 with 427 hours and 10 new patrons added in February.   Web site visits for the last 30 days was 367 and we still had 4 curbside deliveries.

Unfinished business:

At the February 16th Commissioner’s meeting both Diane and Dusty were approved as Library Trustees for an additional 3 years.

-No other unfinished business was brought forth.

New business:

Karen made a motion to accept the list of February deletion materials, 2nd by Jeanne and approved by all.

-A discussion about the library utilizing digital resources from its website, which is part of our long range strategic plan, was held due to Jody being in contact with Niche Academy.  Jody will investigate additional options as to possible hosts for this digital material. 

-A job ad has been placed for a part time Library Assistant due to the resignation of a current employee.

-No other new  business was brought forth.

  • Upcoming events
  • March 17th:  Reading Adventures
  • March 22nd:  Friends of Library meeting 5:00 pm
  • These programs go to April 1, 2021
  • Adult Reading Program “Hot Reads-Cool Nights” is still underway
  • Elementary, middle school and High School reading with SD Book awards is also underway

Next meeting:  April 8, 2021 at 4:15 pm

 Jeanne made a motion to adjourn, 2nd by Cheryl and approved by all.

Minutes for the Grant County Public Library Board of Trustees

Thursday, February 4, 2021 4:15 pm

President Clarice Robertson called the meeting to order with Karen absent.  A motion was made by Jeanne, 2nd by Diane and approved by all to accept the January meeting minutes as read.  

The financial reports for January were reviewed and a motion to accept was made by Cheryl, 2nd by Dusty and approved by all.

The Librarian’s report for January was 3001 total circulation and patron count of 1730.  EBook checkout was 948, computer usage was 188 hours, Wi-Fi sessions were 121 with 518 hours and 9 new patrons added in January.  A new statistic has been added, web site visits for the last 30 days was 349.

Unfinished business:

-Discussion on our new Strategic plan.  Dusty was able to attend the online class:  Framing the Future, Advancing Strategic Planning in Small and Rural Libraries.  Dusty said it was an interesting class but she did find that a lot of the discussions really did not come into play with our library.  After looking at our plans for 2021/2022 and 5 years out, a motion was made by Diane, 2nd by Jeanne and approved by all to go with the printed plans on the hand out.

-No one had any other unfinished business to bring up.

New business:

-A motion was made by Jeanne, 2nd by Cheryl and approved by all to approve the January deletion material list.

-At the January 5th Commissioner Meeting Karen was reappointed to the Library board as commissioner rep and Diane and Dusty will be brought up for approval at the next commissioner meeting.

–In other new business Clarice Robertson submitted her resignation as Board President but she would remain on the board as a Trustee.  After a discussion amongst the members, a motion was made by Jeanne to accept Clarice’s President resignation, appoint the current VP Diane Pillatski as President and Dusty Mueller as Vice President, 2nd by Cheryl and approved by all. 

-Thank you Clarice for your many years of service as Board President. 

  • Upcoming events
  • Blind date with a book is underway and will conclude on February 18th
  • Read to Me is also underway and will conclude on February 18th
  • Library Lover’s Month – so beginning February 8th, books will be given to patrons as thank you
  • -Feb 15th: closed
  • -Feb 17th: Reading adventures, video on Facebook, kits at library
  • These programs go to April 1, 2021
  • Adult Reading Program “Hot Reads-Cool Nights” is still underway
  • Elementary, middle school and High School reading with SD Book awards is also underway

Next meeting:  February 4, 2021 at 4:15 pm

 Dusty made a motion to adjourn, 2nd by Diane and approved by all.


Minutes for the Grant County Public Library Board of Trustees

Thursday, January 7,2021 4:15 pm

No meeting held in December 2020

Vice President Diane Pillatzke called the meeting to order with Clarice absent.  A motion was made by Cheryl, 2nd by Jeanne and approved by all to accept the November meeting minutes as read.  

The financial reports for November and December 2020 were reviewed and a motion to accept was made by Jeanne, 2nd by Dusty and approved by all.

The Librarian’s report for November was 2480 total circulation and patron count of 1793.  EBook checkout was 874, computer usage was 172 hours, Wi-Fi sessions were 117 with 332 hours and 6 new patrons added in November.  A new statistic has been added, web site visits for the last 30 days was 309.  December stats:  3048 total circulation and patron count of 1626.  EBook checkout was 843, computer usage was 209 hours, Wi-Fi sessions were 250 with 1908 hours and 5 new patrons added in December.  Web site visits in the last 30 days were 296.

Unfinished business:

No one had any unfinished business to bring up.

New business:

-A motion was made by Dusty, 2nd by Cheryl and approved by all to approve the November and December  deletion material list.

-Board members up for renewal in January 2021 are Diane Pillatzke and Dusty Mueller and Karen Layher Commissioner Rep.  The commissioners have already approved Karen’s reappointment and a motion by Karen, 2nd by Jeanne to have the commissioners approve the reappointment of Diane and Dusty.

-Jody asked to use $500 from the petty cash fund for additional eBooks and audio this year through Libby/Overdrive.  A motion was made by Cheryl, 2nd by Dusty and approved by all for the extra $500.

-A discussion was then held on updating our strategic plan, looking ahead for 2022 and 5 years out.  We will bring our ideas forward and update the plans next month.

–any other new business for the good of the Library

Nov/Dec programming

  • Fall Storytime – Fall into a good book (book walk/activity kit/turkey hunt) average of 10/activity
  • Reading Adventures – online book read
  • Christmas Centerpieces – appointments over 3 days  – 28 people participated
  • Upcoming events
  • No Farm and Home Show
  • Closed:  January 1st
  • 11th – Read to Me Program begins
  • 18th:  Closed
  • 20th:  Reading Adventures ages up 6
  • Both programs go to April 1, 2021
  • Adult Reading Program “Hot Reads-Cool Nights” is still underway
  • Elementary, middle school and High School reading with SD Book awards is also underway

Next meeting:  February 4, 2021 at 4:15 pm

 Jeanne made a motion to adjourn, 2nd by Dusty and approved by all.


Minutes for the Grant County Public Library Board of Trustees

Thursday, November 5 2020 4:15 pm

President Clarice Robertson called the meeting to order with Cheryl and Karen absent.  A motion was made by Jeanne, 2nd by Diane and approved by all to accept the October meeting minutes as read.  Cheryl did send in her approval votes for this meeting as she could not be in attendance.

Sharing library correspondence:  The SD Technology grant check thru the Cares grant came today. 

The financial reports for October 2020 were reviewed and a motion to accept was made by Dusty, 2nd by Jeanne and approved by all.

The Librarian’s report for October was 2549 total circulation and patron count of 1537.  EBook checkout was 990, computer usage was 196 hours, Wi-Fi sessions were 175 with 874 hours and 2 new patrons added in September.  A new statistic has been added, web site visits for the last 30 days was 381.

Unfinished business:

No one had any unfinished business to bring up.

New business:

A motion was made by Diane, 2nd by Dusty and approved by all to approve the October deletion material list.

After a discussion about county closing dates for Christmas of December 24 and 25, a motion was made by Diane, 2nd by Jeanne and approved by all for the Library to be closed on Saturday December 26th.

A list of fines and fees for 2021 was presented to the Board and a motion was made by Jeanne, 2nd by Dusty and approved buy all to approve the 2021 fee list.

The Board members had all received copies of the new Internet policy for our policy manual as well as copies of our adult agreement and minor agreement that needs to be signed by a parent and/or guardian. This new Internet policy was due to the need to be CIPA compliant with technology protection measures in place for receiving the above mentioned SD Technology grant.  A motion was made by Dusty, 2nd by Jeanne and approved by all to accept the new internet policies and agreements.

A discussion was then held on a Christmas gathering and it was decided not to have one for 2020. 

Jody then shared information on a virtual performers playlist that Board members could attend with her if they so desired.  (Nov 16-20)

–any other new business for the good of the Library

  • Upcoming Events:
  • Oct event report: (Bingo – Reading adventures, Read for the record (213 kids))
  • Fall story time for ages 4-7
  • -October 26th-Oct 31st –  first week of Fall Story time – Book walk in the Park
  • -Nov 2 – 7th:  pick up activity bag
  • -Nov 9-14 turkey hunt in the park
  • -Nov 19th:  Friends of Library will have Family Bingo 3:30 – 5:00

Next Meeting: December 10, 2020 at 4:15 pm

 Jeanne made a motion to adjourn, 2nd by Diane and approved by all.

Minutes for the Grant County Public Library Board of Trustees

Thursday, October 8, 2020 4:15 pm

President Clarice Robertson called the meeting to order with Jeanne absent.  A motion was made by Diane, 2nd by Dusty and approved by all to accept the September meeting minutes as read.

The financial reports for September 2020 were reviewed and a motion to accept was made by Cheryl, 2nd by Karen and approved by all

The Librarian’s report for September was 2980 total circulation and patron count of 1605.  EBook checkout was 902, computer usage was 215 hours, Wi-Fi sessions were 198 with 726 hours and 8 new patrons added in September.  A new statistic has been added, web site visits for the last 30 days was 369.

Unfinished business:

No one had any unfinished business to bring up.

New business:

-No September deletions

-After a discussion of closed dates for the courthouse (11-26 and 27), a motion was made by Karen, 2nd by Dusty and approved by all to have the library closed on November 28th, Saturday.

-After comparing the old job descriptions in our policy manual to the updated descriptions, a motion was made by Cheryl, 2nd by Dusty and approved by all to accept the updated descriptions. 

–any other new business for the good of the Library

Upcoming Events:

  • – As people in our community are being very cautious about gatherings, our fall programming will again have non gathering formats
  • -October 12th – closed
  • -October 19th – Friends are going to try a Family Bingo due to parent teacher conferences 2:30 – 4:00
  • – October 21st – Reading Adventures – video on Facebook at 10:00 am and packets are available for pickup
  • -October 26th-Oct 31st –  first week of Fall Storytime – Book walk in the Park
  • – October 29th – Read for the Record, this year the book will just be passed between the teachers and they are to report back on number of children read to

Next Meeting: November 5, 2020 at 4:15 pm

 Diane made a motion to adjourn, 2nd by Dusty and approved by all.

Minutes for the Grant County Public Library Board of Trustees

Thursday, September 17, 2020 4:15 pm

President Clarice Robertson called the meeting to order with all members present.  A motion was made by Jeanne, 2nd by Diane and approved by all to accept the August meeting minutes as read.

The financial reports for August 2020 were reviewed and a motion to accept was made by Cheryl, 2nd by Dusty and approved by all.  Jody then reported that the book sale was very successful this year and brought in more donation dollars than usual.

The Librarian’s report for August was 2870 total circulation and patron count of 1959.  EBook checkout was 929, computer usage was 294 hours, Wi-Fi sessions were 205 with 581 hours and 3 new patrons added in August.  It was noted that the library hours in August went back to normal open hours to the public. We still had 5 curbside deliveries in August. 

Unfinished business:

-Jody informed the Board that the risk assessment report has been filed and the computers have been ordered for the SD Technology grant through the Cares Act.

-In regards to our employee situation, in 2021 a new full time Library Associate position has been created.  This position has been filled with a currently employed Library Assistant and she will begin working additional hours already in October 2020.  Jody will be creating a new Library Associate job description and reviewing other job descriptions for approval at our next meeting. 

New business:

-A motion was made by Dusty, 2nd by Jeanne and approved by all to approve the deletion of the materials on the August deletion lists.

– A discussion was held on our current wording for our monthly meetings in our bylaws.  A motion was made by Karen, 2nd by Cheryl and approved by all to change the monthly meeting wording to:

The Library Board shall meet on the first Thursday of a full week of the month or months at 4:15 pm or as called at the Library.  An annual meeting shall be held at the time of the regular monthly  meeting for the month of January.

-Due to the SD Technology grant that the Library has been awarded through the Cares Act, the following items will need to be completed by December 31, 2020

  •                 – need to make sure our internet policy includes a CIPA compliance statement
  •                 – must have a protection measure in CIPA compliance
  •                 – must have this in a public notice and meeting (our Board meetings work)

-any other new business for the good of the Library

Upcoming Events:

-We are going to be doing Tech questions over the phone and not make appointments on Tech Tuesdays.

-American Girl September 24th from 4-6 pm

Next Meeting: October 8, 2020 at 4:15 pm

 Jeanne made a motion to adjourn, 2nd by Diane and approved by all


Minutes for the Grant County Public Library Board of Trustees

Thursday, August 6, 2020 4:15 pm

President Clarice Robertson called the meeting to order with Cheryl and Jeanne absent.  A motion was made by Diane, 2nd by Dusty and approved by all to accept the July meeting minutes as read.

Clarice shared a letter from the SD State Librarian informing us that the Library is a recipient of the SD State Library Technology Grant funded by the Cares Act.  A discussion then followed about the grant as well as our updated library technology plan.  A motion was made by Dusty, 2nd by Diane and approved by all to accept the updated plan.  (the approval was previously done through email)

The financial reports for July 2020 were reviewed and a motion to accept was made by Karen, 2nd by Dusty and approved by all. 

The Librarian’s report for July was 3397 total circulation and patron count of 1772.  EBook checkout was 1007, computer usage was 181 hours, Wi-Fi sessions were 148 with 368 hours and 4 new patrons added in July.  It was noted that the library doors were opened to the public in July from 10:00 – 6:00 pm Mon – Thurs, Friday 10 – 5 and Saturday 10-1 with health restrictions in place.  We still had 16 curbside deliveries in July.  A 2019-year end statistics report brochure was also shared with the board.

Unfinished business:

– A report was given on the summer reading program participation in Milbank.  We are down by about ½ from 2019.  We had a total of 75 signups for PreK through 5th grade with 58 turning in reading logs.  Our total hours read for this group was 1832 hours. The teen group had 10 participants with 296 hours read.  This year we did fairy gardens and other projects sent home, book walks in the park and video stories on Facebook.  Janelle had a written report for the Board on her program also.

New business:

-There were no July material deletions

-The hiring of an additional library assistant will be handled after the approval of the 2021 budget. 

Upcoming Events:

  • August 17th – September 5th – Book Sale
  • -Sept 2nd – Friends meeting 5:00 pm
  • -Sept 7th – Closed – Labor Day

Next Meeting: September 10, 2020 at 4:15 – Motion by Diane 2nd by Dusty and approved by all to adjourn. – meeting date changed to September 17th


Minutes for the Grant County Public Library Board of Trustees

Thursday, July 9, 2020 4:15 pm

Vice President Diane Pillatzke called the meeting to order with Karen and Clarice absent.  A motion was made by Cheryl, 2nd by Jeanne and approved by all to accept the June meeting minutes as read

The financial reports for June 2020 were reviewed and a motion to accept was made by Dusty, 2nd by Cheryl and approved by all. 

The Librarian’s report for June was 2139 total circulation and patron count of 860.  EBook checkout was 1115, computer usage was 84 hours, Wi-Fi sessions were 134 with 426 hours and 8 new patrons added in June.  It was noted that the library doors were opened to the public on June 9th from 1:00 – 6:00 pm – with health restrictions in place.  We still had 54 curbside deliveries in June.

Unfinished business:

-A discussion was held on the SDLA and ARSL conferences as both are now virtual. 

New business:

-Jeanne made a motion to approve the deletion list for June, 2nd by Dusty and approved by all.

– Depending on how school opening goes – the library is considering to an American girl and then an American boy program in September. 

-Jody discussed that she is working a new technology plan to submit with a Cares act grant for technology.

Upcoming Events:

The Summer Reading Program planning is underway.  The signup and reading will began June 15th and reading ends on August 1st

Next Meeting: August 6, 2020 at 4:15 – Motion by Dusty 2nd by Jeanne and approved by all to adjourn.

Minutes for the Grant County Public Library Board of Trustees

Thursday, June 4, 4:15 pm

President Clarice Robertson called the meeting to order with all members present.   A motion was made by Diane, 2nd by Dusty and approved by all to accept the May meeting minutes as read

The financial reports for May 2020 were reviewed and a motion to accept was made by Cheryl, 2nd by Jeanne and approved by all. 

The Librarian’s report for May was 1439 total circulation and patron count of 12.  EBook checkout was 1079, computer usage was 3 hours, Wi-Fi sessions were 69 with 112 hours and 3 new patrons added in May.  It was noted that the library doors were closed to the public all of May, with work behind the scenes and curbside delivery provided, with 232 in May.

Unfinished business:

-A discussion was held on the SDLA and ARSL conferences.  The SDLA conference originally to be held in Aberdeen, SD in now virtual.  Karen made the motion to have up to 2 people attend the virtual SDLA conference and Jody can attend the ARSL conference as they are being held during the same time span. Motion 2nd by Jeanne and approved by all.

-The Library Assistant job opening closed May 22nd and a new assistant has been hired pending approval at the next commissioners meeting. 

-A discussion was then held on re-opening date for the Library.  The courthouse and Library will open to the public on June 9th, Tuesday.  A list of Library re-opening guidelines were approved by the Board.

New business:

-Dusty made a motion to approve the deletion list for May, 2nd by Diane and approved by all.

-A Library Assistant will be resigning as of July 1st and a discussion was held on hiring and work on the 2021 budget.  Jody will meet with Karen for further review. 

-County offices are closed on Friday, July 3rd and the Library will also be closed on Saturday, July 4th.

-Karen mentioned in other business that the Community Transit garage is making plans to expand on the south side of their current structure.  They have applied for a grant and do not know if anything will begin in 2020, it may wait until 2021.  Karen says they are looking at expanding parking spaces also, so that the library will still have designated spots for library personnel. 

Upcoming Events:

The Summer Reading Program planning is underway.  The signup and reading will begin June 15th and reading ends on August 1st

Next Meeting: July 9, 2020 at 4:15 – Motion by Karen 2nd by Dusty and approved by all to adjourn.

Minutes for the Grant County Public Library Board of Trustees

Thursday, May 7, 4:15 pm

Due to Covid 19 crisis – no meeting was held in April 2020

President Clarice Robertson called the meeting to order with Karen absent.   A motion was made by Cheryl 2nd by Diane and approved by all to accept the March meeting minutes as read.   The library has received many verbal “thank you for providing this service” as we deliver to the curbside. 

The financial reports for March 2020 were reviewed and a motion to accept was made by Jeanne, 2nd by Dusty and approved by all.  After reviewing the April financial reports, a motion was made by Dusty, 2nd by Cheryl and approved by all to accept. 

The Librarian’s report for March was 2949 total circulation and patron count of 1790.  EBook checkout was 970, computer usage was 266 hours, Wi-Fi sessions were 180 with 712 hours and 4 new patrons added in March.  It was noted that the library doors were closed to the public on March 21st, with work behind the scenes and curbside delivery provided, with 40 provided during March.

The Librarians report for April was 2053 total circulation and patron count of 4 from Strandberg.  EBook checkout was 1057, computer usage was 0, Wi-Fi sessions were 138 with 125 hours and 1 new patron added in April.  The entire month of April the libraries were closed to the public.  We continued to work behind the scene and provide curbside delivery which was 253 in April.

Unfinished business:

-A decision on attendance at the SDLA conference and ARSL conference as they both have the same dates of September30th – October 3rd was postponed to the June meeting.

-Due to Covid 19, the May 5th award ceremony in Pierre for the SRP grant was cancelled.

New business:

-Diane made a motion to approve the deletion list for March and April, 2nd by Jeanne and approved by all.

– Since the March meeting, one Library Assistant has resigned and Jody has a job ad out with the closing date of May 22nd.

-How Covid is affecting the Library work schedule was discussed, as well as having one employee temporarily out as a family caregiver. 

-A discussion was held on how and when to re-open the Library and its branches.  A motion was made by Cheryl, 2nd by Dusty and approved by all the accept the attached re-opening document.  The Board expressed that the Director has the authority to adjust the library opening, schedule, guidelines, etc. to fit what is happening with Covid in our community.  The Director is to communicate any emergency situations to the Board by email or phone. 

The Director than discussed how Summer Reading Program may be handled.  The Board again stated the Director has authority and will use best judgment on how the proceed with the program. 

President Clarice then asked the group, due to certain circumstances, if they would like her to step down as President, but she would like to remain on the Board.  The Board unanimously agreed she should remain as President. 

Upcoming May events:

Jody explained that no in library events have been held since March 12th and no group in library events are currently scheduled.  In April due to Money Smart Week, National Library Week, etc. Jody did put some links and videos on the Facebook page for people to utilize. 

Next Meeting: June 4, 2020 at 4:15 – Motion by Diane 2nd by Dusty and approved by all to adjourn.

Minutes for the Grant County Public Library Board of Trustees

Thursday, March 5, 2020 4:15 pm

President Clarice Robertson called the meeting to order with all present.   A motion was made by Cheryl 2nd by Jeanne and approved by all to accept the February meeting minutes as read.   The financial reports for February 2020 and year end 2019 were reviewed and a motion was made by Diane, 2nd by Dusty and approved by all to accept. 

The Librarian’s report for February was 3872 total circulation and patron count of 2750.  EBook checkout was 889, computer usage was 472 hours, Wi-Fi sessions were 193 with 541 hours and 7 new patrons added in January.

Unfinished business:No one could think of any unfinished business.

New business:

-Jeanne made a motion to approve the deletion list for February, 2nd by Cheryl and approved by all.

-As the SDLA conference and the ARSL conference fall in the same time span, a discussion was held as to who might be attending which conferences.  No decision was made at this time.

-An Executive Session was called for discussion of personnel matters.

-Discussion was held on the possibility of Jody attending an award ceremony for earning a $1000 Stephanie Miller Davis Grant for the SRP for 2020 in Pierre on May 5th.  Dusty made a motion to approve the trip, 2nd by Jeanne and approved by all.

-no other new business was brought up

  • Upcoming March events:
  • -Adult Reading Program- is underway:  Bingo and Reader of the week rewards
  • -grades K – 8th:  Try your luck with a book – win a pizza meal – thru March 19th
  • 2nd:  Friends of Library meeting 12:05 pm
  • 5th:  Board of Trustees meeting 4:15 pm
  • 5th:  After School Fun Quest 3:30 – 4: 30 ages 8-12
  • 10th:  Closed till noon for spring cleaning
  • 10th:  Tech Tuesday – call for appointment 432-6543
  • 12th:  After School Fun Quest 3:30 – 4: 30 ages 8-12
  • 18th: Reading Adventures 10:00 am for ages up to 6
  • 19th:  Family Bingo 11:30 – 12:30 – Hosted by Friends of the Library
  • 24th:  Tech Tuesday – call for appointment 432-6543
  • 26th:  After School Fun Quest 3:30 – 4: 30 ages 8-12
  • 26th:  Adult Painting Class 6:30 pm

Next Meeting: April 9, 2020 at 4:15

 Karen made a motion to adjourn, 2nd by Cheryl and approved by all.


Minutes for the Grant County Public Library Board of Trustees

Wednesday, February 5, 2020 4:15 pm

 Vice President Diane Pillatzke called the meeting to order with Clarice and Karen absent.   A motion was made by Cheryl 2nd by Dusty and approved by all to accept the January meeting minutes as read.  Jody shared that the Library was chosen by Subway as their Community Business of the Week and therefore received a dinner tray of sub-sandwiches.   The financial reports for January 2020 were reviewed and a motion was made by Jeanne, 2nd by Dusty and approved by all to accept. 

The Librarian’s report for January was 3872 total circulation and patron count of 2726.  EBook checkout was 868, computer usage was 360 hours, Wi-Fi sessions were 276 with 977 hours and 11 new patrons added in January.

Unfinished business:No one could think of any unfinished business.

New business:

-The commissioners approved the renewal of Cheryl Conrad and Jeanne Tietjen for another term of 3 years on the Board.

-Cheryl made a motion to continue with the deletion of the January deletion list, 2nd by Jeanne and approved by all.

-After a discussion about a ½ day library cleaning day.  Dusty approved for the library to be closed one day in March until noon for cleaning, 2nd by Cheryl and approved by all.

-The nearest Jumpstart Workshop for Summer Reading Program is March 6th at Madison, SD. A motion was made by Jeanne and 2nd by Dusty for 2 people to attend.

-Jody mentioned that the first Commissioner meeting of each month the Library and other departments will be requested to give a brief report concerning their department. 

-no other new business was brought up.

  • Upcoming February events:
  • -Adult Reading Program – Bingo – is underway
  • -Also stop in for “Blind Date with a Book: until February 14th
  • 6th:  Fun Quest-after school activity – challenge 3:30 – 4:30 pm
  • 11th:  Tech Tuesday – call for appointment
  • 12th:  Friends of Library – Family Bingo at 2:00- 3:00 pm
  • 13th:  Fun Quest-after school activity – craft 3:30 – 4:30 pm
  • 17th:  Closed for President’s Day
  • 18th:  Workforce Development Workshop 6:30 pm
  • 19th:  Reading Adventures 10:00 am up to age 6
  • 20th:  Fun Quest-after school activity – games 3:30 – 4:30 pm
  • 20th:  Read to Me “Hoedown Party” 5:30 pm
  • 25th:  Tech Tuesday – call for appointment
  • 27th:  Fun Quest-after school activity – food 3:30 – 4:30 pm

Next Meeting: March 5, 2020 at 4:15

 Dusty made a motion to adjourn, 2nd by Cheryl and approved by all.

Minutes for the Grant County Public Library Board of Trustees

Thursday, January 9, 2020 4:15 pm

 President Clarice Robertson called the meeting to order with all members present.   A motion was made by Cheryl 2nd by Dusty and approved by all to accept the December meeting minutes as read.  The financial reports for December 2019 were reviewed and a motion was made by Jeanne, 2nd by Diane and approved by all to accept. 

The Librarian’s report for December was 3060 total circulation and patron count of 2500.  EBook checkout was 828, computer usage was 400 hours, Wi-Fi sessions were 304 with 1422 hours and 10 new patrons added in December.

Unfinished business:

No one could think of any unfinished business.

New business:

-New internet agreements, one for adults and one for minors, were reviewed as well as the new signup sheet. This format now states that by signing on the signup sheet to use our computers the person agrees to accept our internet agreement.  Minors will still need a parent/guardian signature before using the computers.   A motion was made by Cheryl, 2nd by Jeanne and approved by all to accept the new formats. 

-Karen made a motion to approval the deletion of the December exceptions materials list, 2nd by Jeanne and approved by all. 

-no other new business was brought up.

  • Upcoming January events:
  • 1st:  Closed
  • 2nd:  Fun Quest after school event 3:30 – 4:40 pm
  • 6th:  “Down on the Farm” – read to me program begins for ages up to 6
  • 6th:  Friends of Library meeting at 12:05 pm
  • 9th:  Fun Quest after school event 3:30 – 4:30, ages 8-12
  • 10th & 11th:  you can visit us at the Farm & Home Show
  • 14th:  Tech Tuesday, call for appointment 432-6543
  • 15th:  Reading Adventures 10:00 am for ages up to 6
  • 16th:  Flying Tigers History 1:30 pm with Bill Rathburn
  • 16th:  Fun Quest after school event 3:30 – 4:30 pm, ages 8-12
  • 20th:  Closed for MLK Jr. Day
  • 22nd:  Family Bingo hosted by Friends of the Library 3:30 – 4:30 pm
  • 23rd:  Fun Quest after school event 3:30 – 4:30 pm, ages 8-12
  • 28th:  Tech Tuesday, call for appointment 432-6543
  • 28th: Parent-Child Interactive Workshop with Pam Vogel 5:30 pm
  • 30th:  Fun Quest after school movie 3:30 pm

Next Meeting: Thursday February 6, 2020 at 4:15

 Dusty made a motion to adjourn, 2nd by Diane and approved by all.


Minutes for the Grant County Public Library Board of Trustees

Thursday, December 5, 2019 4:15 pm

 President Clarice Robertson called the meeting to order with all members present.   A motion was made by Diane, 2nd by Jeanne and approved by all to accept the November meeting minutes as read.      Jody shared some thank you notes about the 40th Anniversary and Read for the Record.  The financial reports for November 2019 were reviewed and a motion was made by Cheryl, 2nd by Dusty and approved by all to accept. 

The Librarian’s report for November was 2865 total circulation and patron count of 2410.  EBook checkout was 860, computer usage was 405 hours, Wi-Fi sessions were 208 with 737 hours and 11 new patrons added in November.

Unfinished business:

-The Library 40th Anniversary former employee dinner was well attended and then the open house continued till 4:30 that afternoon.  Many compliments were received about the library anniversary article in the Review. 

-The computer policies as written are fine with the Library Board and will stand as printed with no changes at this time.

-Karen did confirm that the board and staff are covered under the county’s liability policy as well as the worker’s comp insurance. 

– No other unfinished business was brought up.

New business:

-Jeanne made a motion to approval the deletion of the November materials list, 2nd by Karen and approved by all. 

-Upcoming January programs include:  Read to me and a military Flying Tigers program, with Adult Reading to begin in February. 

-Jody asked if it was okay to close at 5:00 pm on December 31st.  A motion to approve this was made by Jeanne, 2nd by Diane and approved by all.

-no other new business was brought up.

  • Upcoming December events:
  • 5th:  Fun Quest:  3:30 – 4:30 pm – challenge activity. ages 8-12
  • 5th:  Board of Trustee meeting 4:15 pm
  • 10th:  Tech Tuesday, call 432-6543 for appointment
  • 10th:  Ugly Sweater workshop 6:00 pm
  • 11th:  Family Bingo – from Friends of the Library 3:30 – 4:30 pm
  • 12th:  Fun Quest 3:30 – 4:30 pm – make and take activity, ages 8-12
  • 17th:  Christmas centerpiece workshop:  must register – 2 sessions 2:00 & 6:00 pm
  • 18th:  Reading Adventures at 10:00 am for children up to 6
  • 19th:  Fun Quest: 3:30 – 4:30 pm – game for ages 8-12
  • 24th: Closed
  • 25th:  Closed – Merry Christmas
  • 26th:  Fun Quest:  3:30 – 4:30 pm – food activity
  • 31st:  Closing at 5:00 pm

Next Meeting: Thursday January 9, 2020 at 4:15

 Dusty made a motion to adjourn, 2nd by Cheryl and approved by all.


Minutes for the Grant County Public Library Board of Trustees

Wednesday, November 6, 2019 4:15 pm

 President Clarice Robertson called the meeting to order with Dusty and Karen absent.   A motion was made by Diane, 2nd by Jeanne and approved by all to accept the October meeting minutes as read.      The financial reports for October 2019 were reviewed and a motion was made by Cheryl, 2nd by Jeanne and approved by all to accept. 

The Librarian’s report for October was 3904 total circulation and patron count of 2912.  EBook checkout was 836, computer usage was 537 hours, Wi-Fi sessions were 313 with 964 hours and 8 new patrons added in October.

Unfinished business:

-November is the 40th Anniversary of the dedication of the Grant County Public Library on November 18, 1979.  There will be an open house on November 15th and a personal invitation was extended to the Library Board. 

– No other unfinished business was brought up.

New business:

-A motion was made by Jeanne, 2nd by Diane and approved by all to approve the October deletion list. 

– A discussion was held as to the library computer and conduct policies.  Handouts were given to the Board to peruse before the next meeting. 

-As Karen was absent, Jody will discuss with Karen liability insurance for Board members and library staff. 

– The county offices will be closed November 28th and 29th for Thanksgiving.  A motion was made by Cheryl, 2nd by Diane and approved by all to close the Library on November 30th also. 

-After a discussion on holding a Christmas gathering with the Board, staff, etc., the Board decided that they will forgo a Christmas gathering this year as they plan on attending the 40th open house.

  • Upcoming November events:
  • 4th:  Family Craft Day – sessions at 1:00 and 3:00 and 5: 30 pm
  • 6th:  Movies & Munchies:  Grantchester 1:00 pm
  • 6th:  Board of Trustees meeting 4:15 pm
  • 7th: Fun Quest with Sara 3:30 – 4:30 pm
  • 7th:  Sit, Stay and Read Storytime for ages 4-7, 5:30 – 6:30 pm
  • 11th:  Closed for Veterans Day
  • 12th:  Tech Tuesday, call 432-6543 for appointment
  • 13th:  Movies & Munchies:  Grantchester 1:00 pm
  • 14th:  Fun Quest – Bingo with Friends of Library 3:30 – 4:30 pm
  • 14th:  Sit, Stay and Read Storytime for ages 4-7, 5:30 – 6:30 pm
  • 15th:  Open House from 12 – 4:30, visit with former employees till at least 2
  • 20th:  Reading Adventures at 10:00 am for up to age 6
  • 20th:  Movies & Munchies: Grantchester 1:00 pm
  • 21st:  Fun Quest with Sara 3:30 – 4:30 pm
  • 21st:  Sit, Stay and Read Storytime for ages 4-7, 5:30 – 6:30 pm
  • 26th:  Tech Tuesday, call 432-6543 for appointment
  • 28th – 29th 30th Closed for Thanksgiving

Next Meeting: Thursday December 5, 2019 at 4:15

 Cheryl made a motion to adjourn, 2nd by Jeanne and approved by all.


Minutes for the Grant County Public Library Board of Trustees

Thursday, October 3, 2019 4:15 pm

President Clarice Robertson called the meeting to order with Jeanne absent.   A motion was made by Karen, 2nd by Cheryl and approved by all to accept the September meeting minutes as read.      The financial reports for September 2019 were reviewed and a motion was made by Dusty, 2nd by Diane and approved by all to accept.

The Librarian’s report for September was 3472 total circulation and patron count of 2823.  EBook checkout was 837, computer usage was 468 hours, Wi-Fi sessions were 173 with 394 hours and 17 new patrons added in September.

Unfinished business:

No one had any unfinished business.

New business:

-The September deletion list was looked at with Cheryl making motion to delete, 2nd by Dusty and approve by all.

-Jody gave a quick report on attending the SDLA conference.  She attended the SD Children’s Book Award and YARP sessions.  As well as a session on employee training, the SD Share it system, using google to teach information literacy, and using social media in the library.  She noted they had really good keynote speakers.

-After a discussion on the SRP Performance Showcase, a motion was made by Karen, 2nd by Dusty and approved by all to have Jody attend the November 7th session in Aberdeen.

Upcoming October events:

  • 3rd: Fun Quest “Game/Challenge” 3:30 – 4:30
  • 3rd:  Board Meeting 4:15 pm
  • 8th:  Tech Tuesday – call 432-6543 for appointment
  • 10th:  Fun Quest “Craft” – 3:30 – 4: 30
  • 16th:  Reading Adventures 10:00 am – ages up to 6
  • 17th:  Fun Quest – Candy Bar Bingo:  3:30 – 4:30
  • 21st:  Friends of Library meeting 12: 05 pm
  • 22nd:  Tech Tuesday – call 432-6543 for appointment
  • 24th:  Genealogy Workshop with Virginia Hanson from SD Archives 1-5
  • 24th:  Fun Quest “Food Activity” – 3:30 – 4:30 pm
  • 29th:  Scan Day – make an appointment for free scanning and thumb drive 432-6543
  • 31st:  Fun Quest – “movie” 3:30 – 4: 30 pm 

Next Meeting: Wednesday, November 6, 2019 at 4:15

 Cheryl made a motion to adjourn, 2nd by Diane and approved by all.

Minutes for the Grant County Public Library Board of Trustees

Thursday, September 12, 2019 4:15 pm

President Clarice Robertson called the meeting to order with Diane absent.   A motion was made by Cheryl, 2nd by Dusty and approved by all to accept the August meeting minutes as read.      The financial reports for August 2019 were reviewed and a motion was made by Jeanne, 2nd by Cheryl and approved by all to accept.

The Librarian’s report for August was 4030 total circulation and patron count of 3361.  EBook checkout was 873, computer usage was 578 hours, Wi-Fi sessions were 168 with 290 hours and 15 new patrons added in August.

Unfinished business:

The only unfinished business was our 2020 budget.  Karen said the commissioners approved the landscaping fixes and ongoing care contract for the Library.

New business:

The lengthy deletion list for August was reviewed with Karen making a motion to delete, 2nd by Dusty and approved by all.

Jody mentioned that another uncashed check from August 3, 2018, will now go through SD unclaimed property procedures.

Jody then gave report on ARSL conference: Authors Sandra Boynton and Chris Bohjalian were great speakers.  Sessions attended included:  Fundraising for Friends and Foundations, Marketing on a budget, Make the Most of the Space you have, Engaging your Community and Keeping them, When Did I join Geek Squad?, Displays on a Dime, Your workplace Culture, Find Patrons where they’re at and Advocacy Do’s and Don’ts.   The 2020 ARSL conference is in Wichita, Kansas

Upcoming September events:

  • 2nd:  Closed for Labor Day
  • 9th:  Friends meeting 12:05 pm
  • 10th:  Tech Tuesday, call 432-6543 for appointment
  • 9-10-11:  Book Sale, $3.00 bag sale – sale closes on the 11th
  • 12th:  Board of Trustee meeting 4:15 pm
  • 17th:  Jerry Barlow 6:30 pm, Celtic guitarist
  • 18th:  Reading Adventures for children 0-6 at 10:00 am
  • 19th:  Fun Quest – Candy Bar Bingo – from 3:30 – 4:30
  • 22-28th:  Banned Book Week
  • 24th:  Tech Tuesday, call 432-6543 for appointment
  • 25-26-27:  Jody gone for SDLA conference
  • 26th:  Fun Quest from 3:30 – 4:30

 Next Meeting: October 3, 2019 at 4:15

 Jeanne made a motion to adjourn, 2nd by Dusty and approved by all.


Minutes for the Grant County Public Library Board of Trustees

Thursday, August 8, 2019 4:15 pm

Vice President Diane Pillattzki called the meeting to order with Jeanne and Clarice absent.   A motion was made by Cheryl, 2nd by Dusty and approved by all to accept the July meeting minutes as read.     Financial reports for July 2019 were reviewed and a motion was made by Karen, 2nd by Cheryl and approved by all to accept.

The Librarian’s report for July was 4737 total circulation and patron count of 4230.  EBook checkout was 704, computer usage was 642 hours, Wi-Fi sessions were 219 with 424 hours and 17 new patrons added in July.

Unfinished business:

The 2020 budget must be finalized by September 30th and our commissioner representative, Karen, says all is moving forward with minor changes from 2019.

Jody then presented a report from Janelle at the Big Stone branch library on her successful Summer Reading Program.  Jody also reported that Milbank had more participation this year than 2018, with 11 more teens and 30 more preschool – 5th graders and attendance for each activity day was around 80 children for the younger group.

The Library will be celebrating 40 years as a County Library in November 2019 and Jody is moving ahead with some special programs.

New business:

The list of deletion materials for July was presented with a motion to delete from Dusty, a 2nd by Karen and approval by all to delete.

Fall and winter programming was then discussed and the library employees will be busy getting ready for the book sale to begin August 26th and other programming to begin in September including Celtic guitarist, Jerry Barlow, on September 17th

  •  Upcoming July events:
  • August 26 – Sept 11th Book Sale
  • September 3-7 Jody gone for ARSL conference
  • Sept 9th:  Friends meeting at noon

Next Meeting: September 12 2019 at 4:15    Cheryl made a motion to adjourn, 2nd by Dusty and approved by all.


Minutes for the Grant County Public Library Board of Trustees

Thursday, July 11, 2019 4:15 pm

Vice President Diane Pillattzki called the meeting to order with Karen and Clarice absent.   A motion was made by Cheryl, 2nd by Jeanne and approved by all to accept the June meeting minutes as read.     Financial reports for June 2019 were reviewed and a motion was made by Dusty, 2nd by Cheryl and approved by all to accept.

The Librarian’s report for June was 5479 total circulation and patron count of 4592.  EBook checkout was 771, computer usage was 698 hours, wifi sessions were 206 with 285 hours and 23 new patrons added in June.

Unfinished business:

Jody gave a report on the Summer Reading Program up to this point:  there have been around 75 children attending each activity day at the library.  There have also been a few people coming in to view the Nasa Exhibits.  The Hanson Family performers were a huge hit on Tuesday night.

OST has also been visiting on Monday afternoons in June and also July 8th and 15th.  There are approximately 40 children each visit and the Library provides an activity for the group and the rest of the time is being read to or reading themselves.

A discussion of the 2020 budget process took place and the Board is happy with the facts and figures.

New  business:

The list of deletion materials for June was presented with a motion to delete from Jeanne, a 2nd by Dusty and approval by all to delete.

Jody then told the Board about 2 uncashed new patron refund checks and in August one will need to go to the unclaimed funds property of the SD State Treasurer.

The Friends group is busy promoting the Library.  They have a Reading Rock program currently underway where children find specially painted rocks to bring to the library for a book and treat.  The Friends are also doing the book walk during the park carnival tonight.

A discussion was held about the upcoming 40th Anniversary of the county library, it was dedicated November of 1979.

Upcoming July events:

  • July 10th:  1:30 pm – SRP program activities for Preschool thru 5th
  • July 10th:  3:30 pm SRP activity for Teen Group
  • July 11th:  Book Walk for Friends Group at Park Carnival
  • July 17th: 1:30 SRP Finale Party for Preschool thru 5th
  • July 17th:  7:00 pm Finale Party for Teen Group
  • July 31st:  1:30 – 4:00 American Girl Program
  • August 26 – Sept 11th Book Sale

Next Meeting: August 8 2019 at 4:15    Cheryl made a motion to adjourn, 2nd by Jeanne and approved by all.


Minutes for the Grant County Public Library Board of Trustees

Thursday, June 6, 2019 4:15 pm

President Clarice Robertson called the meeting to order with Karen absent.   A motion was made by Diane, 2nd by Cheryl and approved by all to accept the May meeting minutes as read.     Jody shared a thank you note from Robin Schrupp about the picture with her mother’s poem.   Financial reports for May 2019 were reviewed and a motion was made by Dusty, 2nd by Jeanne and approved by all to accept.

The Librarian’s report for May was 3357 total circulation and patron count of 2996.  EBook checkout was 738, computer usage was 860 hours, wifi sessions were 193 with 336 hours and 15 new patrons added in May.

Unfinished business:

-A discussion was held concerning a patron that had signed an agreement with the Library that included a payment plan to begin on May 3, 2019.  As of this date June 6th, the patron has not made any payments nor come in to discuss the situation.  A motion was made by Dusty, 2nd by Jeanne and approved by all to consider the agreement null and void and to have Jody take away any credits given to the patron and have the account show the original balance due.

New  business:

-A motion was made by Cheryl, 2nd by Diane and approved by all to allow the deletion list for May.

-Congratulations to Tammy and Shawna upon their graduation June 7th to earn their “Library Management Certificate”.

-Summer reading program is in full gear with over 115 preschool thru 5th grader signed up and at least 18 teens.

 Upcoming June events:

  • 3rd:  Kick off program for Summer Reading – Jay & Leslie Laughing Matters 6:30 pm
  • 5th:  1:30 pm – Movie at Library: Fly me to the Moon
  • 12th:  1:30 pm -SRP program activities for Preschool thru 5th
  • 12th:  3:30 pm SRP program activities for teen group
  • 19th:  1:30 pm – SRP program activities for Preschool thru 5th
  • 19th:  3:30 pm SRP activity for Teen Group
  • 26th:  1:30 pm SRP program activities for Preschool thru 5th
  • 26th:  3:30 pm SRP activity for Teen Group
  • July 4th – closed
  • July 9th:  6:30 pm Hanson Family Jugglers – at Unity Square

Next Meeting: July 11, 2019 at 4:15    Jeanne made a motion to adjourn, 2nd by Dusty and approved by all.


Minutes for the Grant County Public Library Board of Trustees

Thursday, May 9, 2019 4:15 pm

President Clarice Robertson called the meeting to order with all present.  A motion was made by Diane, 2nd by Dusty and approved by all to accept the April meeting minutes as read.   The financial reports for April were reviewed and a motion was made by Cheryl, 2nd by Jeanne and approved by all to accept.

The Librarian’s report for April was 3686 total circulation and patron count of 3267.  EBook checkout was 769, computer usage was 579 hours with Wi-Fi usage at 213 sessions with 340 hours and 5 new patrons added in April.

Unfinished business:

No unfinished business was brought forth.

New business:

A listing of material for deletion was presented with Karen making the motion to delete, 2nd by Jeanne and approval by all.

A discussion followed concerning a picture with poetry by Doris Meers hanging in the library.  As this was a donation to Robin by her mother – a motion was made by Dusty, 2nd by Diane and approved by all to return the picture to Robin.

A discussion about a terminated patron who has now returned some library items and wants to make payments was held.  The Board wants this patron/library agreement closely monitored.  Should the patron not fulfill the agreement, Jody is to allow only 30 days with no patron action at which time the agreement will be null and void.

Upcoming May events

  • 14th:  Friends of Library meeting at noon
  • 16th:  First grade tours in afternoon
  • May 27th – closed for Memorial Day
  • 28th:  Summer Reading Program sign up and reading begins
  • June 3rd:  SRP Kickoff – Jay & Leslie Laughing Matters 6: 30 (open to public)
  • June 5th:  SRP movie at 1:30
  • June 3-7 Shawna and Tammy at Library Institute (graduation year)

 Next Meeting: June 6, 2019 at 4:15 pm

 Jeanne made motion to adjourn, 2nd by Cheryl and approved by all.


Minutes for the Grant County Public Library Board of Trustees

Thursday, April 4 2019 4:15 pm

President Clarice Robertson called the meeting to order with Karen Layher absent.  A motion was made by Jeanne, 2nd by Cheryl and approved by all to accept the March meeting minutes as read.   The financial reports for March and 2018 year end were reviewed and a motion was made by Diane, 2nd by Dusty and approved by all to accept.

The Librarian’s report for March was 3941 total circulation and patron count of 3894.  EBook checkout was 773, computer usage was 462 hours with Wi-Fi usage at 193 sessions with 340 hours and 10 new patrons added in March.  A year end statistic report was also reviewed and a motion was made by Dusty, 2nd by Diane and approve by all the accept both reports.

Unfinished business:

Jody mentioned that Stephanie and Pat brought back some great ideas from the Summer Reading Program workshop they attended.

New business:

A listing of material for deletion was presented with Jeanne making the motion to delete, 2nd by Cheryl and approval by all.

The busy upcoming April schedule and plans for Summer Reading Program and scheduling preschool tours were all discussed.

Upcoming March events

  • 1st: Friends group at noon
  • 2nd: Lunch & Learn at noon “8 steps to financial success”
  • 3rd:  Movie & Munchies 12:30 pm – The Forsyte Saga
  • 4th:  Board of Trustees meeting 4:15 pm
  • 4th:  YARP Readers Party 7:00 pm
  • April 7-13 National Library Week & National Volunteer Week
  • 8th:  Take Great Pictures even with your Phone  6:30 pm
  • 9th:  Tech Tuesday – call for appointment 432-6543
  • 10th:  Movie & Munchies 12:30 pm – The Forsyte Saga
  • 13th:  Bunny Hop & Chick-a-Boom Easter Program 10:30 (ages 3-7)
  • 17th:  Reading Adventures 10:00 am Toddler Tales, 10:30 am Book Babies
  • 17th:  Movie & Munchies 12:30 pm – The Forsyte Saga
  • 19th:  Closed
  • 22nd Closed
  • 23rd:  Tech Tuesday – call for appointment 432-6543
  • 25th:  Scan your Documents/Pictures Day – call for appointment 432-6543
  • April 28th – May 4th:  Children’s Book Week
  • 29th:  Fun Quest  – Candy Bar Bingo 3:30
  • 30th:  50th Birthday of Very Hungry Caterpillar Celebration Open House 4-6 pm

 Next Meeting: May 9, 2019 at 4:15 pm

 Cheryl made motion to adjourn, 2nd by Jeanne and approved by all.


Minutes for the Grant County Public Library Board of Trustees

Thursday, March 7, 2019 4:15 pm

Due to poor weather conditions the February 7th meeting was moved to February 14th and then again cancelled due to weather.

President Clarice Robertson called the meeting to order with all members present.  A motion was made by Diane, 2nd by Dusty and approved by all to accept the January meeting minutes as read.   The financial reports for January were reviewed and a motion was made by Cheryl, 2nd by Jeanne and approved by all to accept.  The financial reports for February were reviewed and a motion was made by Jeanne, 2nd by Diane and approved by all to accept.

The Librarian’s report for January was 3724 total circulation and patron count of 2651.  EBook checkout was 752, computer usage was 459 hours with Wi-Fi usage at 147 sessions with 313 hours and 9 new patrons added in January.  The Librarian’s report for February was 3550 total circulation and patron count of 2561.  EBook checkout was 694, computer usage was 439 hours with Wi-Fi usage at 153 sessions with 295 hours and 9 new patrons added in February.

Unfinished business:

Jody gave a report on attending Legislative Day in Pierre on February 12th and being one of the 7 libraries that received their Accreditation Certificates at a ceremony in the capitol rotunda.  Jody also thanked the Board for letting her attend.

New business:

A listing of material for deletion was presented with Cheryl making the motion to delete, 2nd by Dusty and approval by all.

A motion was made by Dusty and 2nd by Jeanne and approved by all to have Stephanie and Pat attend a Summer Reading Program workshop in Watertown on February 22nd.

Thank you was expressed to Clarice Robertson for all her years being part of the volunteer program at the library, her assistance through the years was greatly appreciated.

After a brief discussion concerning Tammy and Shawna attending their last year of Library Institute in June, Karen made a motion to approve their attendance, 2nd by Diane and approved by all.

A discussion was then held on the possibility of Jody attending both the SDLA and ARSL conference this fall.  After looking at the budget and projected expenses, Karen made a motion to approve Jody’s attendance at both conferences, 2nd by Cheryl and approval by all.

Upcoming February events

  • Adult Reading Bingo continues…….
  • Read to me continues until February 21st
  • 4th:  Friends of Library meeting 6:30 pm
  • 7th:  Board of Trustees meeting 4:15 pm
  • 12th:  Tech Tuesday – call 432-6543 for appointment
  • 18th:  Closed for President’s Day
  • 20th:  Reading Adventures; 10:00 am Toddler Tales, 10:30 am Book Babies
  • 21st:  Read to me “Let it Snow” party 5:30 pm
  • 26th:  Library will open at noon
  • 26th:  Tech Tuesday from noon to 3:00 – call for appointment 432-6543
  • 28th:  Fun Quest Candy Bar Bingo 3:30 – Friends of Library

Upcoming March events

  • Adult Reading Bingo continues……..
  • 6th:  Movies & Munchies 12: 30 pm – The Forsyte Saga
  • 7th:  Board of Trustee Meeting 4:15 pm
  • 12th:  Tech Tuesday – call for appointment 432-6543
  • 12th:  Fun Quest – Bounce Balls with Sara Koepke 3:30 pm
  • 13th: Movies & Munchies 12: 30 pm – The Forsyte Saga
  • 19th:  Head Start Group Visit at 5:30 pm
  • 20th:  Reading Adventures:  10:00 Toddler Tales,  10:30 Book Babies
  • 20th: Movies & Munchies 12: 30 pm – The Forsyte Saga
  • 26th:  Tech Tuesday – call for appointment 432-6543
  • 27th: Movies & Munchies 12: 30 pm – The Forsyte Saga

 Next Meeting: April 4, 2019 at 4:15 pm

 Dusty made motion to adjourn, 2nd by Diane and approved by all.


Minutes for the Grant County Public Library Board of Trustees

Thursday, January 10, 2019  4:15 pm

President Clarice Robertson called the meeting to order with all members present.  A motion was made by Diane, 2nd by Jeanne and approved by all to accept the December meeting minutes as read.   The financial reports for December 2018 were reviewed and a motion was made by Cheryl, 2nd by Dusty and approved by all to accept.

The Librarian’s report for December was 2326 total circulation and patron count of 2013.  EBook checkout was 712, computer usage was 350 hours with wifi usage at 185 sessions with 801 hours and 12 new patrons added in December.

Unfinished business:

-no old business to complete

New business:

-After looking at the December list for deletion of materials a motion was made by Karen, 2nd by Diane and approved by all to delete the materials.

-Board members up for renewal are Clarice Robertson and Karen Layher.  A motion was made by Cheryl and 2nd by Diane for approve their continued appointments to the Library Board.

-After looking over the fines and fees schedule for 2019 a motion was made by Dusty, 2nd by Jeanne and approved by all to approve and Clarice signed the approval

-A discussion was held on the library be closed a ½ day in February for spring cleaning.  Jeanne made the motion to approve this, 2nd by Cheryl and approved by all.

-The SDLA Legislative Day with Library Accreditation Ceremony on 2-12-19 was discussed.  A motion was made by Karen, 2nd by Dusty and approved by all to have Jody attend with mileage reimbursement.

  • Upcoming January events:
  • Adult Reading Program Bingo begins (Jan-Feb-March)
  • 7th:  Read to me for children up to age 6 begins – Let us Snow…..
  • 7th:  Family Holiday Fun Quest 3:30 – 4:30 pm  Candy Bar Bingo
  • 8th:  Tech Tuesday – call for appointment 432-6543
  • 10th:  Board of Trustees meeting 4:15 pm
  • 11th & 12th: Visit us at the Farm & Home Show
  • 16th:  Reading Adventures, 10:00 Toddler Tales ages 3-6, 10:30 Book Babies up to age 2
  • 21st:  Closed
  • 22nd:  Tech Tuesday – call for appointment 432-6543
  • 29th:  5th Tuesday Movie Time 3:30 – The Peanuts Movie

Next Meeting: February 7, 2019 at 4:15 pm

Jeanne made motion to adjourn, 2nd by Cheryl and approved by all.


Minutes for the Grant County Public Library Board of Trustees

Thursday, December 6, 2018 5:00 pm

President Clarice Robertson called the meeting to order with Dusty and Jeanne absent.  A motion was made by Cheryl, 2nd by Diane and approved by all to accept the November meeting minutes as read.   The financial reports for November 2018 were reviewed and a motion was made by Karen, 2nd by Cheryl and approved by all to accept.

The Librarian’s report for November was 3119 total circulation and patron count of 2410.  EBook checkout was 645, computer usage was 380 hours with wifi usage at 276 sessions with 875 hours and 6 new patrons added in November.

Unfinished business:

-All Board members having had a chance to review the newly revised library policy manual a motion was made by Cheryl, 2nd by Diane and approved by all to accept and implement the new policy manual.

New business:

-After looking at the list for deletion of materials a motion was made by Karen, 2nd by Diane and approved by all to delete the materials list for November.

Upcoming December events:

  • 5th:  Movie & Munchies 12:30 pm – When calls the heart
  • 6th:  Board of Trustees Meeting 5:00 pm
  • 6th:  Library closes at 6:00 pm for Board/Staff/Vol/Friends Christmas gathering
  • 11th:  Tech Tuesday – call for appointment 432-6543
  • 12th:  Movie & Munchies 12:30 pm followed by cookie exchange
  • 18th:  From 12:00 – 1:00 pm closed for county Christmas party
  • 19th:  Reading Adventures:  10:00 toddler tales & 10:30 book babies
  • 24th & 25th:  Closed – Merry Christmas
  • 26th-27th-28th: Family Holiday Fun Quest with assistance from Friends of Library- All ages welcome, but children under 8 must have an adult with at all times.
  • 26th: Knex & Legos:  1:30 – 3:00  Can bring your own too – Peoples choice awards
  • 27th:  Movie:  ?? 1:30 pm-3:00
  • 28th:  Candy Bar Bingo 1:30 – 3:00 pm
  • December 31st – Closed
  • January 1, 2019 – Closed – Happy New Year
  • January 2, 2019 Family Holiday Fun Quest 1:30 – 3:00 pm Mini Golf

 Next Meeting: January 10, 2019 at 4:15 pm

 Diane made a motion to adjourn, 2nd by Cheryl and approved by all.  A Christmas gathering was then enjoyed by Board members, Library staff, volunteers and Friends of the Library group.


Minutes for the Grant County Public Library Board of Trustees

Thursday, November 8, 2018 4:15 pm

All six Board of Trustees members and Jody Carlson were present at 3:45 pm to watch the ALA Trustee Academy webinar on “Intellectual Freedom” and having the appropriate policies in place.  Jody thought this was especially timely as the Board is currently working on approval of an updated Grant County Public Library Policy Manual.

President Clarice Robertson called the meeting to order with all members present.  A motion was made by Cheryl, 2nd by Dusty and approved by all to accept the October meeting minutes as read.   On sharing correspondence, Jody stated that a Thank you note was received from the DOT for hosting a safety workshop on the premises.    The financial reports for October 2018 were reviewed and a motion was made by Dusty, 2nd by Diane and approved by all to accept.

The Librarian’s report for October was 3345 total circulation and patron count of 3060.  EBook checkout was 697, computer usage was 490 hours with 9 new patrons added in October.  A new software program has been installed through the SD State Library called Who’s on my Wi-Fi.  This allows for tracking of our Wi-Fi usage and since being installed on October 8th our usage has consisted of 393 sessions with 2028 hour.

Unfinished business:

  • A discussion was held concerning the webinar just watched and already having the proper policies in place. A couple of people need to review the manual before it is approved.  Looking at approval at the December board meeting.

New business:

  • A motion was made by Jeanne to approve the deletion list of materials for October, 2nd by Cheryl and approved by all.
  • There was a discussion concerning our research fee. A motion was made by Dusty, 2nd by Jeanne and approved by all that as of January 1, 2019 the Library in county resident research fee will be $10 per hour and out of county resident research fee will be $15 per hour.
  • A discussion was held on a Christmas gathering. The gathering will be held beginning at 6:00 pm on December 6th.  It will be a potluck, with a white elephant gift exchange and invited will be:  Board, All Staff, Volunteers and Friends Group.  Due to the gathering the Library will close at 6:00 pm on December 6th.
  • Karen informed the Board that a declaration from the governor has come through with the state offices (and our county follows this policy) closed on Thanksgiving November 22nd as well as Nov 23rd. A motion was made by Diane, 2nd by Dusty and approved by all to have the Library closed on Saturday November 24th as well.   Karen also informed us that the state offices will also be closed December 24th and then December 25th due to Christmas as well as December 31, 2018 and January 1, 2019.

Upcoming November events:

  • FUNQUEST:  3:30 – 4:30 every day after school (ages 8-12)
  • 7th:  Movie & Munchies 12:30 pm – When Calls the heart
  • 7th:  Baby Scrapbooking 6:30 pm
  • 8th:  Board of Trustee Meeting 4:15 pm
  • 12th:  Closed
  • 13th:  Tech Tuesday 10:30 – 3:00 call 432-6543 for appointment
  • 14th:  Movie & Munchies 12:30 pm – When Calls the heart
  • 21st:  Reading Adventures, 10:00 am Toddler Tales- 10:30 am Book Babies
  • 22nd:  Closed
  • 23rd:  Closed
  • 24th:  Closed
  • 27th: Tech Tuesday 10:30 – 3:00 call 432-6543 for appointment
  • 28th:  Movie & Munchies 12:30 pm – When Calls the heart

 Next Meeting: December 6, 2018 at 5:00 pm

 Cheryl made a motion to adjourn, 2nd by Jeanne and approved by all.


Minutes for the Grant County Public Library Board of Trustees

Thursday, October 4, 2018 4:15 pm

Vice President Diane Pillatzke called the meeting to order with Cheryl Conrad and Clarice Robertson absent.  A motion was made by Jeanne, 2nd by Dusty and approved by all to accept the September meeting minutes as read.      The financial reports for September 2018 were reviewed and a motion was made by Karen, 2nd by Jeanne and approved by all to accept.

The Librarian’s report for September was 3504 total circulation and patron count of 2801.  EBook checkout was 670, computer usage was 563 hours with 8 new patrons added in September.

Unfinished business:

-The small claims court judgment has now been processed through small claims court.

-The Board has gone over the mission statement and strategic plans and see nothing to change.  They are working their way through the rest of the policy manual.

New business:

-A report was given to the Board on the upcoming Friends of the Library activities.

-A discussion was held on our continuing support of the LaBolt Outreach Library.  A motion was made by Dusty, 2nd by Karen and approved by all to discontinue paying rent, to bring back the library computer and discontinue any library services as of December 31, 2018.  However, the LaBolt Mini Mall will continue to be supported with the county Library paying towards their continuing WiFi service.

-Jody then gave a report on the ARSL and SDLA library conference she recently attended.  Jody also expressed her appreciation to the Board for their support in attending these conference.

Upcoming October events:

  • FUNQUEST:  3:30 – 4:30 everyday after school (ages 8-12)
  • 8th:  closed
  • 9th:  Tech Tuesday
  • 11th:  Monster Mash Story Time for (ages 4-7) 5:30 – must register
  • 17th:  Reading Adventures:  10:00 Toddler Tales, 10:30 Book Babies
  • 18th:   Monster Mash Story Time for (ages 4-7) 5:30 – must register
  • 23rd:  Tech Tuesday – call for appointment 432-6543
  • 25th:  Read for the Record day
  • 25th:  Monster Mash Story Time for (ages 4-7) 5:30 – must register
  • 25th:  7:00 pm Author Visit – Brent Olson:  Friends of the Library sponsor
  • 31st:  Movie & Munchies 12:30 pm:  When calls the heart
  • 31st:  Close at 5:00 pm

 Next Meeting: November 8, 2018 at 4:15

 Jeanne made a motion to adjourn, 2nd by Dusty and approved by all.


Minutes for the Grant County Public Library Board of Trustees

Thursday, September 6, 2018 4:15 pm

President Clarice Robertson called the meeting to order with Karen Layher absent.  A motion was made by Jeanne, 2nd by Dusty and approved by all to accept the August meeting minutes as read.      The financial reports for August 2018 were reviewed and a motion was made by Cheryl, 2nd by Diane and approved by all to accept.

The Librarian’s report for August was 4076 total circulation and patron count of 3273.  EBook checkout was 595, computer usage was 851 hours with 19 new patrons added in August.

Unfinished business:

-Jody gave follow up report on the small claims court procedure.  Due to the individual’s recent address change – we had the sheriff’s department serve the claim notice.

-The Board discussed the mission statement and strategic plan in the policy manual along with the table of contents.  At this point everything looks in order and Jody will continue to complete the policy manual with the goal of Board approval at least by the December 2018 meeting.

New business:

-A motion was made by Dusty, 2nd by Jeanne and approved by all to continue with the deletion of the materials pulled in August.

-Clarice and Cheryl gave a quick report on upcoming activities of the Friends of the Library.  They are hoping to have a float in the homecoming parade and they are set to participate in treat street.  To celebrate Friends of the Library week October 21-27, they are sponsoring Brent Olson for a presentation on October 25th.

-A discussion was held on the Showcase Performances again being offered on November 1st and 2nd.  A motion was made by Jeanne, 2nd by Cheryl and approved by all to allow Jody to attend either session.

-The new Library Assistant, Stephanie Folk, was introduced to the Board.  Kelly Whitesitt, the other new Library Assistant, was not present for a formal introduction.

-Jody has called Sara Erickson twice, but as yet has not been called back.  Jody and Clarice will compose a letter to the LaBolt Mini Mall concerning the services connected with the Outreach Library.

-After a quick discussion, a motion was made by Diane, 2nd by Dusty and approved by all to allow the library to close at 5:00 pm on October 31st.

  •  Upcoming September events:
  • – August 27th thru September 8th – Book sale
  • Month of September is Library Card sign up month
  • -3rd:  closed
  • 11th:  Tech Tuesday – call for appointment 432-6543
  • -19th:  Reading Adventures, Toddler Tales 10:00 and Book Babies 10:30
  • -25th:  Tech Tuesday – call for appointment 432-6543
  • Banned Book Week:  Sept 23-29
  • Jody will be attending the American Rural and Small Library conference September 12th– 15th and the SD Library conference September 26th-28th

 Next Meeting: October 4, 2018 at 4:15

 Dusty made a motion to adjourn, 2nd by Cheryl and approved by all.


Minutes for the Grant County Public Library Board of Trustees

Thursday, August 2, 2018 4:15 pm

President Clarice Robertson called the meeting to order with all members present.    A motion was made by Cheryl, 2nd by Diane and approved by all to accept the July meeting minutes as read.      The financial reports for July 2018 were reviewed and a motion was made by Jeanne, 2nd by Dusty and approved by all to accept.

The Librarian’s report for July was 4422 total circulation and patron count of 3822.  EBook checkout was 573, computer usage was 621 hours with 9 new patrons added in July.

Unfinished business:

A report was given by Jody that after visiting with the States Attorney, small claims court is the only way to proceed.  The small claims papers are ready to file and will be filed so shortly.

The SD unclaimed property has also been filed for the uncashed new patron check from back in 2017.

A discussion then followed on the Edge report concerning library technology and community engagement.  The Board felt that since the initial Edge Assessment was taken back in 2014 we have followed through and completed all the necessary changes for our community.

A discussion then followed on the hiring a new Library Assistant.

New business:

A motion was made by Dusty, 2nd by Cheryl and approved by all to approve the list of deletion materials for July.

Jody reported that the Summer Reading Program concluded on July 18th and grades PreK thru 5th read 2,144 hours and the teen program participants read a total of 30,750 pages.

Jody then handed out the first few pages of the new policy manual containing the mission statement, strategic planning and the table of contents.  The Board will bring back comments to the next meeting.

Upcoming August events:

  • Book Sale August 27 thru September 8th
  • 30th:  Friends of the Library meeting 6:30 pm
  • Next Meeting: September 6, 2018 at 4:15 
  • Diane made a motion to adjourn, 2nd by Jeanne and approved by all.


Minutes for the Grant County Public Library Board of Trustees

Thursday, July 5, 2018 4:15 pm

President Clarice Robertson called the meeting to order with all members present. A motion was made by Jeanne, 2nd by Dusty and approved by all to accept the June meeting minutes as read. The financial reports for June 2018 were reviewed and a motion was made by Cheryl, 2nd by Diane and approved by all to accept.
The Librarian’s report for June was 5133 total circulation and patron count of 4531. EBook checkout was 521, computer usage was 475 hours with 15 new patrons added in June.
Unfinished business: After a discussion on overdue materials and small claims court, a motion was made by Diane, 2nd by Dusty and approved by all to have Jody check in with Mark and then upon his advice – proceed to small claims court with one recent individual owing over $500 due to unreturned materials.

New business: The Friends of the Library will be doing a free book walk again this year during Park Carnival on July 12th. The Summer Reading program is very well attended with between 75-85 children attending the PreK – 5th grade activity days. We have two more sessions July 11 and 18th. The teen program will also conclude the evening of the 18th with their afterhours party and their group activities have 1014 kids involved. The Library will again be offering an American Girl program on July 25th from 1:30 – 4:00 which will include a tour of the historical house and school. As a library assistance resigned as of June 30th, the library will be advertising the position with the goal of hiring the first week of August. Jody then gave each of the Board members a resource guide and had the Board watch a Short Talk for Trustees on Strategic Planning. These are available through United for Libraries a division of the American Library Association. Karen and the Board would like to see the libraries Edge Assessments as discussed in the Short Talk. A discussion followed concerning the SDLA conference in Sioux Falls in September and that Board members are welcome to attend.

Upcoming July events: – 9th OST at 1:15 grades 1 and 2 11th: Summer Reading Program 1:30-2:30, Grades PreK-5, Alternative ways to rock Teen group: 3:30 Mini Golf 16th – OST 1:15 grades 3-5 18th: Summer Reading Program 1:30-2:30, Grades Prek-5, Phil Baker Performance Open to the Public – teen group is welcome 18th: Teen Summer Reading Program after hours’ finale 7:00-10:00 23rd – OST 1:5 grades 1 and 2 25th: American Girl 1:30 – 4:00 pm

Next Meeting: August 2, 2018 at 4:15

Cheryl made a motion to adjourn, 2nd by Jeanne and approved by all.


Minutes for the Grant County Public Library Board of Trustees

Thursday, June 7, 2018 4:15 pm

President Clarice Robertson called the meeting to order with Jeanne and Karen absent.    A motion was made by Cheryl, 2nd by Diane and approved by all to accept the May meeting minutes as read.      The financial reports for May 2018 were reviewed and a motion was made by Dusty, 2nd by Cheryl and approved by all to accept.

The Librarian’s report for May was 3706 total circulation and patron count of 3317.  EBook checkout was 541, computer usage was 524 hours with 9 new patrons added in May.

Unfinished business:

The new office desk is installed and is greatly appreciated.

-After a discussion on overdue materials and small claims court it was decided to have Jody prepare a list of patrons and dollar amounts of $200 and over since January 2017.  A decision will then be made next month if we wish to proceed to small claims court.

New  business:

-A motion was made by Cheryl, 2nd by Dusty and approved by all to proceed with the deletion list of materials for May.

– After a discussion on the YARP meeting to be held in Sioux Falls on June 8th, a motion was made by Diane, 2nd by Dusty and approved by all for Jody to attend.

– A small discussion was held on summer reading program activities and Jody said the OST group has arranged 2 activity dates with the Library (May 31st and June 25th).

-The budget process for 2019 has begun.

  • Upcoming June events:
  • 6th:  Summer Reading Program 1:30 – 2:30, Grades PreK – 5, musical instruments
  •         Teen Group: This week is selfie scavenger hunt
  • 13th:  Summer Reading Program 1:30-2:30, Grades PreK-5, Duke Otherwise performance
  •           Teen Group:  Join us for Duke Otherwise
  • 14th:  Summer Reading Program Movie  “Sing” 1:30-3:00, all ages welcome
  • 20th:  Summer Reading Program, 1:30-2:30, Grades PreK-5, Rock out with geology
  •            Teen Group:  3:30 Tenzi Dice game
  • 27th:  Summer Reading Program 1:30 – 2:30, Grades PreK-5, Rocking with our world
  •           Teen Group:  3:30 Make/Take Shrinky dinks
  • July 2018
  • 4th:  – CLOSED

Next Meeting: July 5, 2018 at 4:15

 Diane made a motion to adjourn, 2nd by Dusty and approved by all.


Minutes  Grant County Public Library Board of Trustees Thursday, May 3, 2018 4:15 pm

President Clarice Robertson called the meeting to order and all members attended.    A motion was made by Jeanne, 2nd by Cheryl and approved by all to accept the April meeting minutes as read.    Jody reported on several individuals that have made donations for book purchases and more.  The financial reports for April 2018 were reviewed and a motion was made by Dusty, 2nd by Diane and approved by all to accept.

The Librarian’s report for April was 3589 total circulation and patron count of 2768.  EBook checkout was 523, computer usage was 426 hours with 5 new patrons added in April.

Unfinished business:

Jody reported on the hiring on two new employees, one Library Assistant for 10-12 hours per week and another Library Assistant for 3-6 hours per week.

-Jody also reported that the new desk is scheduled to arrive next Monday the 7th.

New  business:

-A motion was made by Karen, 2nd by Jeanne and approved by all to allow the deletion list for April.

-Jody reported they have given many tours/ presentations to visiting preschools last week and 1st graders this week.

– A discussion was held on the current procedures the Library follows on overdue materials.  Jody will discuss with Julie, Clerk of Courts, what it takes to file in small claims court and report back.

-Jody then reported on upcoming summer reading program plans and booked entertainment. 

Upcoming May events:

  • April 30 to May 6th:  Children’s Book Week
  • 2nd:  Movie & Munchies 12:30 pm
  • 9th: Movie & Munchies 12:30 pm
  • 15th:  Guest Author – Julie Klassen at 6:30 pm – Lunch by Friends of the Library
  • 16th: Movie & Munchies 12: 30 pm
  • 29th:  sign up and reading for Summer Reading Program begins

Next Meeting: June 7,, 2018 at 4:15    Cheryl made a motion to adjourn, 2nd by Diane and approved by all.


Minutes for the Grant County Public Library Board of Trustees Thursday, April 5, 2018 4:15 pm

President Clarice Robertson called the meeting to order and all members attended. A motion was made by Cheryl, 2nd by Diane and approved by all to accept the March meeting minutes as read. The financial reports for March 2018 were reviewed and a motion was made by Jeanne, 2nd by Dusty and approved by all to accept.
The Librarian’s report for February was 4076 total circulation and patron count of 2878. EBook checkout was 529, computer usage was 446 hours with 8 new patrons added in March. Unfinished business: -In regard to the uncashed patron refund check, Jody called the SD Unclaimed Property office. She was informed we have correctly handled this situation and waited the one year before we can file. The date to file is between June 30 and November 1st and Jody will do so at that time. -After looking over the choice of two new office desks, Karen made a motion to purchase Jody’s first choice to be paid out of petty cash, 2nd by Cheryl and approved by all. -The Board turned in a Library Director evaluation which will be put in the personnel file. -Jody reported that the OCI yearbook project is complete. Our 1950-1989 Milbank High School annuals have been returned and our digital format DVD was been received. This was all free of charge including postage.

New Business: -A motion was made by Karen, 2nd by Dusty and approved by all to approve the deletion of materials on the March list. -The annual Public Library Survey was completed, signed, submitted and approved by the state SDSL Data Coordinator by the March 31st deadline. Jody handed out brochures created with Grant County statistics included and also a state Public Libraries Data Digest for comparison. -At the March meeting the Board approved a new 3-6 hour Library Assistant position, however, just after that a current 10-12 hour Library Assistant gave her notice. Job openings have been published and will close April 6th. Jody will work on filling both positions the week of April 9th. -A discussion was held on Tammy and Shawna attending Library Institute and Jody attending various Library Conferences. A motion was made by Dusty, 2nd by Diane and approved by all for Tammy and Shawna to attend Library Institute in June and Jody to attend SDLA Conference in September. Included in this motion was an approval for Jody to also attend ARSL Conference in September as long as the budget funding is available.

Upcoming April events: 7th: Movie & Munchies at 12:30 pm 13th: Tech Tuesday, please call for appointment 432-6543 13th: Brain Builders for ages 8-12 3:30 – 4:30 pm 14th: Movie & Munchies at 12:30 pm 19th: Author Visit at 6:30 pm Audrey Jo Rider: Uniquely You 21st: Reading Adventures for children up to age 6 at 10:00 am 21st: Movie & Munchies at 12:30 pm 24th: Breakfast with the Bunny, call to reserve a spot 432-6543 27th: Tech Tuesday, please call for appointment 432-6543 28th: Movie & Munchies at 12:30 pm –in April Book to Movie on 12th: Glass Castle – reading material available now –also 7th grade essays available to read, will award 3 people’s choice awards during National Lib Week
Next Meeting: May 3, 2018 at 4:15 Cheryl made a motion to adjourn, 2nd by Dusty and approved by all.


Minutes for the Grant County Public Library Board of Trustees

Thursday, March 8, 2018 4:15 pm

President Clarice Robertson called the meeting to order with Jeanne absent.    A motion was made by Cheryl, 2nd by Diane and approved by all to accept the February meeting minutes as read.    A Thank you note was received from Learning Time Preschool and shared with the Board.  There was no other correspondence or public comment.  The financial reports for February 2018 were reviewed and a motion was made by Dusty, 2nd by Diane and approved by all to accept.  The year end financial reports for 2017 were also reviewed and a motion was made by Dusty, 2nd by Diane and approved by all to accept.

The Librarian’s report for February was 3322 total circulation and patron count of 2582.  EBook checkout was 534, computer usage was 425 hours with 8 new patrons added in February..

Unfinished business:

-Discussion again on the possibility of new office furniture from petty cash account.  Jody is to bring her final choice and price to the Board in April.

-Tammy did attend her SRP workshop, but due to weather Shawna & Jody’s was postponed until Friday the 9th.

New Business:

-It is necessary to reappoint Board members Diane Pillatzke and Dusty Mueller for 3 years and Karen Layher, Commissioner Representative for one year.  Cheryl made a motion to reappoint with a 2nd from Dusty and motion was approved by all.

-A discussion was held on the possibility of another very part time (3-6 hours per week) Library Assistant position.  A motion was made by Dusty to place an ad for another Assistant with a 2nd by Diane and approved by all.

-As to the old March 2017 uncashed check, Jody will now proceed with the paper work through SD unclaimed property.

-Jody gave an update on the 1000 Books before Kindergarten program.  Hardees and Triple Dip have graciously donated some food coupons and Great Western Bank will open accounts for the participants at the 500 book level with a $10 donation to the account as well as an additional amount upon reaching 1000.

-As Jody has just completed library employee evaluations, the Board was given Library Director evaluations to bring to the April meeting.

Upcoming March events:

  • 7th:  Movie & Munchies at 12:30 pm
  • 13th:  Tech Tuesday, please call for appointment 432-6543
  • 13th:  Brain Builders for ages 8-12   3:30 – 4:30 pm
  • 14th:  Movie & Munchies at 12:30 pm
  • 19th:  Author Visit at 6:30 pm Audrey Jo Rider:  Uniquely You
  • 21st: Reading Adventures for children up to age 6 at 10:00 am
  • 21st:  Movie & Munchies at 12:30 pm
  • 24th:  Breakfast with the Bunny, call to reserve a spot 432-6543
  • 27th:  Tech Tuesday, please call for appointment 432-6543
  • 28th:  Movie & Munchies at 12:30 pm
  • –in April Book to Movie on 12th:  Glass Castle – reading material available now
  • –also 7th grade essays available to read, will award 3 people’s choice awards during National Lib Week

Next Meeting: April 5, 2018 at 4:15

 Diane made a motion to adjourn, 2nd by Cheryl and approved by all


Minutes for the Grant County Public Library Board of Trustees

Thursday, February 8, 2018 4:15 pm

President Clarice Robertson called the meeting to order with Karen absent.    A motion was made by Jeanne, 2nd by Cheryl and approved by all to accept the January meeting minutes as read.   The financial reports for January 2018 were reviewed and a motion was made by Dusty, 2nd by Diane and approved by all to accept.

Clarice asked how the Farm & Home Show went.  Jody reported that sharing the table with Kiwanis worked out really well and at this point both the Library and Kiwanis are going to share in 2019.  It is always good for the library to make these public connections.

The Librarian’s report for January was 4141 total circulation and patron count of 2780.  EBook checkout was 612, computer usage was 430 hours with 3 new patrons added in December.

Unfinished business:-none

New Business:

-After a discussion on summer reading workshops being held in the area.  A motion was made by Cheryl, 2nd by Jeanne and approved by all for Tammy to attend a February 23rd workshop in Watertown and Shawna and Jody will be going to workshop in Aberdeen on March 5th.

-Jody shared information on the Oklahoma Correctional industries free high school yearbook digitization program. A motion was made by Diane, 2nd by Dusty and approved by all for Jody to pursue having the Milbank High school annuals at the Library digitized on DVDs in searchable format.

-A discussion was held on obtaining some new office furniture with the possibility of the expense coming from petty cash.  The Board approved that Jody pursue this and bring back options and prices in March.

-Jody then presented the possibility of basing our processing fees for damaged or lost materials on the cost of the item, not the item material type. This change would allow the library to merge some categories in their Verso catalog system in the hopes that this would help eliminate errors. After some discussion a motion was made by Dusty, 2nd by Jeanne and approved by all to base the processing fee on material cost.

-A deletion list of library materials for the month of January was presented to the Board and a motion to proceed with deletion was made by Jeanne, 2nd by Cheryl and approved by all.

  •  Upcoming February events:
  • blind date with a book thru Feb 14th
  • 7th:  Movie & Munchies at 12:30 pm – “Grantchester”
  • 8th:  Board of Trustee meeting 4:15 pm
  • 12th:  Adult Reading Program begins and runs thru March 23rd
  •    — there will special events planned for Adults during this time
  • 13th:  Tech Tuesday, please call for appointment 432-6543
  • 13th:  Brain Builders 3:30 pm for ages 8-12
  • 14th:  Movie & Munchies at 12:30 pm – “Grantchester”
  • 19th:  CLOSED
  • 21st:  Reading Adventures 10:00 am ages 1-6
  • 21st:  Movie & Munchies at 12:30 pm – “Grantchester”
  • 23rd:  Read to Me Pirate Party 5:30 pm
  • 26th:  Library opens at 12: 30 pm due to cleaning
  • 27th:  Tech Tuesday, please call for appointment 432-6543
  • 28th:  Movie & Munchies at 12:30 pm – “Grantchester

Next Meeting: March 8, 2018 at 4:15

 Diane made a motion to adjourn, 2nd by Cheryl and approved by all.


  Minutes for the Grant County Public Library Board of Trustees

Thursday, January 4, 2018 4:15 pm

President Clarice Robertson called the meeting to order with all members present.    A motion was made by Cheryl, 2nd by Dusty and approved by all to accept the December meeting minutes as read.   The financial reports for December 2017 were reviewed and a motion was made by Diane, 2nd by Jeanne and approved by all to accept.

The Librarian’s report for December was 3199 total circulation and patron count of 2185.  EBook checkout was  453, computer usage was 424 hours with 7 new patrons added in December.

Unfinished business:-none

New Business:

-After a discussion of the library fines and fees for 2018, a motion was made by Karen, 2nd by Cheryl and approved by all to accept.  We will address our research fee at the November 2018 meeting.

-Jody talked about the Artistic Presentation by Shannon Job to be held at the Library on January 22nd at 6:30 pm

-Jody talked about the Library being at the 2018 Farm & Home Show on January 12th and 13th.  The Library will be sharing a table with Kiwanis Club, so there is no fee and we are to have at least one library representative helping with the show set up and take down.

-After a discussion about the library being closed for a ½ day in February for some deep cleaning, a motion was made by Diane and 2nd by Dusty and approved by all to be closed for that ½ day.

-Jody discussed that the Library will be launching a new program shortly called 1000 books before kindergarten.  The program is a self paced reading to/and with your children so they reach 1000 books before they begin kindergarten.

  •  Upcoming January events:
  • Children up to age 6:  sign up for Read to Me – Pirate Party-reading begins on Jan 8th
  • 9th:  Tech Tuesday – call for appointment 432-6543
  • 9th:  Brain Builders 3:30 to 4:40 ages 8-12
  • 10th:  Movie & Munchies at 12:30 pm –  “Grantchester” masterpiece theater begins
  • 17th:  Reading Adventures for children up to age 6 at 10:00 am
  • 17th:  Movie & Munchies at 12:30 pm – “Grantchester”
  • 22nd:  Shannon Job – Artistic Presentation 6:30 pm (Friends Group co-sponsor)
  • 23rd:  Tech Tuesday – call for appointment 432-6543
  • 24th:  Movie & Munchies at 12:30 pm – “Grantchester”
  • 31st:  Movie & Munchies at 12:30 pm – “Grantchester”

 Next Meeting: February 8, 2018 at 4:15

 Jeanne made a motion to adjourn, 2nd by Cheryl and approved by all.


Minutes for the Grant County Public Library Board of Trustees

Thursday, December 7, 2017  5:00 pm

President Clarice Robertson called the meeting to order with Jeanne and Karen absent.    A motion was made by Cheryl, 2nd by Diane and approved by all to accept the November meeting minutes as read.   The financial reports for November 2017 were reviewed and a motion was made by Dusty, 2nd by Cheryl and approved by all to accept.

The Librarian’s report for November was 3439 total circulation and patron count of 2795.  EBook checkout was  442, computer usage was 429 hours with 7 new patrons added in November.

Unfinished business:

After a discussion of the SDLA professional development grant that was awarded to Jody to attend the ARSL conference, a motion was made by Dusty, 2nd by Diane and approved by all to pay the grant directly to Jody to help cover expenses incurred by Jody for the conference.

New Business:

  • A discussion was held on the proper procedure that is followed when an item is declared surplus from the Library. Forms are completed and sent to the Auditor’s Office when declaring surplus and the county actually dispenses the item, not individual departments.

Upcoming december events:

  • 6th:  Movie & Munchies:  “When calls the heart” season 4 – 12:30 pm
  • 7th:  Closing at 6:00 pm for Christmas gathering
  • 12th:  Tech Tuesday -call for appointment 432-6543
  • 12th: Brain Builders 3:30 – 4:30 ages 8-12
  • 13th: Movie & Munchies:  “When calls the heart” season 4 – 12:30 pm with cookie exchange
  • 20th:  Reading Adventures 10:00 am – up to age 6
  • 25th – 26th:  Closed “Merry Christmas
  • January 2018
  • 1st:  Closed – Happy New Year

 Next Meeting: January 4, 2018 at 4:15

 Cheryl made a motion to adjourn, 2nd by Diane and approved by all.  The meeting was then followed by a Christmas Gathering for the Board, Volunteers, Friends Group and Staff.


Minutes for the Grant County Public Library Board of Trustees Thursday, November 9, 2017  4:15 pm  President Clarice Robertson called the meeting to order with Cheryl and Karen absent.    A motion was made by Diane, 2nd by Dusty and approved by all to accept the October meeting minutes as read.   The financial reports for October 2017 were reviewed and a motion was made by Jeanne, 2nd by Dusty and approved by all to accept.

The Librarian’s report for October was 3636 total circulation and patron count of 3123.  EBook checkout was 580 and computer usage was 585 hours.

Unfinished business:-Jody reported on the uncashed check policy after Karen checked with the state auditor.  A due diligence letter will be sent and after 1 year the check with be considered abandoned and reports will need to be filed with the state and the amount will need to be forwarded to the state.

-Jody also gave a report on the Performance Showcase she attended in Brookings.  Many wonderful performers were there and Jody was able to book with another 2 libraries so they could receive a group discount.

New Business:-Jody was awarded a Professional Development Grant from the SD Library Association for attending the ARSL Conference in St. George.  The check will be deposited into the Library Fines Fund with an expense invoice presented at the December meeting.

– A discussion was held concerning the December meeting and Christmas gathering with staff and volunteers.  A motion was made by Dusty and 2nd by Diane and approved by all for the December meeting to be held on the 7th beginning at 5:00 pm with the Christmas gathering to begin at 6:00 pm and the Library closing at 6:00 pm.

-A discussion of closing dates for the Christmas holiday was also discussed.  The county offices and Library will be closed Mon Dec 25th and Tues Dec 26th.  The question is, will be Library be open on Saturday Dec 23rd.  A motion was made by Dusty, 2nd by Jeanne and approved by all to have the library open on the 23rd if staff will be available to work.

  • Upcoming November events:
  • 2nd – 9th – 16th:  Reading Rodeo storytime 5:30 – 6:15 pm for ages 4-7 – must be registered
  • 8th: Movie & Munchies:  “When calls the heart” season 4 – 12:30 pm
  • 10th:  CLOSED
  • 13th:  Author Talk: Melissa Nelson 6:30 “Friends of the Library” sponsor
  • 14th: Tech Tuesday – call for appointment 432-6543
  • 14th:  Brain Builders 3:30 for ages 8-12
  • 15th:  Reading Adventures 10:00 am for ages up to 6
  • 15th: Movie & Munchies:  “When calls the heart” season 4 – 12:30 pm
  • 22nd: Movie & Munchies:  “When calls the heart” season 4 – 12:30 pm
  • 23rd-24th-25th-CLOSED
  • 28th: Tech Tuesday – call for appointment 432-6543
  • 29th: Movie & Munchies:  “When calls the heart” season 4 – 12:30 pm
  • December:  6th – Movie & Munchies 12:30 pm
  • Next Meeting:  December 7, 2017 at 5:00 pm followed by Christmas gathering at 6:00 pm
  •  With no further business, Jeanne made the motion to adjourn the meeting with a 2nd from Diane  and approval by all.


Minutes for the Grant County Public Library Board of Trustees Thursday, October 5, 2017 4:15 pm

President Clarice Robertson called the meeting to order with Cheryl absent. A motion was made by Diane, 2nd by Dusty and approved by all to accept the September meeting minutes as read. The financial reports for September 2017 were reviewed and a motion was made by Jeanne, 2nd by Karen and approved by all to accept.
The Librarian’s report for September was 3814 total circulation and patron count of 3312. EBook checkout was 483 and computer usage was 537 hours. Unfinished business: -Following a discussion, it was decided to keep paying insurance on the Scan Pro microfilm machine. With an eye for the future to replace in 2022. -Jody reported that she has visited with the school librarians about the public library being there to assist the students also. -The Library budget has been finalized for 2018, with salaries to be looked at in January 2018. -Jody also reported that the SD State Library is currently looking at a system for counting wifi usage being made available to local libraries. She will hold off doing more research on wifi usage/popup internet agreement screens until she knows what the SD state Library offers.

New Business: -A brief report was given by Jody on her attendance at the SD State Library conference. She attended 8 different sessions ranging from community engagement, marketing, future planning and young adult reads. There were 4 keynote speakers this year, but no keynote author speakers. Tammy and Shawna earned certification as library staff and Jody earned certification as library director through the SD State Library. -A discussion was held on the Summer Showcase Event-Performers Day in Brookings on November 3rd. A motion was made by Dusty, 2nd by Diane and approved by all to have Jody attend this Performers Day. -The county offices and library are already closed on November 23 and 24. It was approved for the Library to also be closed on Saturday November 25th. -We have a project skill work experience person (Mariah) until possibly 9-30-18. -A discussion was held on how to handle old uncashed checks from the library fines fund. Karen will talk to the state auditor as to the procedure we are to follow.

Upcoming October events: 4th: Movie & Munchies “Victoria” 12:30 pm 10th: Tech Tuesday – call for appointment 432-6543 10th: Brain Builders 3:30 – 4:30 pm for ages 6-12 11th: Movie & Munchies “Victoria” 12:30 pm 18th: Reading Adventures 10:00 am for up to age 6 18th: Movie & Munchies “Victoria” 12:30 pm 24th: Tech Tuesday – call for appointment 432-6543 25th: Movie & Munchies “Victoria” 12:30 pm November 2017 2nd – 9th – 16th: Reading Rodeo storytime 5:30 – 6:15 pm for ages 4-7

Next Meeting: November 9, 2017 at 4:15 pm

With no further business Karen made the motion to adjourn the meeting with a 2nd from Diane and approval by all.


————————————————————————————-                                                 Minutes for the Grant County Public Library Board of Trustees

Thursday, September 14, 2017  4:15 pm

President Clarice Robertson called the meeting to order with Karen and Jeanne absent.    A motion was made by Dusty, 2nd by Diane and approved by all to accept the August meeting minutes as read.  Dusty reported briefly on her attendance at the Vietnam war film preview and discussion held on September 7th. The financial reports for August 2017 were reviewed and a motion was made by Cheryl, 2nd by Dusty and approved by all to accept.

The Librarian’s report for August was 4218 total circulation and patron count of 3440.  EBook checkout was 544 and computer usage was 616 hours.

Unfinished business:

New Business:

  • Another successful book sale was held with just over $500 taken in on donations
  • Jody then gave a report on her attendance at the American Rural and Small Libraries Conference. She attended 5 author talks and 8 sessions on various subjects:  online presence, policy makeovers, elevating your staff, merchandising displays, breakout programming, seed library, top notch service and small libraries creating smart spaces.  There were also over 40 library vendor booths .
  • Shawn from SD State Library will be visiting our library on September 19th at 10:00 am
  • The Friends group will be meeting tonight and discussing a homecoming parade entry, treat street and another author visit/talk
  • Jody also reported that in the next month she hopes to make contact with school librarians and counselors to discuss what is available at our library and SD State Library. She also wants to meet with local auto mechanics to let them know about Chilton being available on the SD State library website for free.

Upcoming September events:

12th:  Tech Tuesday – call for appointment 432-6543

12th:  Jr. Makers 3:30 – 4:30 – back to Legos

14th:  Friends of Library meeting 7:00 pm

20th:  Reading Adventures for ages up to 6, 10:00 am

20th:  Movie & Munchies 12:30 pm

26th:  Tech Tuesday – call for appointment 432-6543

27th:  Movie & Munchies 12:30 pm

27-28-29 Jody gone to SDLC conference

October 4th:  Movie 12:30 pm

Next Meeting:  October 5, 2017 at 4;15 pm

With no further business Cheryl made the motion to adjourn the meeting with a 2nd from Dusty and approval by all.


      Minutes for the Grant County Public Library Board of Trustees

Thursday, August 3, 2017  4:15 pm

President Clarice Robertson called the meeting to order with Karen absent.    A motion was made by Cheryl, 2nd by Diane and approved by all to accept the July meeting minutes as read.   Jody shared some comments from the Summer Reading Program survey she had parents complete. The financial reports for July 2017 were reviewed and a motion was made by Jeanne, 2nd by Dusty and approved by all to accept.

The Librarian’s report for June was 4845 total circulation and patron count of 3757.  EBook checkout was 616 and computer usage was 522 hours.  A motion was made by Dusty and 2nd by Diane to accept the Librarian’s report.

Unfinished business:

  • Jody gave a short report on the Milbank SRP. We had 130 kids sign up with 100 that participated.  A total of 2,300 hours were read.-
  • Janelle also had prepared a report for the Big Stone Branch SRP. She had 20 children registered and participating.  A total of 217 hours were read.

New Business:

  • Jody talked about upcoming fall programming: movies, reading programs, tech Tuesdays and the book sale
  • A discussion was held on the library obtaining an umbrella license through the Motion Picture Licensing Corporation due to our movie days. A motion was made by Cheryl to obtain this license and 2nd by Jeanne and approved by all.
  • Jody talked to the Board about obtaining software/hardware with the ability to track our wifi usage as well as utilizing a flash screen for our internet agreement option.
  • The resignation of a Library Assistant was discussed and it was the Boards opinion that the few hours that this individual was working per week is to be absorbed into the other Library Assistant positions.
  • In May Jody worked with the Teach SD program out of SDSU and at that time submitted invoices for grant money for technology related items (paid for out of fines fund). The reimbursement check arrived in July.  A motion was made by Dusty, 2nd by Diane and approved by all to accept this reimbursement check into the finds fund.  Jody will send a Thank you to SDSU.
  • Upcoming August events:
  • 2nd:  American Girls on the Prairie 1:30 – 4 pm, sign up required
  • 3rd:  Board of Trustee meeting 4:15 pm
  • 8th:  Tech Tuesday – call 432-6543 for appointment
  • 21st:  Books sale begins – thru September 9th
  • 22nd:  Tech Tuesday – call 432-6543 for appointment
  • September 4th – closed
  • September 5-9 Jody gone for ARSL conference

Next Meeting:  September 14, 2017 at 4;15 pm

With no further business Diane made the motion to adjourn the meeting with a 2nd from Dusty and approval by all.


Minutes for the Grant County Public Library Board of Trustees Thursday, July 6, 2017 4:15 pm President Clarice Robertson called the meeting to order with all members present.    A motion was made by Cheryl, 2nd by Diane and approved by all to accept the June meeting minutes as read.   The financial reports for June 2017 were reviewed and a motion was made by Dusty, 2nd by Jeanne and approved by all to accept.  The Librarian’s report for June was 5378 total checkout circulation and patron count of 3995.  EBook checkout was 523 and computer usage was 534 hours.  A motion was made by Karen and 2nd by Dusty to accept the Librarian’s report. Unfinished business:The budget process is underway and Jody shared changes to the 2018 budget from 2017 budgetNew Business:The Library has a new high school volunteer – Rebecca Loehrer.Jody then shared bookmarks and brochures from the SD State Library that contained information from the 2015 annual reports that each SD library completes.Upcoming July events:11th:  Tech Tuesday – call 432-6543 for appointment12th:  Summer Reading program (PreK – 5th)- Earth Day – 2:0012th:  Teen Summer Reading Program after Hours finale 7:00 to 10:00 pm17th: OST visit with activities19th:  Summer Reading Program (PreK – 5th)- Obstacles and Awards – 2:0025th:  Tech Tuesday – call 432-6543 for appointment Next meeting:  August 3, 2017 at 4:15 pm With no further business Cheryl  made the motion to adjourn the meeting with a 2nd from Jeanne and approval by all.


Minutes for the Grant County Public Library Board of Trustees

Thursday, June 8, 2017 4:15 pm

President Clarice Robertson called the meeting to order with Cheryl and Karen absent.    A motion was made by Dusty, 2nd by Diane and approved by all to accept the May meeting minutes as read.   As to correspondence – Jody shared a thank you note from Karen Dockter a volunteer at Big Stone City Branch Library.  The financial reports for May 2017 were reviewed and a motion was made by Jeanne, 2nd by Dusty and approved by all to accept.

The Librarian’s report for May was 4928 total checkout circulation and patron count of 3407.  EBook checkout was 550 and computer usage was 493 hours.

Unfinished business:

-The Summer Reading Program was discussed and Jody talked about the programming on Wednesdays.  Also, a reminder that we are offering Tech Tuesday the 2nd and 4th of each month through the summer due to help from Teach SD.

New Business:

-Jody mentioned that the 2018 budget process has begun and if the Board has any suggestions to please bring them to her.

  •  Upcoming June events:
  • 13th:  Tech Tuesday – call 432-6543 for appointment
  • 14th:  Summer Reading Program (PreK – 5th)- Construction – 2:00
  • 14th:  Teen Summer Reading Program – crafting with books 3:30 pm
  • 21st:  Summer Reading Program ( PreK – 5th)- Building – 2:00
  • 21st: Teen Summer Reading Program – Tenzi Dice Game 3:30 pm
  • 27th:  Tech Tuesday – call 432-6543 for appointment
  • 28th:  Summer Reading Program (PreK – 5th)- Building is a Maze – 2:00
  • 28th:  Teen Summer Reading Program – Bean Bag Tourney at 3:30 pm
  • July 2017
  • 4th:  Closed

  Next meeting:  July 6, 2017 at 4:15 pm

With no further business Diane made the motion to adjourn the meeting with a 2nd from Jeanne and approval by all.


Minutes for the Grant County Public Library Board of Trustees

Thursday, May 4, 2017 4:15 pm

President Clarice Robertson called the meeting to order with Jeanne absent.    A motion was made by Diane, 2nd by Cheryl and approved by all to accept the April meeting minutes as read.   As to correspondence – Jody  shared a thank you note and donation from the Community Bible Study Group that has been using the community room.  The financial reports for April 2017 were reviewed and a motion was made by Dusty, 2nd by Karen and approved by all to accept.

The Librarian’s report for April was 3634 total checkout circulation and patron count of 3224.  EBook checkout was 450 and computer usage was 480 hours.

Unfinished business:

-National Library Week celebration was a success with the door prizes winners especially happy with the donated gift certificates they received.

-National Volunteer Week was celebrated with a luncheon and small gift given to our Library volunteers.  Thank you to Anne Zastrow for preparing the lunch, it was thoroughly enjoyed.

-The Midco contact for Big Stone City Branch Library internet has been renewed.

New Business:

-Jody reported that the Summer Reading Program donations and preparations are well underway.  The community has been really supportive for the program with their donations and it is greatly appreciated.

-The new style of library cards have been well received.

  • Upcoming May events:
  • -9th Tech Tuesday
  • -22nd – One Book SD 6:30
  • -23rd – Tech Tuesday (all summer with 4-H children help)
  • 24th – 31st:  promote sign up for Summer Reading Program
  • 29th – Closed
  • June 7th – first Summer Reading Program session

  Next meeting:  June 8, 2017 at 4:15 pm

With no further business Cheryl made the motion to adjourn the meeting with a 2nd from Dusty and approval by all.


Minutes for the Grant County Public Library Board of Trustees Thursday, April 6, 2017 4:15 pm
Vice President Diane Pillatzke called the meeting to order with Clarice absent. A motion was made by Jeanne, 2nd by Cheryl and approved by all to accept the March meeting minutes as read. As to public comment – Jody noted that the Breakfast with the Bunny program has filled quickly and we have turned many to the Big Stone Branch Library program. So in 2018 we will offer 2 sessions so we can accommodate more children. The financial reports for March 2017 were reviewed and a motion was made by Dusty, 2nd by Karen and approved by all to accept.

The Librarian’s report for March was 4420 total checkout circulation and patron count of 3264. EBook checkout was 478 and computer usage was 549 hours. Unfinished business: -Jody gave a report on the Learning Express Library workshop she and Tammy attended on Tuesday. They will be sharing with the staff and putting articles in the paper to highlight what is available to our patrons. -Jody then reported on the 2017 travel/conference budget and how attending the ARSL conference in Utah would fit in. A discussion then followed and Karen made a motion for Jody to attend the ARSL conference in Utah in September with a 2nd by Cheryl and approval by all.

New Business: -National Library Week will be celebrated next week (April 9-15) with donated door prizes, special displays and activity sheets to complete. -National volunteer week was then discussed and will be celebrated April 23-29. The Board approved using petty cash for small gifts and a luncheon at the library. -Jody asked about the possibility of getting a debit card for the petty cash fund as not all places except checks anymore. Karen stated that debit cards can cause issues and therefore Jody is to use the credit card she has through the county. -The summer reading program and school tours are coming up fast. Several preschool and K classes are scheduled for tours and the business community is wonderful in supporting the SRP with donations. -Jody then shared the annual Library’s statistics report which has been completed and filed with the State Library. Next the Board was able to view a new feature from the report which allowed her to produce a brochure with some of the Grant County Library information from 2016 in a nice format. She will also be sharing this brochure with the County Commissioners at their next meeting. – Jody is working with Karen on a new contract for Midco for the internet service at the Big Stone Branch Library.

Upcoming April events: – Historical properties of SD display (Friends Group) all month 5th: When calls the heart 12:30 pm 5th: Adult coloring 5:30 – 7:00 pm 6th: Board of Trustees meeting 4:15 pm 8th: Breakfast with the Bunny for ages 3-7 at 10:30 am – must register April 9 – 15 National Library Week 11th: Tech Tuesday, call for appointment 432-6543-even help with 11th: Junior Makers 3:30 pm for ages 6-12 12th: When calls the heart 12:30 pm 12th: Adult Coloring 5:30 – 7:00 pm 19th: Reading Adventures 10:00 am for ages up to 6 19th: When calls the heart 12:30 pm 19th: Adult Coloring 5:30 – 7:00 pm April 23 – 29 Money Smart Week
25th: Tech Tuesday, call 432-6543 for appointment 25th: Arlo Levison presentation at 6:30 – Historical Buildings of Grant County 26th: When calls the heart 12:30 pm 26th: Adult Coloring 5:30 – 7:00 pm

Next meeting: May 4, 2017 at 4:15 pm

With no further business Dusty made the motion to adjourn the meeting with a 2nd from Cheryl and approval by all.


Minutes for the Grant County Public Library Board of Trustees Thursday, March 9, 2017 4:15 pm
President Clarice Robertston called the meeting to order with Karen absent. A motion was made by Cheryl, 2nd by Diane and approved by all to accept the February meeting minutes as read. The financial reports for February 2017 were reviewed and a motion was made by Dusty, 2nd by Jeanne and approved by all to accept.

The Librarian’s report for February was 3274 total checkout circulation and patron count of 2821. EBook checkout was 497 and computer usage was 400 hours. Unfinished business: -A discussion was held on the insurance on the Scan Pro microfilm reader. Jody talked with Cole from Active Data Systems about our insurance coverage and typical repair bills. The Board had a couple of other unanswered questions so we will revisit this in the future. Our insurance on the Scan Pro does not come up for renewal until December.

New Business: -After discussing a workshop available in Sioux Falls on April 4th on Learning Express Library, a motion was made by Diane, 2nd by Cheryl and approved by all to allow up to two people to attend this workshop on April 4th. -The 2017 SD Library Conference will be held in Chamberlain on September 27-28-29. A motion was made by Diane, 2nd by Jeanne and approved by all for Jody to attend this SD Library Conference. -A discussion was then held on the American Rural and Small Libraries conference in St. George, Utah on September 6-7-8-9. Jody was able to attend the 2016 conference held in Fargo, ND and was very impressed. The Board would like Jody to look into difference options concerning attending this conference in Utah and report back. -The Friends of the Library are bringing in a traveling exhibit from the SD Historical Society: SD Historical Properties from March 13th to May 13th and will be hosting Arlo Levison on April 25th at 6:30 for a presentation on Grant County Historical Buildings. -Jody then gave a report on the recent genealogy workshop held on March 6th. Virginia Hanson from the SD State Archives gave the presentation and then individual problems were addressed. It was noted that while the information presented was great the session went a lot longer than initially anticipated.

Upcoming March events: —entire month of March – Adult Reading Program “Exercise your Mind” (ends April 8th) 9th: Library Trustee Board Meeting 4:15 pm 14th: Tech Tuesday – call for appointment 432-6543 14th: Junior Makers (ages 6-12)3:30 pm 15th: Reading Adventures (ages up to 6) 10:00 am 15th: When calls the heart 12:30 PM 15th: Adult Coloring 5:30 – 7:00 22nd: When calls the heart 12:30 PM 22nd: Adult Coloring 5:30 – 7:00 23rd: Author Talk (Holli Seehafer) 6:30 pm (Friends co-host) 28th: Tech Tuesday – call for appointment 432-6543 29th: When calls the heart 12:30 PM 29th: Adult Coloring 5:30 – 7:00

April: 5th: When calls the heart 12:30 pm 5th: Adult Coloring 5:30 – 7 8th: Breakfast with the Bunny

Next meeting: April 6, 2017 at 4:15 pm

With no further business Jeanne made the motion to adjourn the meeting with a 2nd from Diane and approval for adjournment by all.


Minutes for the Grant County Public Library Board of Trustees

Thursday, February 9, 2017 4:15 pm

President Clarice Robertston called the meeting to order with Jeanne and Dusty absent.    A motion was made by Cheryl, 2nd by Diane and approved by all to accept the January meeting minutes as read.   The financial reports for January 2017 and petty cash totals for 2016 were reviewed and a motion was made by Diane, 2nd by Karen and approved by all to accept.

The Librarian’s report for January  was 3461 total checkout circulation and patron count of 2803.  EBook checkout was 494 and computer usage was 405 hours.

Unfinished business:

After visiting with the Experienced Works supervisor it was decided at this time to not place this worker at the Library.

The Summer Reading Program workshop (Jumpstart) will be attended by Shawna and Ann in Watertown on February 24th.

The CRP training on February 6th was attended by 7 library employees.  Jody will look into getting an AED and CRP mouth masks for the library.

New Business:

A discussion on the insurance for our ScanPro microfilm reader did not result in any decision.  Jody will call the Scan Pro company to gather repair cost information.

The Friends group met recently on Feb. 2nd and is looking into co-hosting local author Holli Seehafer and also sponsoring an exhibit from the SD Historical Society (March/April)

It was noted that Library Institute training will be June 4-9 this year.  A motion was made by Cheryl, 2nd by Diane and approved by all to authorize Shawna and Tammy to attend their 2nd year.

An employee update was needed and Diane made the motion to move into executive session, 2nd by Cheryl and approved by all.

  •  Upcoming February events:
  • —–visit the Bill of Rights exhibit thru February 28th
  • 13th:  Library will open at 12:30 due to spring cleaning
  • 14th:  Tech Tuesday call for appointment 432-6543
  • 14th:  Junior Makers 3:30 pm
  • 15th:  Reading Adventures 10:00 am
  • 15th:  Adult coloring 5:30 – 7
  • 20th:  CLOSED
  • 22nd:  When calls the heart 12:30 pm
  • 22nd Adult Coloring 5:30 – 7
  • 23rd: Read to me party 5:30 pm
  • Feb 27th thru April 7th:  Adult Reading Program “Exercise your Mind”
  • 28th:  Tech Tuesday call for appointment 432-6543
  • March 2017
  • 1st:  When calls the heart 12:30 PM
  • 1ST:  Adult Coloring 5:30 – 7
  • 6th:  Genealogy workshop
  • 8th: When calls the heart  12:30 pm
  • 8th: Adult Coloring 5:30 -7

  Next meeting:  March 9, 2017 at 4:15 pm

With no further business Cheryl made the motion to adjourn the meeting with a 2nd from Karen and approval for adjournment by all.


Minutes for the Grant County Public Library Board of Trustees Thursday, January 5, 2017 4:15 pm

President Clarice Robertston called the meeting to order with Karen Layher absent. An official welcome was extended to the new board member Jeanne Tietjen. A motion was made by Diane, 2nd by Cheryl and approved by all to accept the December meeting minutes as read. Correspondence: Christmas card was sent to library staff from patron thanking staff for being so kind and helpful. The financial reports for December were reviewed and a motion was made by Jeanne, 2nd by Diane and approved by all to accept.

The Librarian’s report for December was 3293 total checkout circulation and patron count of 2715. EBook checkout was 451 and computer usage was 400 hours. Unfinished business: A motion was made by Dusty and 2nd by Jeanne and approved by all to offer Anne Zastrow the Library Assistant position pending approval by the commissioners. Her start date will be January 9, 2017.

New Business: A motion to amend the original posted agenda for new business at this January meeting to include renewal of trustee positions was made by Dusty, 2nd by Cheryl and approved by all. Following a discussion about a ½ day library closure in February to allow for heavy duty cleaning (all library workers) a motion was made by Cheryl, 2nd by Diane and approved by all to allow the ½ day closure. Jody then discussed the phone call from Experience Works and the interview she has with a potential experience works worker for the Library. Jody also then mentioned the Bill of Rights display that she applied for and received from the National Archives. The display will be up until February 28th and features not only the display but library books and puzzles. After a discussion of the 2017 summer reading program a motion was made by Jeanne, 2nd by Dusty and approved by all for 2 library workers to attend a workshop possibly February24th in Watertown or March 6th in Aberdeen. As the trustee positions for Karen Layher and Cheryl Conrad need to be renewed, a motion was made by Diane and 2nd by Dusty and approved by all to renew our Commissioner Representative Karen Layher for one year –until January 2018 and Board member Cheryl Conrad for 3 years until January 2020. Their names will be forwarded to the commissioners for approval.

Upcoming January events: 10th: Tech Tuesday – call for appointment 432-6543 10th: Jr. Makers – ages 6-12, 3:30 pm 11th: Afternoon with the families of Coal Valley 12:30 pm 11th: Adult Coloring 5:30 – 7:00 pm visit with us at the Farm & Home Show January 13-14 16th: closed 18th: Reading Adventures for up to age 6 at 10: 30 am 18th: Afternoon with the families of Coal Valley 12:30 pm 18th: Adult Coloring 5:30 – 7:00 pm 24th: Tech Tuesday – call for appointment 432-6543 25th: Afternoon with the families of Coal Valley 12:30 pm 25th: Adult Coloring 5:30 – 7:00 pm February 2017 1st: Afternoon with the families of Coal Valley 12:30 pm 1st: Adult Coloring 5:30 – 7:00 pm 2nd: Friends of Library meeting 7:00 pm
8th: Afternoon with the families of Coal Valley 12:30 pm 8th: Adult Coloring 5:30 – 7:00 pm

Next meeting: February 9, 2017 at 4:15 pm

With no further business Cheryl made the motion to adjourn the meeting with a 2nd from Jeanne and approval for adjournment by all.


Minutes for the Grant County Public Library Board of Trustees Thursday, December 8, 2016 5:00 pm

President Clarice Robertston called the meeting to order with all members present. A motion was made by Diane, 2nd by Cheryl and approved by all to accept the November meeting minutes as read. Public: Janelle Kelly invited the Board to the Big Stone city Library Christmas Open House on December 17th from 9 – 1. The financial reports for November were reviewed and a motion was made by Marge, 2nd by Karen and approved by all to accept.

The Librarian’s report for October was 3544 total checkout circulation and patron count of 3179. EBook checkout was 459 and computer usage was 419 hours.
Unfinished business: -The metal covers for the planters are on and finished. They look good and match the new roof color. -the shelves for the J nonfiction have been ordered but will take apx 6 weeks to arrive.

New Business: – A motion was made by Marge, 2nd by Dusty and approved by all to accept the reduced hours for one Library Assistant and the hiring of one additional new Library Assistant. It was also noted during this discussion that the Library Page position will not be filled at this time. – Marge Bohn is retiring from the Board of Trustees as of December 31, 2016. We are grateful for her service all these years and she will be missed as a Board Member. – Upcoming December events: 7th: Afternoon tea with Downton Abbey 12:30 pm 7th: Adult Coloring 5:30 – 7:00 pm 13th: Tech Tuesday – call for appointment 432-6543 13th: Jr Makers for ages 6-12 at 3:30 pm 14th: Afternoon tea with Downton Abbey 12:30 pm 21st: Reading Adventures for ages up to 6 at 10:30 am 21st: Afternoon tea with Downton Abbey 12:30 pm – final episode 21st: Adult Coloring 5:30 – 7:00 pm 23rd: Close at noon 24-25-26 closed “Merry Christmas” 28th: winter vacation fun day with assistance from “Friends Group”

Next meeting: Thursday, January 5, 2017 at 4:15 pm

With no further business Cheryl made the motion to adjourn the meeting with a 2nd from Diane and approval for adjournment by all. A Christmas gathering was then enjoyed by the Board, Library Staff, Volunteers and Friends of the Library.


Minutes for the Grant County Public Library Board of Trustees Thursday, November 3, 2016 4:15 pm

President Clarice Robertston called the meeting to order with Karen absent. A motion was made by Diane, 2nd by Dusty and approved by all to accept the October meeting minutes as read. The financial reports for October were reviewed and a motion was made by Marge, 2nd by Cheryl and approved by all to accept.

The Librarian’s report for October was 3928 total checkout circulation and patron count of 3190. EBook checkout was 453 and computer usage was 508 hours.
Unfinished business: -The metal covering for the planters is scheduled yet for 2016 but as yet has not been started. -The Commisioners approved Jeannie Tietjen as a new Board member effective 1-1-2017.

New Business: -With the repainting of the roof our windows ended up being spattered with paint and hard water spots so we hired a window washer. A discussion ensued as to hiring a window washer for the outside windows for 2017 and finding the funds in our already set 2017 budget. A motion was made by Marge and 2nd by Cheryl and approved by all to see if this is possible and have the exterior windows done maybe 3x (spring-summer-fall). -Jody gave a report on the American Rural and Small Libraries conference she just attended in Fargo. She was able to attend 10 educational sessions ranging from marketing, library burnout, computer technology, handling conflicts both with patrons and staff, graphic design and more. Five authors were keynote speakers and a large assortment of vendors were available and she was even able to bring home some free books for the library. Great organization and great conference. -Discussion was then held on December library hours. A motion was made by Dusty and 2nd by Diane and approved by all to close the library on December 24th and 31st. -The next meeting date will also be our Staff/Board/Volunteer Christmas gathering. So we will not meet until 5:00 and close the Library that evening at 6:00 pm.

Upcoming November events: – November 1st: Robert Halbrook will present Minnesota Spirits 7:00 pm – 2nd: Afternoon Tea with Downton Abbey 12:30 pm -2nd: Adult Coloring 5:30 -7:00 pm -3rd: Storytime for ages 4-7 at 5:30 pm -3rd: Friends of Library meeting 7:00 pm -8th: Tech Tuesday – please call for appointment 432-6543 -8th: Junior Makers 3:30 pm -9th: Afternoon Tea with Downton Abbey 12:30 pm -10th: Storytime for ages 4-7 at 5:30 pm -11th: closed for Veterans Day -14th: Jerry Barlow, Celtic Fingerstyle Guitar 7:00 pm with Friends Group -16th: Reading Adventures 10:00 am -16th: Afternoon Tea with Downton Abbey 12:30 pm -16th: Adult Coloring 5:30 – 7:00 pm -17th: Storytime for ages 4-7 at 5:30 pm -22nd: Tech Tuesday – please call for appointment 432-6543 -23rd: Afternoon Tea with Downton Abbey 12:30 pm -24th-25th-26th: Closed for Thanksgiving -30th: – Afternoon Tea with Downton Abbey 12:30 pm

Next meeting: Thursday, December 8th at 5:00 pm

With no further business Cheryl made the motion to adjourn the meeting with a 2nd from Marge and approval for adjournment by all.


Minutes for the Grant County Public Library Board of Trustees Wednesday, October 5, 2016 4:15 pm

President Clarice Robertston called the meeting to order with all Board members present. A motion was made by Marge, 2nd by Dusty and approved by all to accept the September meeting minutes as read. We welcomed Jeanne Tietjen as a guest at this meeting. The financial reports for September were reviewed and a motion was made by Cheryl, 2nd by Diane and approved by all to accept.

The Librarian’s report for September was 4004 total checkout circulation and patron count of 3490. EBook checkout was 395 and computer usage was 495 hours.
Unfinished business: A new board member candidate Jeanne Tietjen was called and is willing to accept the position effective January 1, 2017. Karen Layher will submit her name to the County Commissioner’s for approval.

New Business: The metal roof cleaning and painting began the week of September 19th and just finished up. The Board gave Jody permission to have a professional window cleaner in to clean the paint specks and water stains off the exterior windows. The Library and the Friends of the Library teamed up and had a homecoming parade entry. Thank you Karen and Jim Davis for providing the float entity. Thanks also to Marty Buttke for pulling our entry with his personal golf cart. Jody then gave a report of the SDLA conference she attended. One of the sessions was on safety and Jody’s next staff meeting will go over fire, tornado and other safety measures.

Upcoming October events: – -5th: Afternoon tea with Downton Abbey 12:30 pm – 5th: Adult Coloring 5:30 pm – 6th: once a month delivery of books to those preschools that have signed up – 10th: Library closed – 11th: Tech Tuesday – 11th: Junior Makers 3:30 – 12th: Afternoon tea with Downton Abbey 12:30 pm – 19th: Reading Adventures 10:00 – 19th: Afternoon tea with Downton Abbey 12:30 pm – 20th: Reading at tot’s school 9:30 am – 25th: – Tech Tuesday – 26th: Downton Abbey 12:30 pm -27th: Shawna will be reading at schools for Read for the Record Day – 31st: Friends group helping with treat street – November 1st: Robert Halbrook will present Minnesota Spirits 7:00 pm – October 26-29th: Jody will be attending ARSL conference in Fargo

Next meeting: Thursday, November 3, 2016 at 4:15 pm

With no further business Marge made the motion to adjourn the meeting with a 2nd from Dusty and approval for adjournment by all.


Minutes for the Grant County Public Library Board of Trustees

Thursday, September 8, 2016 4:15 pm

President Clarice Robertston called the meeting to order with Cheryl absent.  A motion was made by Karen, 2nd by Diane and approved by all to accept the August meeting minutes as read.  Clarice shared a Thank you note from Cheryl Conrad. The financial reports for August were reviewed and a motion was made by Marge, 2nd by Diane and approved by all to accept.

The Librarian’s report for August was 4359 total checkout circulation and patron count of 3482.  EBook checkout was 436 and computer usage was 618 hours.

Unfinished business:

Jody has been in contact with Sarah Erickson and Marea Dashiell about the outreach library in the LaBolt Mini Mall.  After some discussion a motion was made by Dusty for the 2017 budget year to allocate per month $20 for internet and $25 for rent.  Marge then 2nd the motion and it was approved by all.

A list of names for new Board members were brought forth with 3 names being selected for contact.  Jody will make the calls and invite the candidate to a meeting so we can than give the name to the Commissioners for approval.

New Business:

Karen explained that Otter Tail Power still has some work to do on our underground to the library.  The repair to the lawn and employee parking lot is on the to-do list and work is planned for this fall yet.

As all county offices are closed Thursday and Friday, November 24 and 25, for Thanksgiving a discussion was held on the possibility of the library being closed on Saturday the 26th.  A motion was made by Dusty to allow the closure.  Diane then 2nd the motion and it was approved by all.

  • Upcoming September events:
  • – book sale ends September 10th
  • –  8th:  begins the once a month delivery of books to those preschools that have signed up
  • – 12th:  Friends of Library meeting 7:00 pm
  • – 13th: Tech Tuesday
  • – 13th:  Junior Makers 3:30
  • – 21st:  Reading Adventures 10:00
  • – 21st:  Afternoon  tea with Downton Abbey 12:30 p
  • – 27th: – Tech Tuesday
  • – 28th:  Downton Abbey 12:30 pm
  • – 29th:  Homecoming parade with Friends of Library entry
  • – Sept. 25 thru October 1st :  Banned Books Week
  • – September 28 – September 30th Jody will be attending SDLA conference

Next meeting:  Wednesday, October 5, 2016 at 4:15 pm

With no further business Marge made the motion to adjourn the meeting with a 2nd from Dusty and approval for adjournment by all.


Minutes for the Grant County Public Library Board of Trustees Thursday, August 11, 2016 4:15 pm
President Clarice Robertston called the meeting to order with Karen and Cheryl absent. A motion was made by Diane, 2nd by Marge and approved by all to accept the July meeting minutes as read. Jody shared a Thank you note from the 4-H group that made fishing rods in our community room. Also condolences are extended to Cheryl and her family in the loss of her husband. The financial reports for July were reviewed and a motion was made by Marge, 2nd by Dusty and approved by all to accept.
The Librarian’s report for July was 4109 total checkout circulation and patron count of 3805. EBook checkout was 417 and computer usage was 542 hours.
Unfinished business: The Friends group had a game and gave away books at the July 14th Park Carnival and it was well received due to the wonderful efforts of the group. As the Library Director has left phone messages and has yet to receive a response, a letter from the Board will be drafted to Sarah Erickson concerning our upcoming 2017 budget and the LaBolt Outreach Library.
New Business: Reports were given on the Summer Reading Program for Milbank and Big Stone with a short note about Strandberg. A reminder to bring names for consideration for a new Board member to the September meeting. Teresa and Pat are attending Branch Out (continuing education) in Sioux Falls today.
Upcoming August events: -book sale from August 15th –September 10th Milbank School starts August 24th – September again will have Downton Abbey, Reading Adventures, etc.
Next meeting: September 8, 2016 at 4:15 pm
With no further business Dusty made the motion to adjourn the meeting with a 2nd from Diane and approval for adjournment by all.


Minutes for the Grant County Public Library Board of Trustees Thursday, July 7, 2016 4:15 pm
President Clarice Robertston called the meeting to order with all members present. A motion was made by Marge, 2nd by Dusty and approved by all to accept the June meeting minutes as read. The financial reports for June were reviewed and a motion was made by Cheryl, 2nd by Diane and approved by all to accept.
The Librarian’s report for June was 5277 total checkout circulation and patron count of 3700. EBook checkout was 389 and computer usage was 462 hours.
Unfinished business: As the 2017 budget process is ongoing, there was a discussion as to any upcoming projects or budget changes for the upcoming year. No successful contact has yet been made regarding the renegotiations for the LaBolt Outreach library.
New Business: An update on upcoming Friends of Library activities was discussed. A book walk will be held in conjunction with the July 14th park carnival. A possible homecoming parade entry and participation in Treat Street is on the books. On November 14th they will co-host Jerry Barlow a Celtic finger style guitarist.
Upcoming July events: -July 13th SRP Indiana Bones and awards/pizza party for PreK – 5th -July 20th SRP after hours party for 6-7-8th Milbank School starts August 24th
– September again will have Downton Abbey, Reading Adventures, etc. -coming up November 1st Robert Halbrook – Spirits of Minnesota
Next meeting: August 11, 2016 at 4:15 pm
With no further business Dusty made the motion to adjourn the meeting with a 2nd from Diane and approval for adjournment by all.


Minutes for the Grant County Public Library Board of Trustees Thursday, June 9, 2016, 4:15 pm
President Clarice Robertston called the meeting to order with all members present. A motion was made by Diane, 2nd by Cheryl and approved by all to accept the May meeting minutes as read. The financial reports for May were reviewed and a motion was made by Marge, 2nd by Dusty and approved by all to accept.
The Librarian’s report for May was 3748 total checkout circulation and patron count of 2821. EBook checkout was 401 and computer usage was 430 hours.
Unfinished business: As Marge Bohn will be resigning from the Board at the end of 2016, the Board members were asked to bring some names to the next meeting.
New Business: Karen made the motion to approve Jody attending the SDLA conference in Watertown September 28-30th, 2nd by Cheryl and approved by all. Various library organizations were then discussed as to what is available and to what Grant County Library belongs. Currently GCPL is a member of SDLA, ALA and PLA. Jody has in the past been a personal member of Mountain Plains Library Association and has also done some research on The Association for Rural & Small Libraries. A motion was made by Marge and 2nd by Diane to approve membership for one year in the ARSL and for Jody to attend the upcoming ARSL conference in Fargo on October 27-29th which was then approved by all. When a book is damaged or lost and the patron must pay for a replacement there are also processing fees involved with the cost. The dollar amounts of the processing fees were discussed as they have not changed in about 15 years. A motion was made by Karen 2nd by Dusty and approved by all to increase only the processing fees for Board books and paperback books from $.50 to $1.00. The 2017 budget was then discussed. The possibility of some new shelving in the young adult area to house nonfiction juvenile books was brought up by Jody and it was suggested to maybe use the remaining Stan Heath memorial fund. Also, as the LaBolt outreach library is now running on a little free library concept with no books coming and going from the GCPL the agreement regarding the rent and internet that we currently pay needs to be renegotiated. The idea of a new style of library cards was also discussed and Jody will look into the various versions and prices available.
Upcoming June events: -June 8th: SRP Grades PreK-5 2:00 Yoga Program -June 15th: SRP Grades PreK-5 2:00 Zumba Program SRP Grades 6-7-8 3:00 Tenzi Dice Game -June 16th: Page Turners Book club “Letters never sent” book discussion –open to public 7:00 -June 22nd: SRP Grades PreK–5 2:00 Ignite fitness program -June 29th: SRP Grades PreK-5 2:00 local athletes program and movie at 3:15 SRP Grades 6-7-8 3:00 bean bag tournament -July 6th: SRP Grades PreK-5 2:00 Torch parade and Olympic games
Next meeting: July 7, 2016 at 4:15 pm
With no further business Clarice adjourned the meeting.


Minutes for the Grant County Public Library Board of Trustees Thursday, May 12, 2016, 4:15 pm
President Marge Bohn called the meeting to order with Karen absent. A motion was made by Clarice, 2nd by Dusty and approved by all to accept the April meeting minutes as read. A note to Jody was shared with the Board about the wonderful fun and diverse activities the library is offering the community. The financial reports for April were reviewed and a motion was made by Cheryl, 2nd by Diane and approved by all to accept.
The Librarian’s report for April was 3850 total checkout circulation and patron count of 3001. EBook checkout was 449 and computer usage was 423 hours.
Unfinished business: – Library Board of Trustees: As Marge had wanted to retire as of June 1st, Jody contacted 3 names suggested by the Board. All three candidates turned down the appointment, therefore Marge said she would remain on the Board until year end, but no longer wanted to retain the Presidency. A motion was made by Dusty to keep Marge on the Board until January 2017 and nominate Clarice as President. Cheryl 2nd the motion and the motion was approved by all. – The Library Page position has been filled by Mya Johanson and she began her duties on May 9th. – The new SD Share It Interlibrary Loan program meeting in Aberdeen on May 10th was attended by Jody and Tammy. The new system will be operational on July 1, 2016.
New Business: -The Summer Reading Program schedule was discussed. “On your mark, get set, Read…..” is the 2016 theme. Activities are planned June 8 – July 13th at 2:00 on Wednesdays for grades Pre k – 5th and July 20th from 7-10pm will be the teen finale party.
Upcoming May events: -several tours for preschools and 1st grade -May 2-14: coloring station for mother’s day -May 19th : Friends of Library meeting 7:00 pm -May 25th: Summer Reading sign up begins June 8th: First Summer Reading Program 2:00
Next meeting: June 9, 2016 at 4:15 pm
With no further business Marge adjourned the meeting.


Minutes for the Grant County Public Library Board of Trustees
Thursday, April 7, 4:15 pm
President Marge Bohn called the meeting to order with Karen absent. A motion was made by Clarice, 2nd by Diane and approved by all to accept the March meeting minutes as read. The financial reports for March were reviewed and a motion was made by Cheryl, 2nd by Dusty and approved by all to accept.
The Librarian’s report for March was 4023 total checkout circulation and patron count of 3131. EBook checkout was 529 and computer usage was 441 hours.
Unfinished business:
-The Library Assistant position has been filled. Pat Rench is the new Library Assistant and has also been approved by the commissioners
– Names for a Board position were brought fourth due to Marge retiring as of June 1st. It was decided to extend an invitation to Marlee Hunt to join the board. Jody will make the phone call and if Marlee accepts, Marge will write a letter to the commissioners.
-The commissioners approved a Student Library Page position as long as the budget is maintained. Clarice made a motion and 2nd by Dusty and approved by all to advertise and hire for the position.
New Business:
-A discussion was held on the possibility of publishing delinquent accounts in the paper, like overdue taxes. It was decided that the current procedure of notices and letters was sufficient.
-There is interlibrary loan training on the new SD loan system in Aberdeen on May 11th. After a discussion a motion was made by Marge and 2nd by Clarice and approved by all to send 2 people to the training.
-Jody mentioned that the new copy machine has been installed and it is now easy to send emails directly from the copier (rather like a fax: only an email address, not a phone number). We are to keep track of this usage to see if it warrants a charge to the patron using this service.
-Jody also shared the completed 2015 Survey of SD Public Libraries with the Board.
April Upcoming events:
6th – last Afternoon tea with Downton Abbey 12:30
7th – Therapy Thursday (Adult Coloring) 5-7
7th – American Sniper Movie (Book to Movie – Adult Reading Program) 7:00 pm
12th – Tech Tuesday
12th – Lego Club 3:30 –
13th – Movie Day – Touched by an Angel
14th- Therapy Thursday (Adult Coloring) 5-7
20th – Reading Adventures for ages 6 and under 10:30
20th – Movie Day – Touched by an Angel
21st – Therapy Thursday (Adult Coloring) 5-7
26th – Tech Tuesday
26th- One Book SD – Some Luck – Discussion led by Gary Westgard
27th – Movie Day – Touched by an Angel
28th – Therapy Thursday (Adult Coloring) 5-7
National Library Week April 10-16
Money Smart Week April 24-30 – March 28th will be Lunch & Learn
Next meeting: May 12, 2016 at 4:15 pm
With no further business Marge adjourned the meeting.


Minutes for the Grant County Public Library Board of Trustees
Thursday, March 3, 2016 4:15 pm
President Marge Bohn called the meeting to order with Dusty absent. A motion was made by Cheryl, 2nd by Clarice and approved by all to accept the February meeting minutes as read. The financial reports for February were reviewed and a motion was made by Karen, 2nd by Diane and approved by all to accept.
The Librarian’s report for February was 4585 total checkout circulation and patron count of 2911. EBook checkout was 550 and computer usage was 450 hours.
Unfinished business:
-The Library Assistant position was discussed with 3 good applicants selected to interview. Jody will do so next week and hire a new Library Assistant.
-Several names for the Board position that Marge will be retiring from on June 1st were brought fourth. After a discussion it was decided to review the names in April and make phone calls in April to the selected candidates.
-Our Open house was well received and Sheila Dailies’ piano students provided great entertainment after school.
-The February 11th Friends of the Library meeting went well with interested participants. They are looking at revising their bylaws a bit and want to know how and what they can do to promote the library.
New Business:
-A discussion was held on the possibility of once again having a Library Page position for the Library. It has been several years since the Library has a high school student in the position and Jody was hoping that by bringing this position back it may relieve some of the stress on our scheduled evening volunteers. A motion was made by Clarice and 2nd by Diane and approved by all to have Jody work with Karen and the commissioner’s to see if this position could be added yet in 2016 and still keep us on budget.
-A discussion was held on The Library Training Institute and the possibility of Shawna and Tammy attending the session on June 6-10. A motion was made by Cheryl and 2nd by Karen and approved by all for Shawna and Tammy to attend.
Upcoming events:
-Adult Reading Program runs from February 29th thru April 9th
-March 2rd 12:30 Downton Abbey Tea
-March 3rd Adult coloring 6-7: for adult reading program
-March 8th Tech Tuesday
-March 8th 3:30 – Lego Club
-March 9th 12:30 Downton Abbey tea
-March 10thth Friends of Library meeting 7:00 pm
-March 10th Adult coloring 6-7: for adult reading program
-March 16th 10:30 Reading Adventures
-March 16th 10:30 Downton Abbey tea
-March 17th Adult coloring 6-7: for adult reading program
-March 19th Spring Storytime/Breakfast with the Bunny 10:30
-March 22nd Tech Tuesday
-March 23rd 12:30 Downton Abbey Tea
-March 24th Adult coloring 6-7: for adult reading program
-March 30th 12:30 Downton Abbey tea
-March 31st Adult coloring 6-7: for adult reading program
-April 6th 12:30 Downton Abbey Tea – last one for until September
-April 7th Book to Movie – American Sniper 6:00: for adult reading program
Next meeting: April 7, 2016 at 4:15 pm
With no further business Marge adjourned the meeting.


Minutes for the Grant County Public Library Board of Trustees
Thursday, February 4, 2016 4:15 pm
President Marge Bohn called the meeting to order with only Cheryl absent. A motion was made by Clarice, 2nd by Diane and approved by all to accept the January meeting minutes as read. The financial reports for January and year end 2015 were then reviewed and a motion was made by Dusty, 2nd by Karen and approved by all to accept.
The Librarian’s report for January was 4186 total checkout circulation and patron count of 2773. EBook checkout was 672 and computer usage was 460 hours.
Unfinished business:
-No one brought forward any names for the Board position that Marge will be retiring from. Marge suggested a retirement date for her of June 1, 2016.
-Our table at the Farm and Home show was again well received. It was suggested a couple of stand up write on arrow signs positioned by both the north and south door to the actual stage area were needed. The library actually has one and Jody will contact Connie at the Chamber.
New Business:
-A discussion was held on the LaBolt Outreach Library. Books are no longer circulated from the County library to and from LaBolt. LaBolt now utilizes a “Little Free Library” concept and the county library did provide them with several boxes of donated books. Also during the 2015 Summer Reading Program, the LaBolt participants came to Milbank for all our activity days but still turned in reading time to earn prizes at LaBolt. Therefore, for the 2016 Summer Reading Program all LaBolt participants are encouraged to again come to Milbank for all activities which would include turning in reading logs and earning prices from the County Library in Milbank. The Grant County Library is still providing Wifi on a cost share basis with LaBolt as well as a computer.
-Library Assistant, Lou Ann Kiemele has resigned and we will advertise for 2 weeks in the Review for this position.
-A discussion was held on the upcoming Friends of the Library meeting. Jody mentioned that we have had 2 rsvps about interest, but not being able to attend the Feb 11th meeting. Also, there have been some inquiries as to what the group is about.
-Plans for the Open House were discussed. Some Board members volunteered to provide cookies for the event. Jody is looking into having area piano student’s play for a couple of hours. With all the changes in the appearance and programming of the library over this last year, we wanted to welcome the community into see them.
Upcoming events:
-Feb 3rd 2:00 – 3:30 Super Bowl Game Day (school out at 1:30)
-Feb 3rd 12:30 Downton Abbey Tea
-Feb 9th Tech Tuesday
-Feb 9th 3:30 – Lego Club
-Feb 10th 12:30 Downton Abbey tea
-Feb 11th Friends of Library meeting 6:30
-Feb 15th closed
-Feb 17th 10:30 Reading Adventures
-Feb 17th 10:30 Downton Abbey tea
-Feb 18th Library Open House 2-6
-Feb 23rd Tech Tuesday
-Feb 23rd Read to Me party 5:30
-Feb 24th Downton Abbey tea
Next meeting: March 3, 2016 at 4:15 pm
With no further business Marge adjourned the meeting.


Minutes for the Grant County Public Library Board of Trustees
Thursday, January 7, 2016 4:15 pm
President Marge Bohn called the meeting to order with Karen absent. A motion was made by Diane, 2nd by Cheryl and approved by all to accept the December meeting minutes as read. Public comment was discussed in regards to the new circulation desk – We have heard nothing but good comments and try to pass the word that this desk was possible due to memorial money from Stan Heath. The financial reports for December were then reviewed and a motion was made by Clarice, 2nd by Dusty and approved by all to accept.
The Librarian’s report for December was 3082 total checkout circulation and patron count of 2555. EBook checkout was 454 and computer usage was 423 hours.
Unfinished business:
-The additional Big Stone Branch library hours began as of January 1, 2016. Hours are now Wednesday 1-7 with Grant County covering 2-6 and Saturday 9 – 1 with Grant covering 10-1.
New Business:
-Trustee Board elections were discussed. Cheryl made a motion to again have Karen Layher be the Boards Commissioner Representative, 2nd by Clarice and approved by all.
-Marge Bohn (current President) has expressed that she would like to step down from the Board when a suitable replacement has been found.
-Diane has also expressed that she would like to relinquish the position of Vice President.
-We will have Board elections after our new member has been approved.
Upcoming events:
-Read to me Program starts January 11th thru February 20 with closing program on February 23rd
– Tech Tuesdays January 12th and 26th
-Reading Adventures January 20th at 10:30 am
-Afternoon Tea with Downton Abbey on Jan 13-10-27 at 12:30 pm
-We will have a presence at the Milbank Farm and Home Show January 15-16
-closed on January 18th
-Korean war Vet medals to be presented on January 12th at apx 2:30 pm
Next meeting: February 4, 2016 at 4:15 pm
With no further business Marge adjourned the meeting.


Minutes for the Grant County Public Library Board of Trustees

Thursday, December 3, 2015   5:15 pm

President Marge Bohn called the meeting to order with all members present.  A motion was made by Clarice, 2nd by Dusty and approved by all to accept the November meeting minutes as read.  The financial reports for November were then reviewed and a motion was made by Clarice, 2nd by Diane and approved by all to accept.

The Librarian’s report for November was 3474 total checkout circulation and patron count of 2635.  EBook checkout was 476 and computer usage was 400 hours.

Unfinished business:

-The additional Big Stone Branch library hours have been approved with the commissioners and Karen will be sending Donna at the Big Stone Office the agreement for signature.  The additional 3 hours for the Big Stone Branch Library will begin in January 2016 and are being financed by the city of Big Stone.  A motion to accept the agreement and additional 3 hours was made by Cheryl, 2nd by Diane and approved by all.

-The supplemental budget hearing for additional funds from our memorial fund (Donations) for the completion of the circulation desk has been approved by the commissioners.

New Business:

-The county offices and Library will be closed for New Years Day (1-1-16).  The Library traditionally has closed on New Year’s Eve at 5:00.  A motion was made my Dusty, 2nd by Clarice and approved by all to allow the library to close at 5:00 pm on Dec 31st.

-A discussion was again held on the fate of all the old National Geographic magazines in storage. Due to a lack of proper storage space – along with the magazines holding no financial value, they will be sent to recycling.

Upcoming events:

-December 8th – Tech Tuesday and Lego Club at 4:00 pm

-December 15th – the library will be closed over noon hour for county Christmas gathering

-December 16th – Reading Adventures 10:30 am

-December 22nd – Tech Tuesday

-December 24th – close at noon

-December 25 and 26 closed “Merry Christmas”

-December 31st – closing at 5:00 pm

-January 1, 2016 – closed

-January 6th – Wacky Wednesday

Next meeting:  January 7, 2016 at 4:15 pm

With no further business Marge adjourned the meeting.  The staff/board/volunteer Christmas gathering was then held in the Library Community room beginning at 6:30 pm.


Minutes for the Grant County Public Library Board of Trustees

Tuesday, November 10, 2015   4:15 pm

President Marge Bohn called the meeting to order with 4 members present (Clarice and Karen were absent).  A motion was made by Dusty, 2nd by Diane and approved by all to accept the October meeting minutes as read.  The financial reports for October were then reviewed and a motion was made by Cheryl, 2nd by Dusty and approved by all to accept.

The Librarian’s report for October was 3473 total checkout circulation and patron count of 2688.  EBook checkout was 480 and computer usage was 480 hours.

Unfinished business:

-The Big Stone Branch library hours are pending with the commissioners and without Karen here to report on the progress, this will be tabled

-The carpeting of the library has been completed except around the circulation desk.  This went very smooth and more quickly than originally anticipated.  Even with the closed day on October 20th for cleaning and organizing, we still have some nonfiction sections to complete.

New Business:

-An email was sent to all Board members on October 26th concerning the new circulation desk.  Due to the increase in size and configurations the original budget of $8,000 will not be sufficient.  An additional $4,000 has been asked for and all this money for the circulation desk is coming from the 246 memorial fund (Donations) – not general fund (taxpayer).  A motion was made by Dusty, 2nd by Diane and approved by all for the additional funding.

-After a discussion on planning a Christmas gathering, it was decided to hold it on December 3rd beginning at 6:30 pm. This will be open to staff, board and volunteers.

Upcoming events:

-November 3-10-17th – Story time 6:30 pm

-November 10th – Tech Tuesday and Lego Club at 4:00 pm

-November 12th – Book vs Movie:  movie viewing at 6:30 pm

-November 18th – Reading Adventures 10:30 am

-November 24th – Tech Tuesday

-November 26-27-28 – closed

-December 2nd – Wacky Wednesday

Next meeting:  December 3, 2015 at 5:15 pm

With no further business Marge adjourned the meeting.


Minutes for the Grant County Public Library Board of Trustees

Thursday, October 8, 2015   4:15 pm

President Marge Bohn called the meeting to order with 5 members present (Cheryl was absent).  A motion was made by Dusty, 2nd by Clarice and approved by all to accept the September meeting minutes as read. There was no public input but Jody shared a donation letter with the Board.  The financial reports for September were then reviewed and a motion was made by Clarice, 2nd by Diane and approved by all to accept.

The Librarian’s report for September was 3891 total checkout circulation and patron count of 3495.  EBook checkout was 350 and computer usage was 495 hours.

Unfinished business:

-The Big Stone Branch library hours are currently on the commissioners agenda

-The provisional library budget that was brought forth in August was approved at the September 30th final budget hearing

-The carpeting of the library has begun and is moving much faster than anticipated. We do have some dates the library is closed to the public due to the carpeting.

-The Classical Music Month display provided by Steve Misener was a big success with approximately 250 people visiting.  The groups that arranged personal tours with Steve really appreciated the extra effort.

-Jody had discussed the sex offender list with Sherriff Owen.  If we have any difficulties with such patrons loitering on the premises we are to contact his office right away.

-Jody gave a report on sessions she attended at the SDLA conference in Rapid City.

New Business:

-A discussion was held on the dates county offices are closed for the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays.  A motion was made by Dusty:  to closed the library on Saturday November 28th and Saturday December 26th to coincide with the county closings.  The motion was 2nd by Diane and approved by all.

-Jody let the Board know that one ipad and one tablet are now ready for patrons at 2 week checkout from the Library and will be displayed and promoted to library patrons. This is for patrons to utilize the SD Overdrive EBooks if they do not yet have a device of their own.

Upcoming events:

-October 7th – Wacky Wednesday

-October 12 – closed for carpeting

-October 13th – Tech Tuesday and Lego Club at 4:00 pm

-October 14 – closed for carpeting

-October 18-24th – Teen Read Week & Friends of Library Week

-October 20 – closed for carpeting

-October 21st – Reading Adventures 10:30 am

-October 22nd – Game Day 3:30 – 4:30 pm

-October 27th – Tech Tuesday

-October 30th – Movie day 1:00 pm

-November 3-10-17th – Story time 6:30 pm

Next meeting:  November 10, 2015 at 4:15

With no further business Marge adjourned the meeting.


Minutes for the Grant County Public Library Board of Trustees

Thursday, September 10, 2015   4:15 pm

President Marge Bohn called the meeting to order with all members present.  A motion was made by Diane, 2nd by Clarice and approved by all to accept the August meeting minutes as read. There was no public input.  The financial reports for August were then reviewed and a motion was made by Cheryl, 2nd by Dusty and approved by all to accept.

The Librarian’s report for August was 4112 total checkout circulation and patron count of 3504.  EBook checkout was 373 and computer usage was 550 hours.

Unfinished business:

-A motion was made by Clarice and 2nd by Diane and approved by all to amend our unfinished business agenda to include discussion of “Discovery Overlay” the new interlibrary loan system for South Dakota libraries.  After the discussion a motion was made by Karen, 2nd by Cheryl and approved by all to sign up Grant County Public Library for the new system.  The cost of the project is being funded by the South Dakota State Library.

-The final budget approval will be coming on September 30th.  At this point it appears that we will have a stable budget for 2016.

-The carpeting of the Library will begin around October 8th.  There may be some days that the Library will need to be closed for the safety of the patrons.

New Business:

-A discussion was then held on how to handle sex offenders using the library, as well as the SD state laws regarding such.  SD Codified Law 22-24B-24 states: No person who is required to register as a sex offender as defined in this chapter may loiter within a community safety zone or a public library unless the person was under age 18 at the time of the offense and the offender was not tried and convicted of the offense as an adult.  A new provision dealing with this issue will be added to the Grant County Public Library Policy and Procedure Manual.  The Library Director will contact County Sherriff Kevin Owen to see about a notification system and other issues.

-The Library Director and the Board were notified by Janelle Kelly, Big Stone City Branch Library Manager, that the City Council of Big Stone City at their last council meeting set a budget to be used to pay the librarian for working an additional 3 hours per week.  The Board has asked for this to go before the County Commissioners.

-Jody will try one more time the week of October 18-24, Friends of the Library Week, to reorganize the Grant County Public Library Friends Group.

-The Classical Music Month display from Steve Misener is being well received. Some group tours have been arranged.

Upcoming events:

-September 8-30th Steve Misener Classical Music Month display

-September 16th Reading Adventures

-September 22nd Tech Tuesday

-September 24th Game Day

-September 28-October 1st – Banned Book Week

-October 8th – Wacky Wednesday

Next meeting:  October 8th at 4:15 pm

With no further business Marge adjourned the meeting.


Minutes for the Grant County Public Library Board of Trustees

Thursday, August 6, 2015   4:15 pm

President Marge Bohn called the meeting to order with all members present.  A motion was made by Clarice, 2nd by Cheryl and approved by all to accept the July meeting minutes as read. There was no public input.  The financial reports for July were then reviewed and a motion was made by Dusty, 2nd by Diane and approved by all to accept.

The Librarian’s report for July was 4917 total checkout circulation and patron count of 4244.  EBook checkout was 363 and computer usage was 666 hours.

Unfinished business:

-Summer Reading Program is complete with the rescheduled puppet show held on July 21.  Due to the reschedule coming up against several VBS sessions – we did not make 100 kids like most other events.

-The 6-7-8th grade SRP party was well attended and we had 8 for the VPD painting session for our last hurrah

– The Unexplained Research program on Wednesday night was extremely well attended with overflow out our community room double doors

-carpet estimates and stack mover rental costs are in and now waiting for approval

-Cindy and Lou Ann thought the Jim Gill workshop was wonderful and thanked the Board for letting them attend

New Business:

-The LaBolt Outreach Library was discussed.  After discussing how the book transfers, check ins and checkouts are handled,  a motion was made by Karen to provide LaBolt with donation books and run it with the Little Free Library concept.  This was 2nd by Clarice and approved by all.  Jody will be talking to Cyndy about this change which will be effective January 2, 2016.

-The Library Board reviewed the library policy on donated books and it will remain “GCPL accepts unrestricted, irrevocable gifts of books and other library materials in clean, useable condition”.  Due to a recent donation to the BSC Branch Library, a motion was made by Karen, 2nd by Clarice and approved by all to allow this one time exception to our policy and allow the donation in question to remain as a permanent item in the BSC Branch Library.

-Otter Tail Power Company is offering a limited number of grants for purchasing AED’s in their service territory. Jody will complete and submit an application for the Library.

-Jody asked for approval to attend the SDLA conference in Rapid City on September 23-24-25.  A motion was made by Dusty , 2nd by Cheryl and approved by all to have Jody attend the SDLA conference.

Upcoming events:

-Space Day is planned for August 12th.

-Book Sale will be August 10-26

-September 8-30th Steve Misener’s Classical Music Month display

–  watch for many other activities coming back in September and beyond like:  Tech Tuesday, Reading Adventures,  Lego Club, etc……

Next meeting:  September 10th at 4:15 pm

With no further business Marge adjourned the meeting.


Minutes for the Grant County Public library Board of Trustees
Thursday, July 9, 2015 4:15 pm
President Marge Bohn called the meeting to order with 5 members (Clarice, Cheryl, Dusty, Diane) present. A
motion was made by Cheryl, 20d by Clarice and approved by all to accept the June meeting minutes as read. There
was no public input. The financial reports for June were then reviewed and a motion was made by Diane, 20d by
Dusty and approved by all to accept.
The Librarian’s report June was 5107 total checkout circulation and patron count of 3959. EBook checkout was 374
and computer usage was 648 hours.
Unfinished business:
-Summer Reading Programs have been extremely well attended with most programs topping 100 children
– New carpet in the community room has received many compliments.
New Business:
-We had a sudden cancellation of Markie Scholz and her puppets for July 8’h due to illness, but were able to book
the fireman as our Heroes for the Day.
-We are proceeding with estimates for carpet replacement in the main library as well as renting stack movers so we
do not have to empty all our shelving.
-Janelle has expressed concern about the hours for the Big Stone Branch library and the ability to get all her
summer reading program activities done in the allowed time. After some discussion, all open to the public branch
library hours will remain at 7 hours per week.
-The first budget hearing for Grant County Public library was 9:45 am on July 9’h
– The South Dakota library Network will no longer be available to public libraries as of July 1, 2016. For our library
means that we lose one source of ordering interlibrary loans and we also lose a few of our electronic resources.
After a discussion, a motion was made by Diane, 20d by Cheryl and approved by all to discontinue our membership
beginning July 1, 2015.
Upcoming events:
-Summer Reading Program events: Wednesday yet on July 15’h and we have rescheduled Markie Scholz and her
puppets for July 21″
– The 6-7-8,h grade program has their afterhour’s party on July 21 and a possible VPD painting session on July 23’d
-Cindy and Lou Ann will be attending the Jim Gill workshop on July 23’d in Watertown
– Local author – Adora Hooper – scheduled a book talk/signing for July 30’h
-Chad Lewis of Unexplained Research will be here August 5’h
-Space Day is planned for August 12’h.
Next meeting: August 6th at 4:15 pm
With no further business Marge adjourned the meeting.


Minutes for the Grant County Public Library Board of Trustees
Thursday, June 4, 2015 4:15 pm
President Marge Bohn called the meeting to order with all members (Karen, Clarice, Cheryl, Dusty, Diane) present. A motion was made by Clarice, 2nd by Dusty and approved by all to accept the April meeting minutes as read. There were no public comments, but a thank you note was shared with the Board. The financial reports for May were then reviewed and a motion was made by Cheryl, 2nd by Diane and approved by all to accept.
The Librarian’s report for May was 3781 total checkout circulation and patron count of 3472. EBook checkout was 382 and computer usage was 694 hours.
Unfinished business:
-Due to a medical condition Alice need to resign from Experienced Works. But she did sign up to be a volunteer on an as needed basis.
-Jody verified that the 2015 budget did not include the metal covers for the outdoor planters. This will be included in the 2016 budget.
-As of this date, no more information has yet been received on the “South Dakota Share it” for interlibrary loans
New Business:
-Preschool and 1st grade tours in May included 77 children
-May 20th we had 2 last minute elementary tours with 31 children
-There was not a formal Tech Tues in May, but 4 people still received assistance with personal reading devices
-Summer Reading Program at this point has 95 children registered
-All county offices are closed on Friday, July 3rd, and a discussion was held on the Library being closed on July 4th. A motion was made by Karen and 2nd by Clarice and approved by all to close the Library on July 4th.
-A discussion was held on the Library providing fax services. It was decided to not offer fax services because this would tie up staff time and phone lines.
-Janelle has asked for support for the Big Stone Branch Library and the 130th Celebration for Big Stone City. Janelle
(Big Stone Branch Library) has taken care of the parade candy and will be providing some type of vehicle for the July 12th parade. The Grant County Library system will provide signs and parade decorations for July 12th and bags for the children in the kiddy parade on Saturday July 11th
-The water softener leakage with concerning for the carpet and wall is being taken care of through insurance. The wall is now dry and new carpet will be installed.
-A discussion was held on new patrons to our system. Beginning in July 2015 – when a new family/individual receives a library card a welcome postcard will now be sent out.
Upcoming events:
-Capital for a Day on June 11th: First Lady Linda Daugaard will be hosting a story time here at 11:00
-Most Summer Reading Program events are Wednesdays June 3-July 15th. The 6-7-8th grade afterhour’s party will be on July 21st and the VPD painting is July 23rd for those that qualify.
-We just had a local author – Adora Hooper – sign up for a book talk/signing for July 30th
-Chad Lewis of Unexplained Research will be here August 5th
-Space Day is planned for August 12th.
A discussion then followed on the Milbank Garden Club being able to use our community room for their one day flower show. That is certainly a possibility and Marge will let the club know.
Next meeting: July 9th at 4:15 pm ——– With no further business Marge adjourned the meeting.


Minutes for the Grant County Public Library Board of Trustees
Thursday, May 7, 2015 4:15 pm
President Marge Bohn called the meeting to order with all members (Karen, Clarice, Cheryl, Dusty, Diane) present. A motion was made by Diane, 2nd by Dusty and approved by all to accept the April meeting minutes as read. The financial reports for April were then reviewed and a motion was made by Clarice, 2nd by Cheryl and approved by all to accept.
The Librarian’s report for April was 3898 total checkout circulation and patron count of 2981. EBook checkout was 337 and computer usage was 603 hours. Motion by Cheryl, 2nd by Diane and approved by all to accept report.
Unfinished business:
-The Jim Gill workshop in Watertown on July 23rd is free for librarians to attend and Jody has requested that 2 employees would be allowed to attend. A motion was made by Karen, 2nd by Dusty and approved by all to allow Cindy and Lou Ann to attend the workshop. This workshop is also open to any Library volunteers that would like to attend.
-The YARP meeting in Sioux Falls is Friday, June 5th at 11:00 at WHS. Jody has requested that either she or Tammy attend. A motion was made by Clarice, 2nd by Diane and approved by all to allow both Jody and Tammy to attend as long as the library work schedule will allow.
– As of this date we have not yet received official word from Experience Works on a start date for Alice Bernard
-Collette will be returning from medical leave and her first day back is May 14th.
-ITC has installed the free cable TC service to the Library
– The outdoor metal planter covers were discussed. Jody will check if they are actually in the general budget for 2015. Gary Hystad from Revillo had given us a bid last fall for $1,300.
New Business:
– Reading Adventures on April 8th had 22 kids
-April 15th Lego club had 24 children
-Money smart Week April 21 Lunch & Learn with Dale Nelson from Great Western Bank had 13 in attendance
And the tot school had a story/craft session on April 22 with 16 children in attendance
-April 28th Tech Tuesday had 14 people receiving assistance
-The April 22nd Volunteer Appreciation afternoon was lightly attended
-Taco Johns hosted a SRP fundraiser on May 4th from 5-8 at their location with a % of
the evenings profits going to SRP (as of this date I don’t have a $ amount)
-Wonderful community support for the Summer Reading Program: all major events have
sponsors but I do have some businesses to do personal stops at this month
-“South Dakota Share It” for interlibrary loans and one stop searching for multiple library physical card catalogs as well as the data bases available from SD State Library was discussed. Jody had contacted the State Library as to the Grant County Library interest in this project, but no decision has been made by the State Library or Grant County yet as to implementation.
– The Library had entered Labels for Education Grand Stand Sweepstakes and received an award in the amount $1,000 to be used as the Library has need for.
Upcoming events:
Preschool tours: May 7th – with Nicole Scott
Koch 1st grade tours – all 4 classes: May 8th
– SRP sign up May 26 – May 30th
– A schedule for Summer Reading Program was distributed to the Board
– SD One Book discussion to be held with Babes & Bob Book Club – June 1st
7. Next meeting: June 4th at 4:15 pm
With no further business being brought forth Marge adjourned the meeting.
All Board members then watched a 10 minute video from United for Libraries: The Association of Library Trustees, Advocates, Friends and Foundations (a division of the American Library Association) – available through a link from the South Dakota State Library titled “Short Takes for Trustees: Board Meetings”. Handouts for the Board members were also available. A short discussion followed concerning any changes that need to be made to our current format. Currently our agenda is posted on the Library website and the agenda is posted on the public bulletin board. That bulletin board posting will be moved the library front door. Jody will add a public comment time on our agenda as well as adding the meeting date to our monthly news article in the Review. The agenda postings must be available to the public 24 hours before the actual meeting.


Minutes for the Grant County Public Library Board of Trustees

Thursday, April 9, 2015

President Marge Bohn called the meeting to order with Karen and Clarice absent.  A motion was made by Cheryl, 2nd by Diane and approved by all to accept the March meeting minutes as read. The financial reports for March were then reviewed and a motion was made by Diane, 2nd by Cheryl and approved by all to accept.

The Librarian’s report for March was 3849 total checkout circulation and patron count of 3487.  Feb EBook checkout was 425 and computer usage was 616 hours.  Motion by Dusty and 2nd by Diane and approved by all to accept report

Unfinished business:

-Tammy attended the Tech Conference on March 18-19 and brought back great information and created connections with other librarians

-National Volunteer Week (April 12-18) but the Library we will be setting up an afternoon open house at the Library for our volunteers on April 22nd from 1:00 – 3:00 pm

-Cypress Resume is up and running from our website and we will be offering a workshop on April 23rd at 1:00 pm

-The Jim Gill workshop in Watertown on July 23rd is free for librarians to attend, Jody will bring attendee names to May meeting including any interested volunteers

-The Board renewals of Diane, Marge, Dusty and Karen were approved by the commissioners

-The Gates Grant money has been spent for new items for our workstation (Maker Space)

New Business:

-The Genealogy workshop was extremely well attended and there is community interest in the Library hosting it again

-Our Tech Tuesday’s one on one appointment spaces are always filled even Aprils already; we will resume these in September

-the adult reading program had 156 participants:  March program attendance, Lego club 18, Reading Adventures 7, Movie Day 6, game day Bingo 11, and daycare reading had 10 kids

-Summer Reading Programming (theme:  Every Hero has a Story) is well underway:  sign up begins May 26th and the finale is on July 15th.  We have sheriff and K9 unit presenting, Guard unit presenting, working on the medical hero day personnel yet.  Jody reported that the community is being very supportive with contributions and most large items are already sponsored.

-Experience Works: paper work for Alice Bernard is underway and we are looking at a possible start date of April 20th

-SD One Book discussion with “Ordinary Grace” will be hosted by the Library and the Babes and Bob Book Club on June 1st at 7:00 pm – it is open to the public and we have copies of the books available at the library from the SD Humanities Council

-Chad Lewis has been booked for his “South Dakota Guide to Haunted Locations” presentation on August 5th

-We have 2 new volunteers:  Rebekah Tuchscherer and Libby Brantner

-ITC has offered us the free cable TV services that the Milbank City Office wishes to pass on.  A motion was made by Diane and 2nd by Dusty will approval by all to accept this free cable TV service for the Library.

Upcoming events:

Lego Club April 14th:  National Library Week April 13-18:  Money Smart Week April 20-25 with a Lunch & Learn program on April 21st:  Tech Tuesday April 28th:  Also preschool tours with Mrs. Graf on April 14th and 15th.

—–Next meeting:   May 7, 2015 at 4:15 pm

With no further business being brought forth Marge adjourned the meeting.


Minutes for the Grant County Public Library Board of Trustees

Wednesday, March 5, 2015 at 4:15 pm

Vice President Diane Pillatzke called the meeting to order with 4 members present.  A motion was made by Clarice, 2nd by Cheryl and approved by all to accept the February meeting minutes as read. The financial reports for February were then reviewed and a motion was made by Karen, 2nd by Clarice and approved by all to accept.

The Librarian’s report for Feb was 3528 total circulation and patron count of 2551.  Feb EBook checkout was 352 and computer usage was 519 hours.

Correspondence:  Memorials were received in memory of Marge Price, which will be deposited in the 246 unrestricted library funds.

Unfinished business:

-Tammy will be attending the Tech Conference on March 18-19

-National Volunteer Week (April 12-18) we will be setting up an afternoon fellowship at the Library

-Karen gave us an update on the smoke free areas.  It passed the commissioners; therefore, all the park area and surrounding grounds for the Library will be smoke free areas.

New Business:

-Board members Diane Pillatzke, Marge Bohn and Dusty Mueller terms have all renewed until January 2018.  Karen Layher’s term renewed until January 2016.

-The new webpage is up and running.  Jody will look into an app for the Library, especially an app for our Verso card catalog system.

-The Cypress Resume system was looked at for the Library. A motion was made by Karen and 2nd by Cheryl and approved by all to purchase this resume system license, which will be good for one year.

– We have some Gates Grant funding that must be used before or in April 2015.  Jody will look into updating our public work center with a new computer, adobe Photoshop, Microsoft office suite, and a 3D printer.

-There is a workshop offered at the Watertown Library on July 23rd with Jim Gill.  He uses music as a literacy learning tool and library programming tool.  Jody will check into cost and report back to Board.

– Also there is a YARP meeting in Sioux Falls on June 5th (it will be just a day trip).  It was hoped that Tammy or Jody could attend this meeting about young adult literature.

-Jody gave an update on the Summer Reading Program activities that are in the works for the “Every Hero has a Story” program.

-Our volunteer Barb is back on the schedule at the end of March and Edith our new volunteer is starting in March.

– Janelle and Shawna are speaking at the Christian Women’s Club in Big Stone City on April 21st

Upcoming events:

-Wacky Wednesday  March 4th   –Reading Adventures March 11th     —Movie day March 12th    –-Lego Club March 10th     —Tech Tues by appointment March 24th         —Teen Tech Week (March 8-14) and teen book club Movie on March 10th    —– Game Day March 21st ——  Genealogy workshop on March 26th.

—–Next meeting:   April 9, 2015 at 4:15 pm

With no further business being brought forth Diane adjourned the meeting.


Minutes for the Grant County Public Library Board of Trustees

Wednesday, February 4th at 4:15 pm

President Marge Bohn called the meeting to order with all six members present.  A motion was made by Clarice, 2nd by Diane and approved by all to accept the December meeting minutes as read. The financial reports for December 2014, yearend 2014 and January 2015 were then reviewed and a motion was made by Cheryl, 2nd by Karen and approved by all to accept.

The Librarian’s report for Dec was 3398 total circulation and patron count of 2593.  Dec EBook checkout was 308 and computer usage was 450 hours.  For January circulation was 3521, patron count 2615, EBook checkout 411 and computer usage 473 hours.

Correspondence:  A thank you note from Mary was shared.  A thank you note from a patron was also shared, she had received help scanning and printing photographs.

Unfinished business:

-Great Western Bank and Kiwanis donation:  TV is mounted and Kiwanis gave $400 for peripherals.  Picture has been in Review and thank you notes sent.  A donation plate has been ordered for TV.

-survey response:  only about 12 surveys were completed, but we have implemented some new programs and offerings in response (Lego and movie day, reading adventures, Tech Tuesday)

– Library Tech Conference in March for Tammy:  She did not receive scholarship, registration was paid in Dec of 2014 and her hotel reservations are made.

-End of year project update:  Lighting done and greatly appreciated, workroom floor newly cleaned and waxed and looks great, extra books and audio/visuals were ordered, Advantage EBook program through Overdrive is up and running, and new bookshelf for LP is in place.

-Mary’s last day was January 2nd and she really appreciated her bell and cabinet

-Farm and Home show:  shared booth with Radio Shack and it was well received

-Discussion on Library joining Milbank Chamber of Commerce.  A motion was made by Karen and 2nd by Clarice and approved by all not to have Library join.  However, all like the idea of doing the Farm & Home show again in 2016.

New Business:

-February cleaning day:  A motion was made by Dusty and 2nd by Diane and approved by all to allow the staff to  be closed to the public until noon on February 12th to allow for computer cleaning and other cleaning.

-Summer Reading Program Jumpstart workshops were then discussed:  A motion was made by Dusty and 2nd by Clarice and approved by all to allow Shawna and Teresa to attend the February 27th session is Watertown.

-Mokacha Study Club wants a wish list of items from the Library as they are looking at a donation.

– Janelle requested a worker for February 11th (she has volunteers for Feb 7 and Feb 14).  A motion was made by Clarice and 2nd by Cheryl and approved by all to have Shawna work Feb 11th from 2-6 at BSC library.

-National Volunteer Week was also discussed (April 12-18).  We will be acknowledging our volunteers with an afternoon fellowship gathering with light finger foods served.

-Karen notified the Board of a proposal before the commissioners that would make all surrounding Library and courthouse property (minus the courthouse parking lot) smoke free.

Upcoming events:

-Read to me program for ages 0-5 will be January 12th to February 19th.  Closing Party on Feb 19th

-One game day was held on January 20th and the Library was closed on January 19th

-Wacky Wednesday February 4th  and March 4th   -Movie day February 10th   -Lego Club February 11th

-Tech Tues by appointment February 24th

—–Next meeting:  March 5, 2015 at 4:15 pm

With no further business being brought forth Marge adjourned the meeting.


No meeting held in January due to weather.


Minutes for the Grant County Public Library Board of Trustees                                         Thursday, December 4, 2014 5:15 pm

President Marge Bohn called the meeting to order with 5 members present (Karen Layher was absent).  A motion was made by Cheryl, 2nd by Diane and approved by all to accept the November meeting minutes as read. The financial reports were then reviewed and a motion was made by Clarice, 2nd by Cheryl and approved by all to accept.

The Librarian’s report for November was 2146 total circulation and patron count of 2288.  EBook checkout was 279 and computer usage was 827 hours.

Unfinished business:

-The part time position has been filled.  Lue Ann Kiemele started duties on December 3rd.

-The Kiwanis agreed to donate $400 towards our internet ready TV for teaching and storytimes.  Steve Nomeland from Great Western Bank called to report that they have ordered the large screen TV for the library.

-The survey is out to the public and due back December 15th

-Tammy has applied for a scholarship to the Library Tech Conference in March of 2015 and registration begins December 10th.

-Christmas gathering and potluck for Library Board, Volunteers and staff and Lib managers after Board meeting tonight

New Business:

-Jody is going to check with Pauli to see if the workroom floor could be cleaned and waxed before year end

-Signing up the library for the Advantage program through our OverDrive eBook system was discussed.  All are in favor of signing up for Advantage due to the ½ price special until December 31, 2014.

-Mary’s open house for her retirement was planned

-A report was given on the Friends of the Library and another meeting will be tried in January or February.

-A discussion was held about the Library sharing a Farm & Home Show booth with Radio Shack on January 16-17th.  A motion was made by Cheryl and 2nd by Marge and approved by all to have the Library share the booth.

-The lighting in the library was also discussed, especially the 2 back walls and the SD room. A motion was made by Dusty and 2nd by Clarice and approved by all to upgrade the lighting as budget allows.

– A discussion was held about the Library joining the Milbank Chamber of Commerce.  Jody will check into the particulars.

Correspondence:  A thank you note from the Library staff was read to the Board for allowing the extra Saturdays off during the holidays.

Upcoming events:

-Closed Dec 24th at noon.  Closed December 25-26-27

-Close at 5:00 pm on December 31st

-Closed on January 1, 2015

-Read to me program for ages 0-5 will be January 12th to February 19th.

Next meeting:  January 8, 2015 at 4:15 pm

With no further business being brought forth Marge adjourned the meeting.


Minutes for the Grant County Public Library Board of Trustees

Thursday, November 6, 2014 at 4:15 pm

President Marge Bohn called the meeting to order with all members present.  A motion was made by Diane, 2nd by Clarice and approved by all to accept the October meeting minutes as read. The financial reports were then reviewed and a motion was made by Dusty, 2nd by Cheryl and approved by all to accept.

The Librarian’s report for October was 4064 total circulation and patron count of 3520.  EBook checkout was 317 and computer usage was 721 hours.

Unfinished business:

-The part time position interviews (4) will be set up for the week of November 11th.

-The October 29th Kiwanis meeting went well and Marge followed up with a letter to the group.  Jody also received a call from Steve of Great Western Bank and she will be meeting with him on November 7th.

-Power of the Printed Word exhibit was dismantled on Nov. 4th with a total of 150 individual people viewing from SD, ND, MN and Oregon

– Teen Read Week was well received with many Trivia quizzes completed for prizes

-The Electronic Resources morning on October 23rd was very informative.  Marge joined the employees for the session and the public open house had several people stopping to have Jane from SD State Library help with their electronic devices.

– Game Day is being well received with the Bingo games and for November 15th, International Game Day, Tammy is planning Bingo with a special big finish Bingo game for a turkey.

New Business:

-Jody stepped out while the board completed a six month Director Evaluation, There was a motion which carried to retain Jody as the Library Director

-Jody will be putting together a community survey on 2015 library programming and putting it in the paper and hand outs in the Library.

-There will be a Christmas gathering for staff, volunteers and board on December 4th.  The Board meeting will be at 5:15 pm with a potluck lunch, games and white elephant gift exchange to follow.

-The LaBolt Outreach Library was discussed

-Jody inquired about Tammy attending the Library Tech Conference in St. Paul, MN on March 18-19, 2015.  A motion was made by Karen, 2nd by Clarice and approved by all to have Tammy attend.

– The County Commissioners approved county offices to be closed on the Friday after Thanksgiving (November 28th).  A motion was made by Marge, 2nd by Dusty and approved by all to close the Library on Saturday November 29th as well.

Upcoming events:

-Story time November 6-13-20

-Friends of Library meeting November 12th at 5:15 pm.  Board members volunteered to furnish cookies and juice.

-Library will be closed November 11th and November 27-28-29th.

Next meeting: December 4th at 5:15 pm

With no further business being brought forth Marge adjourned the meeting.


Minutes for the Grant County Public Library Board of Trustees

Thursday, October 9, 2014 at 4:15 pm

President Marge Bohn called the meeting to order.  Cheryl Conrad was absent. A motion was made by Clarice, 2nd by Diane and approved by all to accept the August minutes as read.  The financial reports were then reviewed and a motion was made by Karen, 2nd by Clarice with approval by all to accept.

The Librarian’s report for August was then given with a total circulation of 3688 and patron count of 3622.  EBooks checked out for August were 280 and computer usage was 741 hours.  The 2014 book sale brought in $639.61.

Unfinished business:

-Anniversary/Statehood events were well received

-SDLA conference report from Jody.  The library’s Lego kit (which was won through a grant) was also picked up from Pierre.  Jody reported that Robin was named SD Librarian of the Year.

-Jody qualified for SD State Library certification and library accreditation was also discussed

New business:

-The ad for part time position will be in next week’s paper with a close date of October 27th

-SDLA prairie bud and prairie pasque book award program was discussed

-The library policy on children getting cards was reviewed.

-Using the library fines fund for a programming purchase for the library was discussed

Upcoming events:

-Power of the Printed Word from Steve Misener will be here from October 10 to November 3rd, with special presentations on October 20th at 6:30 pm and October 21 at 1:30 pm.

-Story time for ages 4-7 will be held November 6, 13 and 20 with a Robot theme and using our new Lego kit for one session

-Teen Read week will have special displays with new books and reviews by the teen council.  Also trivia

sheets will be available to complete for awards.

-Jody is still working out the details for Friends of the Library week October 20 -25.  Letters to current members, newspaper articles and a scheduled meeting the last week of October is in the works.

-Jane Healy from State Library will be here October 23rd from 8:30 to 10:00 am for database workshops and electronic device help for staff, board and volunteers.  From 10:00 to 1:00 Jane will be then available for an Electronic Petting Zoo for the public.

-With the county offices and the Library closing at noon on December 24th and being closed on December 25 and 26, Jody asked if the Library could be closed on Saturday December 27th.  A motion was made by Clarice and 2nd by Diane and approved by all to close the Library on Saturday December 27th.

-The next meeting is set for November 6th at 4:15 pm

With no further business being brought forth, Marge adjourned the meeting.


Minutes for the Grant County Public Library Board of Trustees

Thursday, September 4, 2014 at 4:15 pm

President Marge Bohn called the meeting to order. A motion was made by Diane, 2nd by Dusty and approved by all to accept the August minutes as read.  The financial reports were then reviewed and a motion was made by Clarice, 2nd by Dusty with approval by all to accept.

The Librarian’s report for August was then given with a total circulation of 3787 and patron count of 3642.  EBooks checked out for August were 262 and computer usage was 892 hours.  The book sale is going well and will end on September 6th.  St. Williams, Beverly and Park Place have been contacted and will be taking some cassette books for their residents.

Unfinished business:

-The automatic doors are in, working and paid for. Thank you to the Christian Service Council for their contribution.

-Jody met with the commissioners on September 2nd for an updated 2015 budget request concerning the circulation desk and part time hours.  The 2015 budget approval is set for September 23rd.

-The hiring decision of a new Paraprofessional (to replace an individual retiring at the end of 2014) was made pending approval by the commissioners.  A recommendation to hire Shawna as the new paraprofessional was made by Jody and then a motion was made by Clarice, 2nd by Dusty and approved by all.  After this transition we will again need to hire another part time (10-12 hour a week individual).

New business:

-Steve Misener and the Power of the Printed Word is coming from October 10 – November 3rd, with special presentations so far October 18, 20 and 21.

-Tammy and the Teen Council are working on updating Game Days.  The Sept 20th, Oct 18th, Nov 15th and Dec 20th Saturdays are going to be Candy Bar Bingo and we are offering the regular 2nd Tuesday evenings of the month.

-In the discussion of hours both here in Milbank and at the Branch Libraries, it was noted that the Branch Library hours need to be kept 7 hours per week for each Branch.

-September is Library card sign-up month and we are promoting in house, in news articles and working on elementary school visits.

-A poster was handed out with all the Anniversary events.

-Also September 18th is Read an EBook Day and it was mentioned in our news article and is being promoted as our Tech Event for September and people can come in with their devices for help.

-Banned Books week will be observed from September 21-17 and was also mentioned in the news article and will be observed with special displays in the library.

-Jody was granted permission to attend the SD Library Conference in Pierre on October 1, 2 and 3

-The next meeting is set for October 9th at 4:15 pm

With no further business being brought forth, Marge adjourned the meeting.


Minutes of the Grant County Public Library Board of Trustees

Thursday, August 7, 2014

President Marge Bohn called the meeting to order at 4:15 pm.  Others members present were Diane Pillatzke, Clarice Robertson, Cheryl Conrad, Dusty Mueller and Jody Carlson.

A motion was made by Clarice to approve the July 10th minutes and a 2nd by Cheryl.  The motion passed.  A motion was made by Dusty and 2nd by Diane to approve the financial reports as presented.  The motion passed.

The Librarian’s report was given with a circulation of 4576 and patron count of 4120.  E book circulation was 305 and computer usage for July was 984 hours.  The American Girl program just concluded with an average attendance of 11 per day.  Upcoming events are listed in the business agenda.

Unfinished business:

-The Electric work for the automatic doors is completed and we received word that Brian’s Glass would be here Friday, August 8th for installation. (funding: $2,000 donation from Christian Service Council and balance from Library fine fund)

-2015 budget process was discussed.  The Board would like to propose to the Commissioners to use memorial money for purchasing the circulation desk.  That circulation desk budget item funding could then be put back into part time employee hours.

-An ad for the full time Paraprofessional position was reviewed with the hiring for October.

– The old stored National Geographic magazines were discussed.  Marge had asked an individual about help with selling them and was turned down.  Jody had called Farrell Auction and was told magazines don’t sell through auctions.  This will be tabled and brought up again in January of 2015.

-Reminder of the book sale coming up from August 11-Sept 6.  All cassette books and VHS tapes are being removed from the Library and available on the book sale.

New business:

-Library will be closed Labor Day – Monday September 1st

-Following a discussion it was decided to allow Janelle to work only as the Big Stone Branch Manager and quit working in Milbank effective September 1st.  We will work on filling the full time Paraprofessional position at this time before reevaluating part time positions and hours.

-Update on 35th Anniversary and 125th statehood recognition week of September 15-20th.   Phyllis Schrag will be presenting on Monday the 15th and Tuesday the 16th.  Barbara Johnson will be leading a One Book SD discussion on Thursday evening September 18th.  Jody called Connie Larson from the Chamber and the city and chamber will be doing 125th statehood recognition on Saturday September 27th.

-Game day/night and Tech Nights will be back in September and continue through April

Any other business:

-September is Library card month and it was suggested by Cheryl to have a table at the Koch School Open house to encourage Library usage.

-Steve Misener will be setting up a “Power of the Written Word” display for at least 2 weeks in October, as well as doing public presentations.

-Fall Story time is set for November 6, 13 and 20

-next meeting will be September 4th at 4:15pm

With no other business being brought forward Marge adjourned the meeting.


Minutes of the Grant County Library Board of Trustees

July 10, 2014

The Board of Trustees meeting was called to order at 4:15 pm by VP Diane Pillatzke. Other members present were Karen Layher, Dusty Mueller, Cheryl Conrad and Jody Carlson.

A motion was made by Cheryl and 2nd by Dusty to approve the June 5th minutes – motion carried.  A motion was made by Dusty and 2nd by Karen to approve all the financial reports – motion carried.

The Librarians report noted a circulation of 3901, eBook checkout 278, total patron count of 4737 and reported 995 hours of computer usage in Milbank.  The ages 4-5-6 Summer Reading Sessions have concluded with an average attendance of 25 per session.  The June 13th juggler had 125 in attendance, experiment day had 23 in attendance with the average session attendance for grades 1-5 being 35.  Summer reading point accumulation ends on July 18th.  The grades 6-7-8 party session is coming up on July 24th.  American Girl is July 28th – August 1st and we will be having a book sale from August 11 thru September 6th.

Unfinished business:

-The automatic door openers should be going in by the end of July, this Friday the electrician is working.

-The vertical blinds are up and appreciated.

-The estimate for metal coverings on our planters is $800-$1,000.  As they have just been primed and painted we will bring this up again in April or May of 2015 and reassess the situation.

-The new part time Library Assistant, Teresa Adolph, stated on July 9th.

-The 2015 budget process is ongoing.  Jody will meet again with the Commissioners in September to readdress the number of hours for part time employees as well as reworking funding for the circulation desk, water fountain and carpeting.  These issues will be brought back to the August Board meeting.

New Business:

-Summer Reading Program, American Girl and Book Sale were all addressed in the Librarian’s report.

-There was a current part time employee update.

-Janelle asked for a Milbank worker to cover for her on August 13th and possibility August 16th.  A motion was made by Karen and 2nd by Diane:  If the August schedule permits, a Milbank worker will fill in on August 13th, but if she wishes to be open on August 16th, she needs to find a volunteer:  motion carried.

– As Mary will be retiring early January 2015, a plan was put in place for hiring her replacement.  A job ad will be put out Aug/Sept, with hiring in October.

-At a previous meeting all the old National Geographic magazines were discussed.  Jody is to call Farrell Auction to see if these sell and we will readdress this issue in August.

Next Board meeting is set for August 7th at 4: 15 pm.  As no other business was brought forth Diane then adjourned the meeting.


Minutes of the Grant County Library Board of Trustees

June 5, 2014

The Board of Trustees meeting was called to order at 4:15 pm by President Marge Bohn.  Other members present were Karen Layher, Dusty Mueller, Diane Pillatzke, Clarice Robertson, Jody Carlson and new trustee Cheryl Conrad.

A motion was made by Clarice and 2nd by Diane to approve the May 5th minutes – motion carried.  A motion was made by Dusty and 2nd by Diane to approve the financial reports – motion carried.

The Librarians report noted a circulation of 3701 for May.  EBook checkout was 262 and patron count was 3747.  Story time was held for 3 & 4 year olds on May 1st and 8th with approximately 20 attending each night.  Preschool and 1st grade tours were held with 135 participants.  The summer reading program kick off was May 30th with 120 in attendance.  We are now in full swing with our summer reading programs.

Unfinished business:

-Karen has received the Christian Service Council check towards our automatic doors and Jody will send a Thank you.

-The vertical blinds for office have been ordered, just not yet received.

-The outside planters have been painted and Karen is awaiting an estimate for metal covering.

-The applications for part time Library Assistant were reviewed.  Jody will do initial phone call interviews and then pick 2 or 3 for personal interviews.

-GCPL 35th Ann. update:  Sept 15 & 16 Phyllis Schrage will be the presenter and on Sept 18th is the One Book SD Discussion.

– Karen made a motion to accept Cheryl Conrad as the new trustee and 2nd by Clarice – motion carried.   Welcome to our new trustee Cheryl Conrad.  Jody had handouts for all the trustees with the new information about the SD Board of Trustee wiki.  So the manual is now online and able to to updated much more frequently. It even has blogs and message boards.

New business:

-2015 budget process: The Library budget will come before the commissioners on June 18th or 19th.  We have included flooring estimates, circulation desk replacement, and will be getting a lighting estimate from Magadanz for track lighting along our back walls.  More part time hours were also included along with an upgrade in the Milbank internet speed.  We will see how the finances work out for the county and what we are able to work with.

-October database training presented by Jane Healy from SD State Library will be held Thursday, October 23rd from 8:30 – 10:00 am for all employees as well as trustees.  Then from 10:30-1:00 Jane will hold an Open House Electronic Petting Zoo.

With no further business being brought forth Marge Bohn then adjourned the meeting.


Minutes of the Grant County Public Library Board of Trustees

May 5, 2014

The Board of Trustees meeting was called to order at 4:15 pm by President Marge Bohn. Other members present were Karen Layher, Dusty Mueller, Diane Pillatzke, Clarice Robertson, Sherry Monson and Jody Carlson.

A motion was made by Diane and 2nd by Clarice to approved the April 3rd minutes – motion carried. A motion was made by Sherry and 2nd by Dusty to approve the financial reports – motion carried.

The Librarians report noted a circulation of 3851 for April. EBook checkout was 286 and patron count was 3128. April 24th was Technology night and Mrs. Grafs classes visited the library on the 24th and 25th.

Unfinished business:

-On May 6th at 4:30 pm the Broadband committee will be coming to inspect.

-Karen said the Library’s front automated doors should be on order, but she did not think we had yet received the $2,000 from the Christian Service Council. Jody noted that a Thank You note should be sent upon receipt.

-After making a comeback, Collette was having issues again last week and could not come in to work. She is scheduled for surgery and should only be out about 2 ½ weeks for that, so back to work June 23rd.

-The office carpet looks really nice, but a bill has not yet been received. A motion had been made and approved at the April meeting to go ahead with blinds for the office windows. After showing the Board different options, Jody was given to approval for vertical blinds.

-The outside planter boxes are currently being scraped and may be stained right away if the bid for siding can’t be handled in this year’s budget.

-Revillo Branch reopened April 23rd. However, after discussing the PO Box rental and deciding to cancel the library box and use the city box, the postmaster stated 2 units can’t share a box. So we are back to using P. O. Box 97 for the Revillo Library magazines etc. and paying a yearly rental.

-Staffing for the main library was discussed. Jody will be running an ad for a part time library assistant at 10-12 hours per week. (This is to replace Tammy’s part time hours)

New business:

-Karen called the States Attorney and told him to send 2nd requests for the Library and a list of those patrons has already been sent over.

-The Library’s 35th Anniversary will be celebrated September 15-20th. Thursday the 18th will be a One Book SD discussion. Marge stated that she will donate the application fee for the book discussion leader through SD Humanities. Using an additional SD Humanities speaker for the Anniversary was discussed with Sherry making a motion to have another speaker and possibly include day time presentations for school children. This was 2nd by Clarice and motion carried. Jody will also work with Sharon from the museum to include some exhibits and promoted the states 125th Anniversary.

-Summer Reading Program kick off on May 30th was discussed and the Milbank Mall will be sponsoring the inflatables for the event.

-Flooring for the main library and community room was brought up and Jody will get some estimates. A new circulation desk was also discussed and Jody will get some prices for that also.

-Thank you to Sherry Monson for her past years of service on the Board of Trustees. She will be missed in the community.

-New trustee names were brought forth. Marge will call Cheryl Conrad and see if she will accept the position.

The phone and open hour’s situation was discussed for the branch libraries. No branch Library will be getting a phone due to the fact that it is not cost effective for the 7 hours each branch is open per week. At this point no branch library hours will change.

The next meeting will be June 5th at 4:15 pm

Meeting Adjourned


Minutes of the Grant County Public Library

Board of Trustees – April 3, 2014

The Grant County Library Board of Trustees held its monthly meeting at 4:15 pm on Thursday, April 3, 2014. Marge Bohn, Karen Layher, Dusty Mueller, Diane Pillatzke, Clarice Roberterson, Mary Lee, Sherry Monson and Jody Carlson present.

President Bohn called the meeting to order.  A motion was made by Diane, 2nd by Dusty and approved to accept the March 6th minutes as well as the special meeting minutes from March 11th.  The financial reports were also reviewed.  A motion was made by Sherry and 2nd by Dusty and approved by all to accept the financial reports.

The librarians report noted a circulation for March of 4012 with a patron count of 3070.  EBook checkouts for March were 311 with a total eBook checkout for 2013 of 2421. The technology night was successful and busy with 17 people participating.

We discussed overdue letters and the collection letters that the States Attorney sends out on behalf of the Library.  Karen will talk to Reedstrom and see what kind if any kind of a follow up letter is sent from the States Attorney’s office.

Unfinished business:

Broadband grant – Kiel was in the office on Wed the 2nd to complete the wiring and installation of new routers, etc.  All the grant computers are up and running.  Two of the three tablets need to be readied for public use yet.   All matching grant items have now been purchased and the final matching grant receipts need to be mailed to SD Broadband by mid April.

Library front entrance doors:  The Christian Service Council has agreed to donate $2,000 towards making the entrance doors handicap accessible.  Total cost will be $3,800.  A motion was made by Clarice and 2nd by Dusty and approved by all to have the other $1,800 coming from our memorial fund.

Collette:  Collette has requested to try a couple shifts of 2 hours each to see if her health will allow her to return to work.  Board approved.

Painting office: Office painting is complete.  A discussion was held on replacing the carpeting as the office is empty.  Jody did get an estimate from Hanson furniture.  A motion was made by Dusty and 2nd by Diane and approved by all to replace the carpeting and also the window treatments with the petty cash fund.

The quilt raffle and FOL was discussed.  Jody would like to wait and try to rally the FOL group this fall and possibly have FOL use the quilt for a raffle. The Board was in favor.

Marge Bohn presented the finalized Grant County Public Library mission statement and Collection Development Policy.  A motion was made by Clarice, 2nd by Sherry and approved by all to accept.  The copies were then dated and signed by the Board President.

New business:

The new director was welcomed.

The outside planter boxes were discussed as to fixing and painting.  Karen will look into some different options.

The GCPL’s 35th anniversary was discussed.  Jody has some ideas and suggested the week of September 15-20th for the celebration along with the recognition of the state’s 125th anniversary.   More ideas to come in the future.

There will be a Spring Storytime on May 1st and May 8th for ages 3 and 4.  Also, April 8th is the upcoming Lunch & Learn Financial Program and the One Book SD Discussion.  On April 24th there will be a Technology Night.

Revillo Branch Manager:  The applications were reviewed with a motion by Clarice, 2nd by Sherry and approved by all to hire Yvette Johnson for the position.  Jody will set up training sessions and have Yvette set the 7 hours she would like the Library open (one evening or Saturday).  The goal is to be open again on a regular basis by May 1st.  A discussion was then held on the post office box in Revillo for the Library mail.  Karen will look into any other options for the Library mail delivery.

Experience Works:  Libby Brantner will be done at the end of December with the Experience Works program.  This will be a big loss for the library as she works 20 hours a week.

Staffing at main library: The IT position will now need to be filled.  After discussing possible promotions from within, a motion was made by Diane, 2nd by Sherry  and approved by all to offer the IT position to Tammy Wollschlager at 32 hours per week.  This is effective upon commissioners approval and a review will be conducted in 6 months.

Jody then discussed computers and the ending of support for XP computers. It was approved to use funding from the Gates Fund on 2 additional computers.

Next meeting will be May 8th at 4:15 pm

Meeting Adjourned


Minutes of the Grant County Public Library

Board of Trustees – Tuesday, March 11, 2014, 5:45 p.m.

 A special board meeting was held on the above date after interviews were completed by the board on Tuesday.

Bohn called the meeting to order at 5:45 p.m. to discuss the interviews. Marge Bohn, Karen Layher, Diane Pillatzke, Sherry Monson, Clarice Robertson, and Mary Lee were present. Mueller was not in attendance. After discussing the interviews all board members agreed that Jody Carlson was the best applicant for the position of library director. Bohn requested a motion to offer Carlson the job. Motion by Robertson and seconded by Monson to approve the offer to Carlson.  Approved by all. Offer is contingent upon county commission approval.

Bohn and Layher will meet with Carlson on Thursday, March 13, 2014 to offer Carlson the job.

Bohn adjourned the meeting.